of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented
professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
Requirements: Bachelor degree in Accounting, min. 3 years experience in related positionStrong knowledge in
Accounting system, taxation general accounting, and
accountingGood problem solving, mature, independent, analytical thinking and attention to
detailStrong leadership, result oriented and able to work under pressureFluent in English (oral and written)
Send your application along with Curriculum Vitae and
a recent photograph to:
recruitment@ investor.
Kamis, 30 April 2009
Product Manager
JAC Recruitment, member of the TAZAKI Group, is an international recruitment consultant provides
Recruitment & Selection (Executive Search, Staff Placement), Personnel
& Legal Consulting, Translating & Interpreting services.
Currently we are looking for qualified candidates for our Client, a
multinational company and well known as dermatology specialist in pharmaceutical industries to be located in Jakarta; for the position of:
Product Manager (PM)
- Male/Female.
- At least 3 to 5 years working experience in the pharmaceutical industry with good contacts/networking with doctors, pediatric and dermatology.
- Hold diploma/bachelor degree in pharmacy, medical or biology.
- Have experience in a Multinational Pharmaceutical Industry will be an advantage.
- Independent, resourceful, able to strategize, knows the market well and is able to plan marketing activities to spearhead business in Indonesia.
- Must have good understanding and
fluency in English.
- Attractive
remuneration package and other fringe benefit will be provided upon a
successful candidate.
We treat our candidate resumes in a
professional manner and strictly confidential, as our code of ethics.If you meet the above requirements and
interested with the position, please send your Curriculum Vitae in English with photograph, to:
PT JAC Indonesia
Menara Cakrawala (Skyline Building)
19th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 9
Telp: (021) 315 9504 / 06
Email: pungki@jac-recruitm
Recruitment & Selection (Executive Search, Staff Placement), Personnel
& Legal Consulting, Translating & Interpreting services.
Currently we are looking for qualified candidates for our Client, a
multinational company and well known as dermatology specialist in pharmaceutical industries to be located in Jakarta; for the position of:
Product Manager (PM)
- Male/Female.
- At least 3 to 5 years working experience in the pharmaceutical industry with good contacts/networking with doctors, pediatric and dermatology.
- Hold diploma/bachelor degree in pharmacy, medical or biology.
- Have experience in a Multinational Pharmaceutical Industry will be an advantage.
- Independent, resourceful, able to strategize, knows the market well and is able to plan marketing activities to spearhead business in Indonesia.
- Must have good understanding and
fluency in English.
- Attractive
remuneration package and other fringe benefit will be provided upon a
successful candidate.
We treat our candidate resumes in a
professional manner and strictly confidential, as our code of ethics.If you meet the above requirements and
interested with the position, please send your Curriculum Vitae in English with photograph, to:
PT JAC Indonesia
Menara Cakrawala (Skyline Building)
19th Floor
Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 9
Telp: (021) 315 9504 / 06
Email: pungki@jac-recruitm
Rabu, 29 April 2009
PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali
Pembangkitan Jawa Bali sebagai salah satu Perusahaan Pembangkitan
Listrik di Indonesia membuka kesempatan bagi putra-putri terbaik untuk
bergabung menjadi Calon Karyawan PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali, dengan
persyaratan sebagai berikut :
1. Pendidikan S1 (Non Kependidikan)
- Teknik
: Elektro (SL), Mesin (SM), Informatika (IF), Lingkungan
(TL), Sipil (TS) .
- Non Teknik : Hukum (HK), Ekonomi
Manajemen konsentrasi non Pemasaran (ME), Akuntansi (AKT).
2. Batas Usia : Kelahiran
tahun 1982 dan sesudahnya.
3. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki dan Perempuan.
4. Status
: Belum menikah.
5. Sehat jasmani dan rokhani (tidak memiliki ketunaan fisik yang
dapat menghambat aktivitas kerja), tidak
buta warna, bebas narkoba, tidak bertato,
tidak bertindik (khusus laki-laki) dan melampirkan Surat
Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter.
1. Nilai IPK minimal 2,75 (S1 Teknik) dan 3,00 (S1 Non Teknik).
2. Mempunyai sertifikat TOEFL dengan skor minimal 450.
1. Pelamar terlebih dahulu mengisi aplikasi online yang terdapat
di website PT PJB (
link karir,
selanjutnya mencetak form isian tersebut.
2. Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada Konsultan rekrutmen dengan mencantumkan
no registrasi* pada sampul surat
lamaran (pojok kanan atas) dengan melampirkan
a. Form isian aplikasi online
yang terdapat di website PT PJB.
b. Foto kopi ijazah SD, SMP, SMA
dan S1 (ijazah S1 harus dilegalisir) .
c. Foto kopi transkip nilai yang
telah dilegalisir.
d. Foto kopi KTP dan akte kelahiran.
e. Pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x
6 sebanyak 2 lembar.
f. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian
g. Surat pernyatan diri di atas
materai Rp. 6000,- tentang :
Kesanggupan untuk ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT Pembangkitan
Jawa Bali.
Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkotika dan zat adiktif
Bagi yang memiliki ijazah lebih tinggi dari S1, tidak akan menuntut
pengakuan atas ijazah yang dimilikinya.
Bersedia tidak menikah selama menjalani masa OJT.
Tidak memiliki ikatan dinas dengan instansi lain dan tidak sedang
menerima beasiswa pendidikan
instansi lain yang bersifat mengikat.
h. Melampirkan foto copy sertifikat
3. Pendaftaran/ lamaran ditujukan kepada :
PO BOX 10 SB IKIP, Surabaya -
(dalam amplop tertutup warna coklat)
4. Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 4 Mei 2009 (cap pos).
5. Tidak dilakukan komunikasi (surat menyurat, telepon) selama
tahapan seleksi berlangsung.
6. Seluruh tahapan seleksi tidak dikenakan biaya apapun dan pelamar
dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak
yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam
proses seleksi ini.
7. Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.
8. Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak yang tidak
dapat diganggu gugat.
*) No registrasi akan didapat setelah pelamar mengisi aplikasi online.
Proses rekrutmen menggunakan sistem gugur, dengan tahapan sebagai berikut :
1. Seleksi Administrasi
2. Seleksi Akademis dan Bahasa Inggris
3. Seleksi Psikologi
4. Seleksi Wawancara Kompetensi
5. Seleksi Kesehatan
Hasil seleksi dan pemanggilan untuk mengikuti tahapan selanjutnya akan diumumkan melalui website PT PJB.
Surabaya, 20 April 2009
menghindari kesulitan mencetak file yang anda isikan, mohon semua
software download accelerator (DAP, IDM, Getright, dll) dimatikan dan
install acrobat reader yang terbaru.
keterbatasan akses server kami, apabila peserta tidak mendapatkan no
registrasi setelah melakukan submit, dimohon tetap mengeprint form
RECRUITMEN yang telah diisi. kemudian kirimkan beserta dengan lampiran
persyaratan yang lain. Selanjutnya peserta dimohon mencantumkan "KODE
JURUSAN di bagian pojok atas kanan amplop."
info lebih lanjut klik : http://www.ptpjb. com/?p=link& sp=4
Pembangkitan Jawa Bali sebagai salah satu Perusahaan Pembangkitan
Listrik di Indonesia membuka kesempatan bagi putra-putri terbaik untuk
bergabung menjadi Calon Karyawan PT Pembangkitan Jawa Bali, dengan
persyaratan sebagai berikut :
1. Pendidikan S1 (Non Kependidikan)
- Teknik
: Elektro (SL), Mesin (SM), Informatika (IF), Lingkungan
(TL), Sipil (TS) .
- Non Teknik : Hukum (HK), Ekonomi
Manajemen konsentrasi non Pemasaran (ME), Akuntansi (AKT).
2. Batas Usia : Kelahiran
tahun 1982 dan sesudahnya.
3. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki dan Perempuan.
4. Status
: Belum menikah.
5. Sehat jasmani dan rokhani (tidak memiliki ketunaan fisik yang
dapat menghambat aktivitas kerja), tidak
buta warna, bebas narkoba, tidak bertato,
tidak bertindik (khusus laki-laki) dan melampirkan Surat
Keterangan Sehat dari Dokter.
1. Nilai IPK minimal 2,75 (S1 Teknik) dan 3,00 (S1 Non Teknik).
2. Mempunyai sertifikat TOEFL dengan skor minimal 450.
1. Pelamar terlebih dahulu mengisi aplikasi online yang terdapat
di website PT PJB (
link karir,
selanjutnya mencetak form isian tersebut.
2. Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada Konsultan rekrutmen dengan mencantumkan
no registrasi* pada sampul surat
lamaran (pojok kanan atas) dengan melampirkan
a. Form isian aplikasi online
yang terdapat di website PT PJB.
b. Foto kopi ijazah SD, SMP, SMA
dan S1 (ijazah S1 harus dilegalisir) .
c. Foto kopi transkip nilai yang
telah dilegalisir.
d. Foto kopi KTP dan akte kelahiran.
e. Pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x
6 sebanyak 2 lembar.
f. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian
g. Surat pernyatan diri di atas
materai Rp. 6000,- tentang :
Kesanggupan untuk ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT Pembangkitan
Jawa Bali.
Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkotika dan zat adiktif
Bagi yang memiliki ijazah lebih tinggi dari S1, tidak akan menuntut
pengakuan atas ijazah yang dimilikinya.
Bersedia tidak menikah selama menjalani masa OJT.
Tidak memiliki ikatan dinas dengan instansi lain dan tidak sedang
menerima beasiswa pendidikan
instansi lain yang bersifat mengikat.
h. Melampirkan foto copy sertifikat
3. Pendaftaran/ lamaran ditujukan kepada :
PO BOX 10 SB IKIP, Surabaya -
(dalam amplop tertutup warna coklat)
4. Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 4 Mei 2009 (cap pos).
5. Tidak dilakukan komunikasi (surat menyurat, telepon) selama
tahapan seleksi berlangsung.
6. Seluruh tahapan seleksi tidak dikenakan biaya apapun dan pelamar
dihimbau untuk mengabaikan pihak-pihak
yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan dalam
proses seleksi ini.
7. Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.
8. Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak yang tidak
dapat diganggu gugat.
*) No registrasi akan didapat setelah pelamar mengisi aplikasi online.
Proses rekrutmen menggunakan sistem gugur, dengan tahapan sebagai berikut :
1. Seleksi Administrasi
2. Seleksi Akademis dan Bahasa Inggris
3. Seleksi Psikologi
4. Seleksi Wawancara Kompetensi
5. Seleksi Kesehatan
Hasil seleksi dan pemanggilan untuk mengikuti tahapan selanjutnya akan diumumkan melalui website PT PJB.
Surabaya, 20 April 2009
menghindari kesulitan mencetak file yang anda isikan, mohon semua
software download accelerator (DAP, IDM, Getright, dll) dimatikan dan
install acrobat reader yang terbaru.
keterbatasan akses server kami, apabila peserta tidak mendapatkan no
registrasi setelah melakukan submit, dimohon tetap mengeprint form
RECRUITMEN yang telah diisi. kemudian kirimkan beserta dengan lampiran
persyaratan yang lain. Selanjutnya peserta dimohon mencantumkan "KODE
JURUSAN di bagian pojok atas kanan amplop."
info lebih lanjut klik : http://www.ptpjb. com/?p=link& sp=4
BRANCH MANAGER - Balikpapan base
Our client, a leading diesel manufacturing company in Indonesia is seeking a Branch Manager for its Balikpapan branch. The qualifications are:
- Engineer Degree with 10 years experience in after sales service and or operations in diesel engine, with 5 years in managerial position
- Excellent in leadership, communications, negotiation & presentation
- Have appropriate knowledge and familiar with the function of service set-up including workshop, logistics, warehouse, service & part sales
- Proficient in English, spoken and written.
- Have adequate experience/knowledg e in IT
Interested applicants with matched qualifications should send the application & CV (in Ms. Word format) to denni-windari@ jda-indonesia. before May 8.
- Engineer Degree with 10 years experience in after sales service and or operations in diesel engine, with 5 years in managerial position
- Excellent in leadership, communications, negotiation & presentation
- Have appropriate knowledge and familiar with the function of service set-up including workshop, logistics, warehouse, service & part sales
- Proficient in English, spoken and written.
- Have adequate experience/knowledg e in IT
Interested applicants with matched qualifications should send the application & CV (in Ms. Word format) to denni-windari@ jda-indonesia. before May 8.
PT. Asuransi kredit Indonesia
PT. Asuransi kredit Indonesia (Askrindo)/Persero, merupakan badan Usaha Milik
Negara ( BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang asuransi kredit dan penjaminan, membuka
kesempatan Kepada Warga Negara Indonesia baik pria maupun wanita untuk
berkarier di PT. ASKRINDO dengan kualifikasi Pendidikan Sarjana ( S1)
berlatar belakang pendidikan :
-Teknik : Sipil , Arsitektur , Industri
-Teknik Informatika
-Manajemen Informatika
-Ekonomi : Studi Pembangunan / Akuntansi / Keuangan / Perpajakan
-Manajemen : Manajemen/Bisnis
-Adminstrasi Niaga
-Ilmu Hukum
-Warga Negara Indonesia, Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani .
-Belum Menikah.
-Tidak sedang terikat perjanjian / kontrak kerja dengan instansi pemerintah /
swasta lain .
-bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia.
-Minimal mengerti penggunaan dasar komputer ( Microsoft office ) dan internet
(browsing & surat elektronik/email )
-Berijazah Sarjana ( S1 ) dari perguruan tinggi Negeri / perguruan tinggi
swasta yang telah mendapat akreditasi (minimal A ) atau dari Perguruan Tinggi
Luar Negeri yang telah mendapat pengesahan dari Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
-Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) minimal 2,75 ( dua koma tujuh lima) .
-Kualifikasi Pendidikan sesuai dengan posisi yang tersedia
-Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik ( lisan dan tertulis );
-Usia tidak lebih dari 28 tahun pada tanggal 31 Desember 2008.
-PT. ASKRINDO hanya menerima lamaran yang melalui pos .
-Keputusan hasil seleksi bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat di ganggu gugat .Pada
setiap tahapan seleksi , hanya pelamar yang di nyatakan lulus dapat mengikuti ke
tahap seleksi berikutnya .
-Proses rekrutmen dan seleksi ini tidak di kenakan biaya apapun .
-Segala biaya transportasi dan akomodasi para pelamar selama menjalani seleksi
menjadi tanggungan pribadi
Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran , Curiculum Vitae , Copy
Ijasah / Surat Keterangan Lulus , Copy Trankrip Nilai , Phas Photo 4 x 6
sebanyak 2 lembar dan kami terima paling lambat tgl 6 Mei 2009 ke :
Bagian Sumber Daya Manusia PT . ASKRINDO
Jl . Angkasa Blok B-9 , kav-8 Kemayoran – Jakarta 10610
Seleksi direncanakan akan diselenggarakan di Jakarta, Makassar,
Denpasar, Surabaya,
Semarang, Banjarmasin, Palembang, Medan, Pekanbaru, Pontianak. Tuliskan Lokasi
Tes yang dipilih di Bagian Sudut Kiri Atas AMPLOP LAMARAN.
Negara ( BUMN) yang bergerak di bidang asuransi kredit dan penjaminan, membuka
kesempatan Kepada Warga Negara Indonesia baik pria maupun wanita untuk
berkarier di PT. ASKRINDO dengan kualifikasi Pendidikan Sarjana ( S1)
berlatar belakang pendidikan :
-Teknik : Sipil , Arsitektur , Industri
-Teknik Informatika
-Manajemen Informatika
-Ekonomi : Studi Pembangunan / Akuntansi / Keuangan / Perpajakan
-Manajemen : Manajemen/Bisnis
-Adminstrasi Niaga
-Ilmu Hukum
-Warga Negara Indonesia, Sehat Jasmani dan Rohani .
-Belum Menikah.
-Tidak sedang terikat perjanjian / kontrak kerja dengan instansi pemerintah /
swasta lain .
-bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia.
-Minimal mengerti penggunaan dasar komputer ( Microsoft office ) dan internet
(browsing & surat elektronik/email )
-Berijazah Sarjana ( S1 ) dari perguruan tinggi Negeri / perguruan tinggi
swasta yang telah mendapat akreditasi (minimal A ) atau dari Perguruan Tinggi
Luar Negeri yang telah mendapat pengesahan dari Departemen Pendidikan Nasional
-Indeks Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) minimal 2,75 ( dua koma tujuh lima) .
-Kualifikasi Pendidikan sesuai dengan posisi yang tersedia
-Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik ( lisan dan tertulis );
-Usia tidak lebih dari 28 tahun pada tanggal 31 Desember 2008.
-PT. ASKRINDO hanya menerima lamaran yang melalui pos .
-Keputusan hasil seleksi bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat di ganggu gugat .Pada
setiap tahapan seleksi , hanya pelamar yang di nyatakan lulus dapat mengikuti ke
tahap seleksi berikutnya .
-Proses rekrutmen dan seleksi ini tidak di kenakan biaya apapun .
-Segala biaya transportasi dan akomodasi para pelamar selama menjalani seleksi
menjadi tanggungan pribadi
Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan surat lamaran , Curiculum Vitae , Copy
Ijasah / Surat Keterangan Lulus , Copy Trankrip Nilai , Phas Photo 4 x 6
sebanyak 2 lembar dan kami terima paling lambat tgl 6 Mei 2009 ke :
Bagian Sumber Daya Manusia PT . ASKRINDO
Jl . Angkasa Blok B-9 , kav-8 Kemayoran – Jakarta 10610
Seleksi direncanakan akan diselenggarakan di Jakarta, Makassar,
Denpasar, Surabaya,
Semarang, Banjarmasin, Palembang, Medan, Pekanbaru, Pontianak. Tuliskan Lokasi
Tes yang dipilih di Bagian Sudut Kiri Atas AMPLOP LAMARAN.
Senin, 27 April 2009
Perusahaan retail fashion yang sedang berkembang, memiliki lebih
dari 70 counter yang tersebar di berbagai Department Store terkemuka,
mengundang anda yang berjiwa dinamis, menyukai tantangan dan berdedikasi tinggi
Kualifikasi :
Wanita, berusia
maksimal 30 tahun
Pendidikan minimal D3
sebagai Sekretaris min 2 tahun, berlatar belakang dari industri retail /
garment akan menjadi nilai tambah
Memiliki kemampuan
analisa yang baik
Komunikatif, luwes
dan mampu beradaptasi dengan cepat
Tanggap, mampu
bekerja dengan cepat dan mampu mengatasi kompleksitas pekerjaan
Teliti dan
menyukai pekerjaan detail
Menguasai komputer
ditempatkan di kawasan Bandengan, Jakarta Kota
Diutamakan yang
dapat bergabung dengan segera
Kirim lamaran dan CV ke rec.dkp@gmail. com, paling lambat 1 Mei 2009
dari 70 counter yang tersebar di berbagai Department Store terkemuka,
mengundang anda yang berjiwa dinamis, menyukai tantangan dan berdedikasi tinggi
Kualifikasi :
Wanita, berusia
maksimal 30 tahun
Pendidikan minimal D3
sebagai Sekretaris min 2 tahun, berlatar belakang dari industri retail /
garment akan menjadi nilai tambah
Memiliki kemampuan
analisa yang baik
Komunikatif, luwes
dan mampu beradaptasi dengan cepat
Tanggap, mampu
bekerja dengan cepat dan mampu mengatasi kompleksitas pekerjaan
Teliti dan
menyukai pekerjaan detail
Menguasai komputer
ditempatkan di kawasan Bandengan, Jakarta Kota
Diutamakan yang
dapat bergabung dengan segera
Kirim lamaran dan CV ke rec.dkp@gmail. com, paling lambat 1 Mei 2009
PT Mitra Solusi Infinitum (Infinitum Solution),
perusahaan solusi di bidang perangkat lunak yang berada di Jakarta memerlukan
tenaga-tenaga programmer untuk bekerja sebagai Freelancer.
Deskripsi Proyek:
Proyek yang akan ditangani adalah pembuatan dan pengembangan aplikasi
untuk solusi B2B
yang akan dikerjakan selama 3 bulan.
Posisi yang ditawarkan:
//-- WebProgrammer --//
Mengerti dan menguasai:
- Konsep MVC.
- Database Design dan Query.
- Data Flow Diagram
Nilai Tambah:
- Linux, Windows Server
- Shell Scripting, Perl
- pernah bekerja di perusahaan konsultan software.
Ketentuan Umum:
- bisa bekerja sama dalam tim.
- bersedia 2 kali seminggu untuk project coordination meeting (lokasi Jakarta).
- pendidikan minimal D3/S1.
- kirim surat lamaran, cv dan foto melalui email ke jobs[at]infinitum. com
- cantumkan portofolio dan gaji yang diinginkan.
- semua email harus sudah masuk sebelum tanggal 10 Mei 2009
lamaran dikirim ke: jobs[at]infinitum.
perusahaan solusi di bidang perangkat lunak yang berada di Jakarta memerlukan
tenaga-tenaga programmer untuk bekerja sebagai Freelancer.
Deskripsi Proyek:
Proyek yang akan ditangani adalah pembuatan dan pengembangan aplikasi
untuk solusi B2B
yang akan dikerjakan selama 3 bulan.
Posisi yang ditawarkan:
//-- WebProgrammer --//
Mengerti dan menguasai:
- Konsep MVC.
- Database Design dan Query.
- Data Flow Diagram
Nilai Tambah:
- Linux, Windows Server
- Shell Scripting, Perl
- pernah bekerja di perusahaan konsultan software.
Ketentuan Umum:
- bisa bekerja sama dalam tim.
- bersedia 2 kali seminggu untuk project coordination meeting (lokasi Jakarta).
- pendidikan minimal D3/S1.
- kirim surat lamaran, cv dan foto melalui email ke jobs[at]infinitum. com
- cantumkan portofolio dan gaji yang diinginkan.
- semua email harus sudah masuk sebelum tanggal 10 Mei 2009
lamaran dikirim ke: jobs[at]infinitum.
Jumat, 24 April 2009
of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented
professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
Responsibilities: 1. Responsible in planning, implementing and maintaining a
comprehensive audit program
2. Planning and executing internal audit fieldwork and internal
controls work3. Ensure that all business process are conducted according to
Requirements: a. Bachelor degree in Accounting, max. 40 years oldb. Min. 5 years experience in auditing, preferably in Internal
Auditor, preferably experience in KAP will be advantagec. In-depth understanding and application of generally accepted
accounting principles and auditing standards, internal control
models.d. Excellent planning, time management, collaboration, decision
making, organization, presentation and negotiation skills.e. Ability to write
reports, business correspondence and
procedures manuals.f. Strong leadership, self-motivated, temawork, good analytical and
communication skill.g. Have conceptual and systematic thinking and fast learnerh. Excellent in English (oral & written)
Please send your application along with
Curriculum Vitae and a recent photograph to :
recruitment@ investor.
Only short-listed
candidates will be notified
of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented
professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
Responsibilities: 1. Responsible in planning, implementing and maintaining a
comprehensive audit program
2. Planning and executing internal audit fieldwork and internal
controls work3. Ensure that all business process are conducted according to
Requirements: a. Bachelor degree in Accounting, max. 40 years oldb. Min. 5 years experience in auditing, preferably in Internal
Auditor, preferably experience in KAP will be advantagec. In-depth understanding and application of generally accepted
accounting principles and auditing standards, internal control
models.d. Excellent planning, time management, collaboration, decision
making, organization, presentation and negotiation skills.e. Ability to write
reports, business correspondence and
procedures manuals.f. Strong leadership, self-motivated, temawork, good analytical and
communication skill.g. Have conceptual and systematic thinking and fast learnerh. Excellent in English (oral & written)
Please send your application along with
Curriculum Vitae and a recent photograph to :
recruitment@ investor.
Only short-listed
candidates will be notified
Kamis, 23 April 2009
of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented
professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
To explore news and keep the public informed about important events or news.
Bachelor degree from any majoredHave a big interest in JournalismHave experience writing articles in English or in BahasaCreative and innovativeExcellent communication skillHave a good mastery of English
Send your application along with
Curriculum Vitae and a recent photograph within 2
weeks after this advertisement to:
recruitment@ investor.
of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented
professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
To explore news and keep the public informed about important events or news.
Bachelor degree from any majoredHave a big interest in JournalismHave experience writing articles in English or in BahasaCreative and innovativeExcellent communication skillHave a good mastery of English
Send your application along with
Curriculum Vitae and a recent photograph within 2
weeks after this advertisement to:
recruitment@ investor.
accounting staff
of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented
professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
ACCOUNTING SPVRequirements: Bachelor degree in Accounting, min. 3 years experience in related positionStrong knowledge in
Accounting system, taxation general accounting, and
accountingGood problem solving, mature, independent, analytical thinking and attention to
detailStrong leadership, result oriented and able to work under pressureFluent in English (oral and written)
Male / FemaleBachelor degree form college or university majoring in AccountingMin. 1 year working experience in accounting, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
Understand about accounting proceduresDetail- oriented, highly organized, strong analytical skill and able to work under pressure to meet deadlinesExcellent computer literacy (Ms Office)Good command of spoken and written in
Send your application along with Curriculum Vitae and
a recent photograph to:
recruitment@ investor.
of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented
professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
ACCOUNTING SPVRequirements: Bachelor degree in Accounting, min. 3 years experience in related positionStrong knowledge in
Accounting system, taxation general accounting, and
accountingGood problem solving, mature, independent, analytical thinking and attention to
detailStrong leadership, result oriented and able to work under pressureFluent in English (oral and written)
Male / FemaleBachelor degree form college or university majoring in AccountingMin. 1 year working experience in accounting, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
Understand about accounting proceduresDetail- oriented, highly organized, strong analytical skill and able to work under pressure to meet deadlinesExcellent computer literacy (Ms Office)Good command of spoken and written in
Send your application along with Curriculum Vitae and
a recent photograph to:
recruitment@ investor.
Support Program Pemberdayaan Perikanan
Support Program Pemberdayaan Perikanan
Pria, single
Usia max 26
Mampu bekerja dengan Internet dan Ms. Office
Menguasai bidang perikanan
Lulusan Minimal D3 Perikanan/ kelautan IPK 3,00
Komitmen dan bersedia ditempatkan di Bogor
Hobi dibidang perikanan
Punya kendaraan sendiri
Staff Program
Mampu bekerja Tim
Menguasai Internet web cam dan Ms. Office
Menguasai bidang program dan event
Lulusan Minimal D3 IPK 3,00
Tegas, dan berdedikasi tinggi
HANYA kandidat yang lulus seleksi administrasi yang akan DI PROSES.
Silahkan segera kirimkan Surat Lamaran, ijasah, transkrip nilai & CV lengkap beserta Pas Photo terbaru ke : infopppa@yahoo. com. Dengan Subject Lowongan Perikanan
Atau Via Pos : Graha Daarul Qur´an Kawasan Bisnis CBD Ciledug Blok A3 n0. 21. Karang Tengah Tangerang Banten
PPPA Daarul Qur'an
Graha Daarul Qur'an
Ruko CBD Cileduk Blok A3 No.21
Karang Tengah Cileduk Tangerang
Tel. 02173453000 Fax. 021-73444858
http://www.pppanews .org http://www.pppa.
Support Program Pemberdayaan Perikanan
Pria, single
Usia max 26
Mampu bekerja dengan Internet dan Ms. Office
Menguasai bidang perikanan
Lulusan Minimal D3 Perikanan/ kelautan IPK 3,00
Komitmen dan bersedia ditempatkan di Bogor
Hobi dibidang perikanan
Punya kendaraan sendiri
Staff Program
Mampu bekerja Tim
Menguasai Internet web cam dan Ms. Office
Menguasai bidang program dan event
Lulusan Minimal D3 IPK 3,00
Tegas, dan berdedikasi tinggi
HANYA kandidat yang lulus seleksi administrasi yang akan DI PROSES.
Silahkan segera kirimkan Surat Lamaran, ijasah, transkrip nilai & CV lengkap beserta Pas Photo terbaru ke : infopppa@yahoo. com. Dengan Subject Lowongan Perikanan
Atau Via Pos : Graha Daarul Qur´an Kawasan Bisnis CBD Ciledug Blok A3 n0. 21. Karang Tengah Tangerang Banten
PPPA Daarul Qur'an
Graha Daarul Qur'an
Ruko CBD Cileduk Blok A3 No.21
Karang Tengah Cileduk Tangerang
Tel. 02173453000 Fax. 021-73444858
http://www.pppanews .org http://www.pppa.
Rabu, 22 April 2009
HR Assistant
Edelman is the largest global independent public relations consultancy
and provides a full spectrum of public relations services to help build
image for the world's leading companies and brands. Indo Pacific
Edelman commenced operations in 1993, and is Indonesia's largest
public relations firm, with over 114 fulltime employees. The firm
specializes in six business practice areas: Financial & Investor
Relations; Healthcare; Corporate; Public Affairs/Government Relations;
Technology; and Brand PR. IndoPacific Edelman has on its client roster
leading multinational and national companies across the above sectors.
IndoPacific Edelman has a current requirement for the following
HR Assistant (position code: HRA)
The Human Resources Assistant performs a variety of highly responsible
administrative duties. He or she will assist HR Manager by providing
day-to-day operational HR support and counsel covering many or most of
the following areas: recruiting, benefits, training, employee relations,
employee communications, and employment documentation.
* Maintain employee information in HR database
* Maintain active and inactive employee personnel files
* Assist HR Manager in recruitment process i.e. scheduling interview,
maintain candidates database, pre employment background check.
* Facilitating new employee orientation
* Assist HR Manager in administering performance appraisal process
* Handling employee benefit (e.g. leaves, health insurance)
* Assist HR manager in logistic and administration process for
internal and external training.
* Collaborate with third party in handling expatriate documentation.
* Assist with special projects as assigned
* Ensure confidentiality of all information
- At least 1 years of working experience in Human Resources
- Minimum bachelor degree in social or related studies
- Good ability to manage multiple tasks/projects and prioritize
- Excellent administration skill with strong attention to
- Possess strong follow-up and ability to quickly respond to
- High degree of interpersonal and communication skills to
interact with all levels of staff is critical.
- Strong ability to handle confidential information
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)
- Good in both oral and written communications in Bahasa
Indonesia and English.
Interested applicants meeting the above qualifications should send their
resume and recent picture to agnes.diah@indopace
agnes.diah@indopace> and write the position code
(HRA) in the subject.
and provides a full spectrum of public relations services to help build
image for the world's leading companies and brands. Indo Pacific
Edelman commenced operations in 1993, and is Indonesia's largest
public relations firm, with over 114 fulltime employees. The firm
specializes in six business practice areas: Financial & Investor
Relations; Healthcare; Corporate; Public Affairs/Government Relations;
Technology; and Brand PR. IndoPacific Edelman has on its client roster
leading multinational and national companies across the above sectors.
IndoPacific Edelman has a current requirement for the following
HR Assistant (position code: HRA)
The Human Resources Assistant performs a variety of highly responsible
administrative duties. He or she will assist HR Manager by providing
day-to-day operational HR support and counsel covering many or most of
the following areas: recruiting, benefits, training, employee relations,
employee communications, and employment documentation.
* Maintain employee information in HR database
* Maintain active and inactive employee personnel files
* Assist HR Manager in recruitment process i.e. scheduling interview,
maintain candidates database, pre employment background check.
* Facilitating new employee orientation
* Assist HR Manager in administering performance appraisal process
* Handling employee benefit (e.g. leaves, health insurance)
* Assist HR manager in logistic and administration process for
internal and external training.
* Collaborate with third party in handling expatriate documentation.
* Assist with special projects as assigned
* Ensure confidentiality of all information
- At least 1 years of working experience in Human Resources
- Minimum bachelor degree in social or related studies
- Good ability to manage multiple tasks/projects and prioritize
- Excellent administration skill with strong attention to
- Possess strong follow-up and ability to quickly respond to
- High degree of interpersonal and communication skills to
interact with all levels of staff is critical.
- Strong ability to handle confidential information
- Proficiency in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel and PowerPoint)
- Good in both oral and written communications in Bahasa
Indonesia and English.
Interested applicants meeting the above qualifications should send their
resume and recent picture to agnes.diah@indopace
(HRA) in the subject.
Selasa, 21 April 2009
ADIRA Finance
Adira Finance sebagai salah satu lembaga pembiayaan terbesar di tanah air
di bawah Grup Danamon, dengan didukung 122 cabang dan 245 jaringan cabang
yang menyebar di Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali dan Nusa
Tenggara membutuhkan: Regional HRD&GA Officer
1. Usia Maksimal 30 thn
2. Pengalaman di bidang HR & GA minimal 3 tahun
3. Diutamakan lulusan Psikologi
4. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi baik dan dapat bekerja dalam tim
5. Memahami UU Tenaga Kerja
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta
Lamaran dialamatkan ke yoga.dewa@adira. atau
yoga.samudra@ gmail.comselamba t-lambatnya 28 April 2009.
di bawah Grup Danamon, dengan didukung 122 cabang dan 245 jaringan cabang
yang menyebar di Sumatera, Jawa, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Bali dan Nusa
Tenggara membutuhkan: Regional HRD&GA Officer
1. Usia Maksimal 30 thn
2. Pengalaman di bidang HR & GA minimal 3 tahun
3. Diutamakan lulusan Psikologi
4. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi baik dan dapat bekerja dalam tim
5. Memahami UU Tenaga Kerja
6. Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta
Lamaran dialamatkan ke yoga.dewa@adira. atau
yoga.samudra@ gmail.comselamba t-lambatnya 28 April 2009.
Senin, 20 April 2009
Dibuka lowongan untuk beberapa posisi:
1. Copywriter, copywriting untuk produk.
2. Design grafis, freshgraduate menguasai
Program program design.
3. Writer, untuk media majalah.
Lamaran Sertakan juga portfolio dan expected salary,cantumkan kode CP (copywriter) ,DG (design graphic), WR (writer) pada subject email. Kirim ke karirku@satujakarta .com
1. Copywriter, copywriting untuk produk.
2. Design grafis, freshgraduate menguasai
Program program design.
3. Writer, untuk media majalah.
Lamaran Sertakan juga portfolio dan expected salary,cantumkan kode CP (copywriter) ,DG (design graphic), WR (writer) pada subject email. Kirim ke karirku@satujakarta .com
ALFA MIDI yang bergerak di bidang retail Midle Market membutuhkan tenaga kerja yang bermotivasi tinggi, memiliki intergritas dan menyukai tantangan baru dengan posisi awal sbagai
1. Admin Buyer
- Usia maks 27 tahun
- pend Min D3 semua jurusan
- Belum Menikah
- Komunikatif
- Mampu melakukan Proses Filling
- Memiliki Kemampuan Bernegosiasi
- Wanita berpenempilan menarik
2. IT
- Pria, sanggup bekerja keras
- Menguasai Systim Jaringan
- bersedia mobile
- belum menikah
- usia maks. 27 th
- Pend. Min S1 Informatika / komputer
3. Purchasing
- Wanita
- memiliki kemampuan bernegosiasi
- Komunikatif, teliti, jujur
- Belum menikah
- Pend. Min D3 semua jurusan
- Usia Maks 27 tahun
4. Asisten kepala toko (AKT)
- Pria/wanita, mampu memimpin sebuah tim
- Sanggup bekerja dibawah tekanan
- bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh unit kerja Alfamidi
- belum menikah
- Pendidikan min S1 segala jurusan IPK 2.75
- Usia maks 27 tahun
1. Pramuniaga
2. Kasir
3. Driver
dengan persyaratan :
- Pria/wanita bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh Unit Kerja Alfamidi
- Belum menikah
- SMU/SMK sederajat
- Usia Maks 23 Tahun (No.1.2)
- Usia Maks 35 Tahun (No. 3)
- Memiliki SIM B -1 (No.3)
Bagi anda yang memenuhi kulifikasi sesuai dengan persyaratan, silakan datang pada :
Hari : Selasa & Kamis (21/04/09) & (23/04/09)
Waktu : 09.00 Wib
Tempat : PT. Midi Utama Indonesia (Alfamidi)
jl. Satelit raya Indah Blok JJ No. 10 Surabaya
(Sebelah SD Widya Merti)
1. Admin Buyer
- Usia maks 27 tahun
- pend Min D3 semua jurusan
- Belum Menikah
- Komunikatif
- Mampu melakukan Proses Filling
- Memiliki Kemampuan Bernegosiasi
- Wanita berpenempilan menarik
2. IT
- Pria, sanggup bekerja keras
- Menguasai Systim Jaringan
- bersedia mobile
- belum menikah
- usia maks. 27 th
- Pend. Min S1 Informatika / komputer
3. Purchasing
- Wanita
- memiliki kemampuan bernegosiasi
- Komunikatif, teliti, jujur
- Belum menikah
- Pend. Min D3 semua jurusan
- Usia Maks 27 tahun
4. Asisten kepala toko (AKT)
- Pria/wanita, mampu memimpin sebuah tim
- Sanggup bekerja dibawah tekanan
- bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh unit kerja Alfamidi
- belum menikah
- Pendidikan min S1 segala jurusan IPK 2.75
- Usia maks 27 tahun
1. Pramuniaga
2. Kasir
3. Driver
dengan persyaratan :
- Pria/wanita bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh Unit Kerja Alfamidi
- Belum menikah
- SMU/SMK sederajat
- Usia Maks 23 Tahun (No.1.2)
- Usia Maks 35 Tahun (No. 3)
- Memiliki SIM B -1 (No.3)
Bagi anda yang memenuhi kulifikasi sesuai dengan persyaratan, silakan datang pada :
Hari : Selasa & Kamis (21/04/09) & (23/04/09)
Waktu : 09.00 Wib
Tempat : PT. Midi Utama Indonesia (Alfamidi)
jl. Satelit raya Indah Blok JJ No. 10 Surabaya
(Sebelah SD Widya Merti)
Bermula dari Intisari, terbit pertama kali pada 7 Agustus 1963, kini Group of Magazine – Kompas Gramedia
tetap menjaga komitmen awal untuk menerbitkan produk – produk yang memberikan
informasi berkualitas dengan memperhatikan nilai-nilai yang berlaku di
Basis usaha Group of Magazine – Kompas Gramedia
adalah penerbitan periodikal. Sampai saat ini Group of Magazine memiliki
kurang lebih dari 40 tabloid dan majalah. Kedepan, Group of Magazine akan
masuk ke setiap segmen yang ada dan berada pada posisi market leader.
Saat ini kami sedang mencari seseorang dengan posisi sebagai :
Persyaratan :
Pendidikan Min. D3 segala jurusan
teknik fotografi
di bidang fotografi minimal 1 tahun.
dunia jurnalistik
Dapat bekerjasama dalam tim
Lampirkan : Contoh portfolio
foto karya Anda sendiri (foto indoor dan outdoor) !
Kirim Berkas CV
lengkap dan portfolio ke :
HR Department
Group of Magazine – Kompas Gramedia
Gd. Kompas
Gramedia, Unit I Lt. 8
Jl.Panjang No. 8A Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta 11530
Email : tyas@gramedia-
berkas lamaran dan lampiran tidak dikembalikan.
lamaran yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diundang mengikuti proses seleksi
tetap menjaga komitmen awal untuk menerbitkan produk – produk yang memberikan
informasi berkualitas dengan memperhatikan nilai-nilai yang berlaku di
Basis usaha Group of Magazine – Kompas Gramedia
adalah penerbitan periodikal. Sampai saat ini Group of Magazine memiliki
kurang lebih dari 40 tabloid dan majalah. Kedepan, Group of Magazine akan
masuk ke setiap segmen yang ada dan berada pada posisi market leader.
Saat ini kami sedang mencari seseorang dengan posisi sebagai :
Persyaratan :
Pendidikan Min. D3 segala jurusan
teknik fotografi
di bidang fotografi minimal 1 tahun.
dunia jurnalistik
Dapat bekerjasama dalam tim
Lampirkan : Contoh portfolio
foto karya Anda sendiri (foto indoor dan outdoor) !
Kirim Berkas CV
lengkap dan portfolio ke :
HR Department
Group of Magazine – Kompas Gramedia
Gd. Kompas
Gramedia, Unit I Lt. 8
Jl.Panjang No. 8A Kebon Jeruk
Jakarta 11530
Email : tyas@gramedia-
berkas lamaran dan lampiran tidak dikembalikan.
lamaran yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diundang mengikuti proses seleksi
*Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :*
- Pendidikan min. S1 ( Pangan / Gizi / Kimia )
- *Pria*, Usia max. 28 tahun
- Mengerti HACCP / ISO 22.000
- Mengerti SJH / Halal Assurance System
- Mengerti Sistem Kalibrasi & Program Statistik Process Control
- Index prestasi min 2,75
- Mempunyai Leadership yang kuat
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer & berbahasa Inggris ( lisan/tulisan )
*Kirimkan Lamaran Lengkap, CV dan Pas photo ke:*
*anastasia@indofood* <anastasia@indofood.>
*Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :*
- Pendidikan min. S1 ( Pangan / Gizi / Kimia )
- *Pria*, Usia max. 28 tahun
- Mengerti HACCP / ISO 22.000
- Mengerti SJH / Halal Assurance System
- Mengerti Sistem Kalibrasi & Program Statistik Process Control
- Index prestasi min 2,75
- Mempunyai Leadership yang kuat
- Mampu mengoperasikan komputer & berbahasa Inggris ( lisan/tulisan )
*Kirimkan Lamaran Lengkap, CV dan Pas photo ke:*
*anastasia@indofood* <anastasia@indofood.>
PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk
PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk (BII) didirikan pada tanggal 15
Mei 1959 dan memperoleh status bank umum devisa pada tahun 1988 serta
mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya pada
tahun 1989 melalui penawaran umum saham perdana (initial public
offering). Sejak itu BII terus berkembang menjadi salah satu bank
swasta nasional terkemuka di Indonesia dengan visi “Menjadi Bank
Terbaik di Indonesia yang Menyediakan Layanan Nasabah dan Produk
Inovatif Berkelas Dunia”.
Untuk mendukung kami Audit Internal unit, kami sedang mengundang talenta yang mencari tantangan baru untuk melamar:
a. Team Leader - Audit Pembangunan
- Min. Sarjana Muda, jurusan Akuntansi
- Lebih dari 3 tahun pengalaman dalam melakukan audit di bidang perbankan atau konsultan audit
- Bagus pengetahuan perbankan dalam operasi
- Dasar pengertian audit internal di sekolah
- Bagus komunikasi dan kemampuan manajerial
- Fasih berbahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tertulis
Melaksanakan tugas review kegiatan proyek pengembangan sistem aplikasi :
- Mereview Business Requirement Document (BRD) dan / atau Functional
Specification Document (FSD) dari sistem aplikasi yang dikembangkan
untuk memastikan bahwa rancangan sistem memenuhi kriteria kebutuhan
yang disyaratkan dan memenuhi standar pengamanan aplikasi komputer.
- Membuat kertas kerja hasil review BRD dan FSD.
- Mereview dokumen UAT Plan.
- Mereview proses pengujian sistem aplikasi ( User Acceptance Plan ).
- Mereview proses migrasi sistem aplikasi yang dikembangkan ke sistem produksi..
- Memiliki pengetahuan atau pengalaman min. 1 tahun dalam melakukan audit, khususnya IT Audit
- Min. S1 Komputerisasi Akuntasi, Teknik Informatika, atau Sistem Informasi akan lebih diutamakan
- IPK min. 3,00
- Menguasai tentang akuntansi dan teknologi informasi yang mempengaruhi
sistem komputer, terutama sistem yang digunakan dalam perbankan
- Diutamakan yang menguasai perihal Sistem Operasi Komputer (Window,
Unix), Database Management (Oracle) Systems dan atau aplikasi
pengendalian yang lain.
- Mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik secara lisan maupun tulisan.
- Diutamakan bagi yang memiliki sertifikasi CISA
c. ODP Surabaya
* Min. Sarjana Muda, dari disiplin
* Max. 25 tahun untuk gelar bachelor; maks. 27 tahun untuk pasca sarjana
* Min. GPA of 2,75
* Kuat dalam kemampuan komunikasi antar &
* Bagus berpikir analitis
* Fasih berbahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tertulis
Pada tahun 2009, ODP akan diadakan di seluruh Indonesia. ODP cepat
yang akan melakukan seleksi di Surabaya, untuk penempatan di Jawa
Timur, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara.
Tertarik calon dapat mengirim komprehensif mereka kembali bersama-sama
dengan foto saat ini menunjukkan TL-AD di baris subject
Mei 1959 dan memperoleh status bank umum devisa pada tahun 1988 serta
mencatatkan sahamnya di Bursa Efek Jakarta dan Bursa Efek Surabaya pada
tahun 1989 melalui penawaran umum saham perdana (initial public
offering). Sejak itu BII terus berkembang menjadi salah satu bank
swasta nasional terkemuka di Indonesia dengan visi “Menjadi Bank
Terbaik di Indonesia yang Menyediakan Layanan Nasabah dan Produk
Inovatif Berkelas Dunia”.
Untuk mendukung kami Audit Internal unit, kami sedang mengundang talenta yang mencari tantangan baru untuk melamar:
a. Team Leader - Audit Pembangunan
- Min. Sarjana Muda, jurusan Akuntansi
- Lebih dari 3 tahun pengalaman dalam melakukan audit di bidang perbankan atau konsultan audit
- Bagus pengetahuan perbankan dalam operasi
- Dasar pengertian audit internal di sekolah
- Bagus komunikasi dan kemampuan manajerial
- Fasih berbahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tertulis
Melaksanakan tugas review kegiatan proyek pengembangan sistem aplikasi :
- Mereview Business Requirement Document (BRD) dan / atau Functional
Specification Document (FSD) dari sistem aplikasi yang dikembangkan
untuk memastikan bahwa rancangan sistem memenuhi kriteria kebutuhan
yang disyaratkan dan memenuhi standar pengamanan aplikasi komputer.
- Membuat kertas kerja hasil review BRD dan FSD.
- Mereview dokumen UAT Plan.
- Mereview proses pengujian sistem aplikasi ( User Acceptance Plan ).
- Mereview proses migrasi sistem aplikasi yang dikembangkan ke sistem produksi..
- Memiliki pengetahuan atau pengalaman min. 1 tahun dalam melakukan audit, khususnya IT Audit
- Min. S1 Komputerisasi Akuntasi, Teknik Informatika, atau Sistem Informasi akan lebih diutamakan
- IPK min. 3,00
- Menguasai tentang akuntansi dan teknologi informasi yang mempengaruhi
sistem komputer, terutama sistem yang digunakan dalam perbankan
- Diutamakan yang menguasai perihal Sistem Operasi Komputer (Window,
Unix), Database Management (Oracle) Systems dan atau aplikasi
pengendalian yang lain.
- Mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif
- Menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik secara lisan maupun tulisan.
- Diutamakan bagi yang memiliki sertifikasi CISA
c. ODP Surabaya
* Min. Sarjana Muda, dari disiplin
* Max. 25 tahun untuk gelar bachelor; maks. 27 tahun untuk pasca sarjana
* Min. GPA of 2,75
* Kuat dalam kemampuan komunikasi antar &
* Bagus berpikir analitis
* Fasih berbahasa Inggris baik lisan dan tertulis
Pada tahun 2009, ODP akan diadakan di seluruh Indonesia. ODP cepat
yang akan melakukan seleksi di Surabaya, untuk penempatan di Jawa
Timur, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara.
Tertarik calon dapat mengirim komprehensif mereka kembali bersama-sama
dengan foto saat ini menunjukkan TL-AD di baris subject
Our client is a FMCG/Food Industries
Manufacturing, located in Sidoharjo- Surabaya, invited all highly service
oriented individuals with strong drive to succeed to apply for the following
positions :
Plant Manager
(Jawa Timur - Sidoharjo)
for plant operation and maintenance. Establish plant polices and
procedures. Responsible for plant
production goals. Establish and maintain community relations. Foster a
well-trained and motivated staff.
must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Industrial) ,
Engineering (Mechanical) , Food Technology/Nutritio n/Dietetics or
equivalent.At least 7 year(s) of working
experience in the related field and minimum 4 years in managerial levels.Good experience in FMCG
manufacturing and Food ProcessingExcellent knowledge in ISO,
GMP, HACCP. Strong leader and excellent
managerial skillHigh Integrity, self motivated,
achievement oriented and dynamicApplicants must be willing to
work in Sidoharjo
Please sent application
soon to :
Ms. Anisa Ruskin
Consultan Executive Search
Affix Consulting
Wisma Slipi 3rd
Floor Suite 308
S. Parman Kav. 12
West Jakarta
Telp. 021 - 5305912/13
Fax. 021 - 5307208
anisa@plentiple. com
Our client is a FMCG/Food Industries
Manufacturing, located in Sidoharjo- Surabaya, invited all highly service
oriented individuals with strong drive to succeed to apply for the following
positions :
Plant Manager
(Jawa Timur - Sidoharjo)
for plant operation and maintenance. Establish plant polices and
procedures. Responsible for plant
production goals. Establish and maintain community relations. Foster a
well-trained and motivated staff.
must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree, Engineering (Industrial) ,
Engineering (Mechanical) , Food Technology/Nutritio n/Dietetics or
equivalent.At least 7 year(s) of working
experience in the related field and minimum 4 years in managerial levels.Good experience in FMCG
manufacturing and Food ProcessingExcellent knowledge in ISO,
GMP, HACCP. Strong leader and excellent
managerial skillHigh Integrity, self motivated,
achievement oriented and dynamicApplicants must be willing to
work in Sidoharjo
Please sent application
soon to :
Ms. Anisa Ruskin
Consultan Executive Search
Affix Consulting
Wisma Slipi 3rd
Floor Suite 308
S. Parman Kav. 12
West Jakarta
Telp. 021 - 5305912/13
Fax. 021 - 5307208
anisa@plentiple. com
Johnson & Johnson
*Johnson & Johnson* *Indonesia *
Johnson & Johnson is the world's most comprehensive and broadly based
manufacturer of health care products, as well as a provider of related
services, for the consumer, pharmaceutical and medical devices and
diagnostics markets. The more than 200 Johnson & Johnson operating companies
employ approximately 115,000 men and women in 57 countries and sell products
throughout the world.
*Johnson and Johnson Indonesia – Consumer* invites you to be a part of our
*Management Trainees**
General Requirements*
1. S1 Graduate with major in Business/Management, Finance, Engineering
and Information Technology
2. Minimum GPA of 3.0 (B) in the scale of 4
3. Fluent in English, verbal and written
4. Willing to be posted NATIONWIDE where J&J operates
*Core Competencies*
Entrepreneurial mindset, inner drive, good leadership, good teamwork, big
picture Orientation with attention to detail, intellectual curiosity, sense
of urgency, prudent risk taking, willingness for cross-functional exposures,
result and performance driven.
J&J Management Trainee Program *is an 18-months on-the-job program that
consists of assignments in at least two different functions in the company
which may include Sales, Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain, Human Resources,
and Information Management. You will have the privilege of being mentored by
senior J&J leaders and the opportunity to contribute in achieving business
Candidates who meet the above requirements are invited to submit your
application *(cover letter, curriculum vitae, photos, and academic
transcript) to Secretariat Career Development Centre UI, Campus UI Depok*
on or before *Thursday, April 30, 2009.*
The J&J Management Trainee selection will start in May 2009.
Info Lebih Lengkap Kunjungi
Johnson & Johnson is the world's most comprehensive and broadly based
manufacturer of health care products, as well as a provider of related
services, for the consumer, pharmaceutical and medical devices and
diagnostics markets. The more than 200 Johnson & Johnson operating companies
employ approximately 115,000 men and women in 57 countries and sell products
throughout the world.
*Johnson and Johnson Indonesia – Consumer* invites you to be a part of our
*Management Trainees**
General Requirements*
1. S1 Graduate with major in Business/Management, Finance, Engineering
and Information Technology
2. Minimum GPA of 3.0 (B) in the scale of 4
3. Fluent in English, verbal and written
4. Willing to be posted NATIONWIDE where J&J operates
*Core Competencies*
Entrepreneurial mindset, inner drive, good leadership, good teamwork, big
picture Orientation with attention to detail, intellectual curiosity, sense
of urgency, prudent risk taking, willingness for cross-functional exposures,
result and performance driven.
J&J Management Trainee Program *is an 18-months on-the-job program that
consists of assignments in at least two different functions in the company
which may include Sales, Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain, Human Resources,
and Information Management. You will have the privilege of being mentored by
senior J&J leaders and the opportunity to contribute in achieving business
Candidates who meet the above requirements are invited to submit your
application *(cover letter, curriculum vitae, photos, and academic
transcript) to Secretariat Career Development Centre UI, Campus UI Depok*
on or before *Thursday, April 30, 2009.*
The J&J Management Trainee selection will start in May 2009.
Info Lebih Lengkap Kunjungi
kami BUMN yang bergerak di bidang property & kawasan perumahan,
saat ini sedang membutuhkan :
*Persyaratan :*
1. Sarjana (S1) dan Pasca Sarjana (S2), dari universitas negeri / Swasta
(dengan akreditasi A)
2. latar belakang pendidikan dari jurusan Teknik Sipil, Arsitek,
Planologi / Lingkungan, Teknik Informatika, Manajemen Pemasaran, Bisnis
Administrasi, Akuntansi dan Hukum
3. IPK Min 2.8 (skala 4)
4. Usia Pada 01 Mei 2009 max 25 tahun S1 dan max 28 tahun S2
5. Pengalaman kerja min 1 tahun
6. Enerjik, ambisius dan mampu bekerja keras
7. Bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh wilayah indonesia
8. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
Kirim surat lamaran anda beserta curiculum vitae, pas foto (4x6), copy
ijazah & transkrip nilai diterima paling lambat tanggal *23 April 2009 *ke:
*email: divsdm@yahoo. com<http://aa.mc345. com/mc/compose? to=divsdm@>This
e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript
enabled to view it / PO BOX 1020 JKT 13010*
*apply online at http://cdc.ui.*
kami BUMN yang bergerak di bidang property & kawasan perumahan,
saat ini sedang membutuhkan :
*Persyaratan :*
1. Sarjana (S1) dan Pasca Sarjana (S2), dari universitas negeri / Swasta
(dengan akreditasi A)
2. latar belakang pendidikan dari jurusan Teknik Sipil, Arsitek,
Planologi / Lingkungan, Teknik Informatika, Manajemen Pemasaran, Bisnis
Administrasi, Akuntansi dan Hukum
3. IPK Min 2.8 (skala 4)
4. Usia Pada 01 Mei 2009 max 25 tahun S1 dan max 28 tahun S2
5. Pengalaman kerja min 1 tahun
6. Enerjik, ambisius dan mampu bekerja keras
7. Bersedia di tempatkan di seluruh wilayah indonesia
8. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
Kirim surat lamaran anda beserta curiculum vitae, pas foto (4x6), copy
ijazah & transkrip nilai diterima paling lambat tanggal *23 April 2009 *ke:
*email: divsdm@yahoo. com<http://aa.mc345. com/mc/compose? to=divsdm@>This
e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript
enabled to view it / PO BOX 1020 JKT 13010*
*apply online at http://cdc.ui.*
The Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC)
The Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC) invites
applications from suitable candidates for filling up a vacant post of
Economist at its Secretariat in Kuala Lumpur. The appointment will be
for a period of five years with probation for one year. Candidates
from non-government sector and non-Member countries of the ANRPC are
also encouraged to apply.
Qualifications and Requirements to the Post of Economist
1. Candidates should have at least Bachelor’s degree with honours
in economics/agricultu ral economics with minimum of five years’
working experience in an organization dealing with natural rubber in
the areas of production, processing and marketing.
2. Preference will be given to candidates having advanced degree
in economics/agricultu ral economics and longer working experience.
Statistics taken as a subject will be an advantage.
3. Candidates should possess strong analytical and communication
skills and must be proficient in English.
4. Candidates should not be over 50 years of age on 28 February 2009.
Job Description
Under the supervision of the Senior Economist, the Economist will:
1. Be responsible for updating the Association’s database by
constantly interacting with all Member Countries of the Association
and other relevant sources;
2. Be responsible for duly publishing ANRPC Monthly Bulletin of
Natural Rubber Statistics and ANRPC Annual Bulletin of Natural Rubber
3. Suggest measures for improving coverage and quality of data
published by the Association.
4. Prepare analytical reports on natural rubber markets on a monthly basis;
5. Report developments in global economy, automobile industry,
general rubber goods industry, crude petroleum and synthetic rubber
6. Monitor developments relating to WTO and other FTAs and report
the same with reference to rubber industry;
7. Be in charge of updating the Association’s website and IT
facilities in the Secretariat;
8. Undertake techno-economic studies and prepare technical working papers;
9. Prepare for and service meetings and conferences of the Association;
10. Undertake other duties assigned by the Secretary-General.
Remuneration and Allowance
The starting basic salary will be Malaysian Ringgit (RM) 3959.00 on
the following scale:
Salary (RM)
Point of entry on the above salary scale will depend on the
suitability to the post. Benefits include housing allowance and cost
of living allowance. Gross salary at the minimum of the scale comes
to RM 5200 plus. In addition, there are other benefits such as
contributory provident fund, education grant, free medical facility,
insurance, tax exemption, home leave, annual leave and retirement
Interested candidates meeting the above requirements may send their
applications along with CV, preferably by e-mail, latest by 10 May
2009, to the following addresses depending on the citizenship.
Citizens of Indonesia
Mr. Gusmardi Bustami
Director General
International Trade and Industry Cooperation
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Jalan MI Ridwan Rais No. 5, Jakarta Pusat 10110
Tel: + 62 21 344 0408, Fax: + 62 21 385 8191
E-mail: djkpi@depdag.
Citizens of all other countries
Prof. Dr. Djoko Said Damardjati
Secretary General, ANRPC, 7th Floor
Bangunan Getah Asli
148 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: + 60 3 2161 1900, Fax: + 60 3 2161 3014
E-mail: anrpc@streamyx. com
applications from suitable candidates for filling up a vacant post of
Economist at its Secretariat in Kuala Lumpur. The appointment will be
for a period of five years with probation for one year. Candidates
from non-government sector and non-Member countries of the ANRPC are
also encouraged to apply.
Qualifications and Requirements to the Post of Economist
1. Candidates should have at least Bachelor’s degree with honours
in economics/agricultu ral economics with minimum of five years’
working experience in an organization dealing with natural rubber in
the areas of production, processing and marketing.
2. Preference will be given to candidates having advanced degree
in economics/agricultu ral economics and longer working experience.
Statistics taken as a subject will be an advantage.
3. Candidates should possess strong analytical and communication
skills and must be proficient in English.
4. Candidates should not be over 50 years of age on 28 February 2009.
Job Description
Under the supervision of the Senior Economist, the Economist will:
1. Be responsible for updating the Association’s database by
constantly interacting with all Member Countries of the Association
and other relevant sources;
2. Be responsible for duly publishing ANRPC Monthly Bulletin of
Natural Rubber Statistics and ANRPC Annual Bulletin of Natural Rubber
3. Suggest measures for improving coverage and quality of data
published by the Association.
4. Prepare analytical reports on natural rubber markets on a monthly basis;
5. Report developments in global economy, automobile industry,
general rubber goods industry, crude petroleum and synthetic rubber
6. Monitor developments relating to WTO and other FTAs and report
the same with reference to rubber industry;
7. Be in charge of updating the Association’s website and IT
facilities in the Secretariat;
8. Undertake techno-economic studies and prepare technical working papers;
9. Prepare for and service meetings and conferences of the Association;
10. Undertake other duties assigned by the Secretary-General.
Remuneration and Allowance
The starting basic salary will be Malaysian Ringgit (RM) 3959.00 on
the following scale:
Salary (RM)
Point of entry on the above salary scale will depend on the
suitability to the post. Benefits include housing allowance and cost
of living allowance. Gross salary at the minimum of the scale comes
to RM 5200 plus. In addition, there are other benefits such as
contributory provident fund, education grant, free medical facility,
insurance, tax exemption, home leave, annual leave and retirement
Interested candidates meeting the above requirements may send their
applications along with CV, preferably by e-mail, latest by 10 May
2009, to the following addresses depending on the citizenship.
Citizens of Indonesia
Mr. Gusmardi Bustami
Director General
International Trade and Industry Cooperation
Ministry of Industry and Trade
Jalan MI Ridwan Rais No. 5, Jakarta Pusat 10110
Tel: + 62 21 344 0408, Fax: + 62 21 385 8191
E-mail: djkpi@depdag.
Citizens of all other countries
Prof. Dr. Djoko Said Damardjati
Secretary General, ANRPC, 7th Floor
Bangunan Getah Asli
148 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: + 60 3 2161 1900, Fax: + 60 3 2161 3014
E-mail: anrpc@streamyx. com
Sanken Indonesia
Sanken Indonesia is a Japan Multi National Company. We are producing Power Supply in worldwide customer.
Due to our strengthen human resource, we need professional staf who posses dynamic, high energy level to join our growing team as :
Export Leader Staff (CODE : ELS)
(Jawa Barat - Cikarang)
Male/Female, age max 35 years old
Minimum D3 any discipline , from reputable university with GPA 3.0 or more
Minimum 2 years experience handle export control, in Electronic manufacturing company is advantage
Good computer skills
Good communication skill, strong leadership, teamwork, initiative,hardwork ing and result oriented
Self motivated and able to work under high pressure
Willing to work shift
English is a must, Japanese will be advantage
Please send your application, CV, and latest photograph, not later than two weeks after this advertisement to:
Due to our strengthen human resource, we need professional staf who posses dynamic, high energy level to join our growing team as :
Export Leader Staff (CODE : ELS)
(Jawa Barat - Cikarang)
Male/Female, age max 35 years old
Minimum D3 any discipline , from reputable university with GPA 3.0 or more
Minimum 2 years experience handle export control, in Electronic manufacturing company is advantage
Good computer skills
Good communication skill, strong leadership, teamwork, initiative,hardwork ing and result oriented
Self motivated and able to work under high pressure
Willing to work shift
English is a must, Japanese will be advantage
Please send your application, CV, and latest photograph, not later than two weeks after this advertisement to:
PT TeleNet
PT TeleNet suatu perusahaan Telekomunikasi yang sedang berkembang membutuhkan kandidat yang potensial untuk menempati jabatan sebagai:
Purchasing Manager
(Banten - Karawaci, Tangerang)
Mengkoordinasikan kegiatan pengadaan barang dan jasa tertentu.
Melakukan "vendor assessment"
Bekerjasama dengan bagian logistic untuk melakukan pengawasan dan pelaporan terhadap persediaan barang/gudang.
Pria/wanita , berumur maksimal 30 tahun
Minimal S1 semua jurusan
Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan berdasarkan ketegasan dan kemampuan mengelola tim.
Memiliki kejujuran dan integritas
Memiliki Inisiatif dan kreativitas berdasarkan daya analisa dan logika, mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan dan tenggat waktu yang pendek.
Dapat bekerja secara mandiri maupun dalam tim.
Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang yang sama
Surat Lamaran lengkap dengan C/V dan foto dialamatkan ke:
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipertimbangkan
Purchasing Manager
(Banten - Karawaci, Tangerang)
Mengkoordinasikan kegiatan pengadaan barang dan jasa tertentu.
Melakukan "vendor assessment"
Bekerjasama dengan bagian logistic untuk melakukan pengawasan dan pelaporan terhadap persediaan barang/gudang.
Pria/wanita , berumur maksimal 30 tahun
Minimal S1 semua jurusan
Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan berdasarkan ketegasan dan kemampuan mengelola tim.
Memiliki kejujuran dan integritas
Memiliki Inisiatif dan kreativitas berdasarkan daya analisa dan logika, mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan dan tenggat waktu yang pendek.
Dapat bekerja secara mandiri maupun dalam tim.
Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang yang sama
Surat Lamaran lengkap dengan C/V dan foto dialamatkan ke:
Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipertimbangkan
TOTAL is the world's fifth-largest international oil and gas company and a world-class chemical manufacturer which employs more than 110,000 people in over 130 countries worldwide.
TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is a 100% Indonesian Subsidiary of the Paris based TOTAL Group, having its Head Office in Jakarta and operational sites in East Kalimantan. Due to the high-level development activities to meet the increasing hydrocarbon production commitment, TOTAL E&P INDONESIE invites highly qualified professionals to apply for the position of:
Supervisor Fluid & Cementing
(Kalimantan Timur - Balikpapan / Field)
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Mechanical) , Engineering (Petroleum/Oil/ Gas) or equivalent.
At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Preferably Coordinator/ Supervisors specializing in Engineering - Oil/Gas or equivalent. Job role in Drilling/Well Engineer or equivalent.
Full-Time positions available.
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Superintedent Drilling
(Kalimantan Timur)
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Mechanical) , Engineering (Petroleum/Oil/ Gas) or equivalent.
At least 7 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Preferably Coordinator/ Supervisors specializing in Engineering - Oil/Gas or equivalent. Job role in Drilling/Well Engineer or equivalent.
Full-Time positions available.
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
All applicants must apply through our website:
TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is a 100% Indonesian Subsidiary of the Paris based TOTAL Group, having its Head Office in Jakarta and operational sites in East Kalimantan. Due to the high-level development activities to meet the increasing hydrocarbon production commitment, TOTAL E&P INDONESIE invites highly qualified professionals to apply for the position of:
Supervisor Fluid & Cementing
(Kalimantan Timur - Balikpapan / Field)
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Mechanical) , Engineering (Petroleum/Oil/ Gas) or equivalent.
At least 5 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Preferably Coordinator/ Supervisors specializing in Engineering - Oil/Gas or equivalent. Job role in Drilling/Well Engineer or equivalent.
Full-Time positions available.
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
Superintedent Drilling
(Kalimantan Timur)
Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Mechanical) , Engineering (Petroleum/Oil/ Gas) or equivalent.
At least 7 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
Preferably Coordinator/ Supervisors specializing in Engineering - Oil/Gas or equivalent. Job role in Drilling/Well Engineer or equivalent.
Full-Time positions available.
Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.
All applicants must apply through our website:
PT Hartono Plantation Indonesia
PT Hartono Plantation Indonesia, perusahaan afiliasi dengan PT Djarum yang bergerak di bidang kelapa sawit, mengundang Anda para kandidat untuk bergabung sebagai:
1. Estate Manager (EM) : S1 segala jurusan (S1 Pertanian lebih disukai), maksimal 40 tahun, pengalaman di bidang yang sama minimal 3 tahun.
2. Estate Accounting Manager (ESM) : S1 Akuntansi (S2 lebih diminati), maksimal 35 tahun, berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun.
3. Field Analyst Officer (FAO): S1 segala jurusan, maksimal 30 tahun, pengalaman sebagai internal auditor minimal 2 tahun.
4. Civil Engineering (CE) : S1 Teknik Sipil, maksimal 30 tahun.
5. Agronomist (AGR) : S1 Pertanian (S2 lebih diminati), pengalaman sebagai agronomist minimal 2 tahun.
6. Legal Executives (LE) : S1 Hukum, maksimal 35 tahun, pengalaman di bidang legal perkebunan minimal 3 tahun
7. General Affairs & Services (GAS) : S1 segala jurusan, maksimal 27 tahun, pengalaman minimal 2 tahun
8. GIS Officer (GIS) : S1 Pertanian atau survey pemetaan, usia maksimal 30 tahun, menguasai program pemetaan seperti Argis atau Mapinfo
Kirimkan lamaran beserta CV dan portofolio ke:
HRD Dept, PT Hartono Plantation Indonesia, PO BOX 6659, JKBSI, Jakarta 11066
Atau email ke hpi.recruitment@
1. Estate Manager (EM) : S1 segala jurusan (S1 Pertanian lebih disukai), maksimal 40 tahun, pengalaman di bidang yang sama minimal 3 tahun.
2. Estate Accounting Manager (ESM) : S1 Akuntansi (S2 lebih diminati), maksimal 35 tahun, berpengalaman minimal 3 tahun.
3. Field Analyst Officer (FAO): S1 segala jurusan, maksimal 30 tahun, pengalaman sebagai internal auditor minimal 2 tahun.
4. Civil Engineering (CE) : S1 Teknik Sipil, maksimal 30 tahun.
5. Agronomist (AGR) : S1 Pertanian (S2 lebih diminati), pengalaman sebagai agronomist minimal 2 tahun.
6. Legal Executives (LE) : S1 Hukum, maksimal 35 tahun, pengalaman di bidang legal perkebunan minimal 3 tahun
7. General Affairs & Services (GAS) : S1 segala jurusan, maksimal 27 tahun, pengalaman minimal 2 tahun
8. GIS Officer (GIS) : S1 Pertanian atau survey pemetaan, usia maksimal 30 tahun, menguasai program pemetaan seperti Argis atau Mapinfo
Kirimkan lamaran beserta CV dan portofolio ke:
HRD Dept, PT Hartono Plantation Indonesia, PO BOX 6659, JKBSI, Jakarta 11066
Atau email ke hpi.recruitment@
Jumat, 17 April 2009
of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented
professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
As Advisor about law’s company management
and practice on legal-related- issues on company actionsAct as a compliance officer who gives input
to the Top Management in order to make sure that company fulfill and
follow the Capital Market LawAs a media relations who focuses on the
company as Public Relations and promotions
Male / Female min. 35 years old with Master
degree from reputable university majoring Business LawExperience min. 5 years as Corporate
Secretary Understand the operation business process,
regulation of tender, corporate laws and related lawsMastery of Indonesia corporate law and
go-public rules and issuesGood understanding in drafting contract and
legalStrong ability to analyze problems and
offer practical solutionGood knowledge in capital market regulationGood communication ( in English both oral
and written), interpersonal skill & leadership
Please send your application along with
Curriculum Vitae and a recent photograph to :
recruitment@ investor.
Only short-listed
candidates will be notified
of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented
professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
As Advisor about law’s company management
and practice on legal-related- issues on company actionsAct as a compliance officer who gives input
to the Top Management in order to make sure that company fulfill and
follow the Capital Market LawAs a media relations who focuses on the
company as Public Relations and promotions
Male / Female min. 35 years old with Master
degree from reputable university majoring Business LawExperience min. 5 years as Corporate
Secretary Understand the operation business process,
regulation of tender, corporate laws and related lawsMastery of Indonesia corporate law and
go-public rules and issuesGood understanding in drafting contract and
legalStrong ability to analyze problems and
offer practical solutionGood knowledge in capital market regulationGood communication ( in English both oral
and written), interpersonal skill & leadership
Please send your application along with
Curriculum Vitae and a recent photograph to :
recruitment@ investor.
Only short-listed
candidates will be notified
of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented
professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
To explore news and keep the public informed about important events or news.
Bachelor degree from any majoredHave a big interest in JournalismHave experience writing articles in English or in BahasaCreative and innovativeExcellent communication skillHave a good mastery of English
Send your application along with Curriculum Vitae and a recent photograph within 2
weeks after this advertisement to:
recruitment@ investor.
of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented
professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
To explore news and keep the public informed about important events or news.
Bachelor degree from any majoredHave a big interest in JournalismHave experience writing articles in English or in BahasaCreative and innovativeExcellent communication skillHave a good mastery of English
Send your application along with Curriculum Vitae and a recent photograph within 2
weeks after this advertisement to:
recruitment@ investor.
World Vision Indonesia
Be a Blessing for Others !
Our Vision for every child, life in all its fullness;
Our prayer for every heart, the will to make
World Vision Indonesia is a Christian humanitarian organization working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty. Inspired by our Christian values, World Vision is dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender
World Vision Indonesia is seeking the following positions :
1.Program Manager (Code: ADPM)
Major Roles:
Manage the implementation of community development program to ensure quality deliverables that bring impacts to the well being of children in the community.
• S-1 Degree in any discipline, Master Degree is preferred
• Competent in project management with proven track records
• Minimum of 2 years experience in managing projects and leadership roles is a must
• Experience in the humanitarian work
• TOEFL Score is 500
2.Nutrition Specialist (Code: NS)
Major Roles:
Manage the implementation of nutrition program at the community level.
• S-1 Degree in Public Health or Medical Doctor
• Experience in nutrition programming is preferred
3. Monitoring/Evaluati on & Learning Coord (Code: MONEV)
Major Roles:
Implementation of monitoring and evaluation to facilitate learning for improvement of program quality in the community.
• S-1 Degree in any discipline, Major in Statistics is preferred
• Competent in project design, report writing and statistical based survey analysis
4. Child Sponsorship Management Coordinator (Code: CSMP)
Major Roles:
Manage child sponsorship program at the community level.
• S-1 Degree in any discipline
• Competent in project management
• TOEFL Score is 500
5.Project Accountant (Code: ACCT)
Major Roles:
Manage day-to-day financial transaction to ensure internal control system in place
• S-1 in Accounting is a must
• Minimum 1 year experience as Accountant
6.Business Development Facilitator (Code: BDF)
Major Roles:
Build entrepreneurial capacity of the community groups and channel funding opportunities.
• S-1 Degree in Business Administration or Commerce
• Practical business knowledge with emphasis on marketing
• Competent in financial management with proven track record
• Must have driving license (SIM C)
7.Community Development Trainee (Code: CD)
Major Roles:
Support Community Development Coordinators in implementation of community based programs.
• S-1 Degree in any discipline
• Proven organizational experience is a must
Minimum requirement of TOEFL 400 for all positions except position # 1 & 4.
All positions will be based in Papua (Jajawijaya, Merauke, Boven Digul, Pantai Kasuari); NTT (Kupang, Sumba Timur/Barat, Flores Timur, Alor, Manggarai, Sikka, Rote); Sulawesi/Maluku (Poso, Halmahera Utara, Ternate); Kalimantan (Pontianak, Sambas, Singkawang); Nias
All applicants should put position code in their application.
Submit your application with updated CV and copy of ID Card within 10 days from this advertisement to:
Human Resources Development
World Vision International, Indonesia
Jl. Wahid Hasyim No.33 Jakarta 10340
Or Email: RecruitmentIndonesi a@wvi.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
As a child focused organization, WV is committed to the protection of children & doesn’t employ staff whose background is not suitable for working with children. All employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of all applicable background
Our Vision for every child, life in all its fullness;
Our prayer for every heart, the will to make
World Vision Indonesia is a Christian humanitarian organization working to create lasting change in the lives of children, families and communities living in poverty. Inspired by our Christian values, World Vision is dedicated to working with the world’s most vulnerable people regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender
World Vision Indonesia is seeking the following positions :
1.Program Manager (Code: ADPM)
Major Roles:
Manage the implementation of community development program to ensure quality deliverables that bring impacts to the well being of children in the community.
• S-1 Degree in any discipline, Master Degree is preferred
• Competent in project management with proven track records
• Minimum of 2 years experience in managing projects and leadership roles is a must
• Experience in the humanitarian work
• TOEFL Score is 500
2.Nutrition Specialist (Code: NS)
Major Roles:
Manage the implementation of nutrition program at the community level.
• S-1 Degree in Public Health or Medical Doctor
• Experience in nutrition programming is preferred
3. Monitoring/Evaluati on & Learning Coord (Code: MONEV)
Major Roles:
Implementation of monitoring and evaluation to facilitate learning for improvement of program quality in the community.
• S-1 Degree in any discipline, Major in Statistics is preferred
• Competent in project design, report writing and statistical based survey analysis
4. Child Sponsorship Management Coordinator (Code: CSMP)
Major Roles:
Manage child sponsorship program at the community level.
• S-1 Degree in any discipline
• Competent in project management
• TOEFL Score is 500
5.Project Accountant (Code: ACCT)
Major Roles:
Manage day-to-day financial transaction to ensure internal control system in place
• S-1 in Accounting is a must
• Minimum 1 year experience as Accountant
6.Business Development Facilitator (Code: BDF)
Major Roles:
Build entrepreneurial capacity of the community groups and channel funding opportunities.
• S-1 Degree in Business Administration or Commerce
• Practical business knowledge with emphasis on marketing
• Competent in financial management with proven track record
• Must have driving license (SIM C)
7.Community Development Trainee (Code: CD)
Major Roles:
Support Community Development Coordinators in implementation of community based programs.
• S-1 Degree in any discipline
• Proven organizational experience is a must
Minimum requirement of TOEFL 400 for all positions except position # 1 & 4.
All positions will be based in Papua (Jajawijaya, Merauke, Boven Digul, Pantai Kasuari); NTT (Kupang, Sumba Timur/Barat, Flores Timur, Alor, Manggarai, Sikka, Rote); Sulawesi/Maluku (Poso, Halmahera Utara, Ternate); Kalimantan (Pontianak, Sambas, Singkawang); Nias
All applicants should put position code in their application.
Submit your application with updated CV and copy of ID Card within 10 days from this advertisement to:
Human Resources Development
World Vision International, Indonesia
Jl. Wahid Hasyim No.33 Jakarta 10340
Or Email: RecruitmentIndonesi a@wvi.orgThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it
As a child focused organization, WV is committed to the protection of children & doesn’t employ staff whose background is not suitable for working with children. All employment is conditioned upon the successful completion of all applicable background
Sabtu, 11 April 2009
Security Engineer
Vacancy: Security Engineer (Revenue Assurance & Fraud Management) - 2 headcount
- 3-5 years of relevant working experience (in area of revenue
assurance & fraud management). Ideally related to operator
- Sound understanding of operator business drivers and technology
- Deep understanding of operator billing and accounting technologies
and methods, fraud methods & revenue leakage in operator networks
- Preferably certifications like CISSP,CISM, GIAC (GSEC)
- Fluency in English
- Team worker
- Good communication skill
Intereted applicants, send resume to : hilda.oktrina@
- 3-5 years of relevant working experience (in area of revenue
assurance & fraud management). Ideally related to operator
- Sound understanding of operator business drivers and technology
- Deep understanding of operator billing and accounting technologies
and methods, fraud methods & revenue leakage in operator networks
- Preferably certifications like CISSP,CISM, GIAC (GSEC)
- Fluency in English
- Team worker
- Good communication skill
Intereted applicants, send resume to : hilda.oktrina@
Rabu, 08 April 2009
of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented
professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
Requirements: Bachelor degree in Accounting, min. 3 years experience in related positionStrong knowledge in Accounting system, taxation general accounting, and
accountingGood problem solving, mature, independent, analytical thinking and attention to
detailStrong leadership, result oriented and able to work under pressureFluent in English (oral and written)
Male / FemaleBachelor degree form college or university majoring in AccountingMin. 1 year working experience in accounting, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
Understand about accounting proceduresDetail- oriented, highly organized, strong analytical skill and able to work under pressure to meet deadlinesExcellent computer literacy (Ms Office)Good command of spoken and written in English
Send your application along with Curriculum Vitae and
a recent photograph to:
recruitment@ investor.
of the fastest growing media company (newspaper and magazines) is seeking for young and talented
professionals who have big passion to work in a fast moving and
challenging environment to join our team as:
Requirements: Bachelor degree in Accounting, min. 3 years experience in related positionStrong knowledge in Accounting system, taxation general accounting, and
accountingGood problem solving, mature, independent, analytical thinking and attention to
detailStrong leadership, result oriented and able to work under pressureFluent in English (oral and written)
Male / FemaleBachelor degree form college or university majoring in AccountingMin. 1 year working experience in accounting, fresh graduate are welcome to apply
Understand about accounting proceduresDetail- oriented, highly organized, strong analytical skill and able to work under pressure to meet deadlinesExcellent computer literacy (Ms Office)Good command of spoken and written in English
Send your application along with Curriculum Vitae and
a recent photograph to:
recruitment@ investor.
Selasa, 07 April 2009
Perusahaan pembiayaan di bawah INDOMOBIL GROUP memberikan kesempatan kepada para profesional muda untuk maju dan berkembang bersama kami sebagai calon Kepala Cabang untuk mengikuti program :
Kualifikasi :
- Min S1 semua jurusan dari Universitas Terkemuka
- Usia maksimal 27 tahun
- IPK min 3,00 (Skala 4)
- Fresh Graduateatau berpengalaman kerja maks 1 tahun
- Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan
- Bersedia ditugaskan dan ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia
- Memiliki SIM A/C
Kirimkan resume lengkap anda beserta foto terbaru via pos serta cantumkan kode posisi di kiri atas amplop paling lambat 2 minggu sejak iklan ini dimuat melalui :
JL. M.T Haryono Kav.8,Jakarta 13330
atau email:hr_recruitment@ indo
SWA Magazine
Contributing on more than 20 years of innovation, SWA helps local or global businesses people and corporate communities through its leading articles with great & reliable success story. With more than 51.219 copies of nationwide circulation, we help to communicate your good image, excellent product or service commitment to your potential market that usually difficult to meet.
Well known as the most reputable leading business magazine read by major Indonesian executives, professionals and decision makers, certainly, we’re committed to always delivering all the readers and partners with highly satisfaction services. And, relating with thirty seven percent of SWA readers is strong independent career women and equally deserve in depth information on the current business affairs, that’s why SWA is not only providing information or business opportunity with fresh and original business ideas. We also help you reaching the excellent connectivity to various business communities through our off prints activities. Support with a very sound research and selective strategic partners, we are not only give rough data and facts, but turn it to be a comprehensive analysis and far beyond prediction.
Here is the vacant position:
- Bachelor degree
- Having knowledge in economy & business field with strong interest in journalism
- Fluent in English
- Maximum age 25
- Enclose article about economy & business issue (5000 characters)
- Bachelor degree (Statistic / Mathematic/ Management/ Marketing)
- Having knowledge and strong interest in research field
- Fluent in English
- Maximum age 25
- Associate degree (Advertising/ Communication/ Public Relation/ Marketing)
- Preferably having experience as Account Executive in print media industry
- Maximum age 27
Please send your covering letter, recent photograph, curriculum vitae, and any supporting documents to :
HRD SWA Magazine Group
Taman Tanah Abang III No. 23 Jakarta 10160
Or email to:
hrd@swamail.comKamis, 02 April 2009
Various Opportunities in Mining - Kalimantan area
Open Pit Operation Superintendent
S1 Degree in Mine Engineering or Geology
5 years experience in mine operation
Familiar with mining software is preferable
Certified in POP is a must
Environmental Specialist
S1 Degree in Environmental Engineering/ Geology
2-3 years experience in handling environmental
Have knowledge & skill in handling AMDAL, Acid
Mine Drainage (AMD), mine reclamation, ISO 14001
Certified POP
OHS Superintendent
S1 Degree in HSE Engineering or related field
5 years experience in managing OHSAS 18001 system
in mining operation or heavy duty equipment
Good understanding in ISO 9000, ISO 14001, and
OHSAS 18001
Responsible to manage OHS Program and OHSAS 18001
Training & consulting all department
Land Administration Manager
S1 degree in Law
8-10 years experience in government relation
Responsible to do land compensation or land
acquisition for mining area, manage report document of land ownership, and
ensure all land asset utilization is used in appropriate way & updated
Good ability to negotiate and develop relationship
with local community
Good knowledge of mining regulation and land
compensation is preferable
Quality Management System Manager
S1 degree in Industrial/Mechanic al Engineering
6 years experience in quality standard development,
quality management implementation, quality audit
Able to set up program and budget
Good understanding of TPM (total performance
Certified Quality Auditor
Certified ISO 9001 Auditor
Computer literate
Please send the application
letter & CV to denni-windari@ jda-indonesia.
ASAP. No other documents will be needed during this stage of process. Please
send it on Ms. Word format only. Do not attach JPEG documents.
Open Pit Operation Superintendent
S1 Degree in Mine Engineering or Geology
5 years experience in mine operation
Familiar with mining software is preferable
Certified in POP is a must
Environmental Specialist
S1 Degree in Environmental Engineering/ Geology
2-3 years experience in handling environmental
Have knowledge & skill in handling AMDAL, Acid
Mine Drainage (AMD), mine reclamation, ISO 14001
Certified POP
OHS Superintendent
S1 Degree in HSE Engineering or related field
5 years experience in managing OHSAS 18001 system
in mining operation or heavy duty equipment
Good understanding in ISO 9000, ISO 14001, and
OHSAS 18001
Responsible to manage OHS Program and OHSAS 18001
Training & consulting all department
Land Administration Manager
S1 degree in Law
8-10 years experience in government relation
Responsible to do land compensation or land
acquisition for mining area, manage report document of land ownership, and
ensure all land asset utilization is used in appropriate way & updated
Good ability to negotiate and develop relationship
with local community
Good knowledge of mining regulation and land
compensation is preferable
Quality Management System Manager
S1 degree in Industrial/Mechanic al Engineering
6 years experience in quality standard development,
quality management implementation, quality audit
Able to set up program and budget
Good understanding of TPM (total performance
Certified Quality Auditor
Certified ISO 9001 Auditor
Computer literate
Please send the application
letter & CV to denni-windari@ jda-indonesia.
ASAP. No other documents will be needed during this stage of process. Please
send it on Ms. Word format only. Do not attach JPEG documents.
Satuan Audit Internal
Satuan Audit Internal (SAI) UGM membutuhkan staf baru untuk posisi sebagai Auditor Sistem Informasi
(Kode: IS)
Syarat Umum:
· Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
· Tidak pernah melakukan tindakan kriminal yang dibuktikan adanya putusan pengadilan.
· Memiliki ahlak yang baik.
· Usia tidak melewati ulang tahun ke 35 pada saat melamar.
· Tidak mempunyai hubungan keluarga satu derajat ke bawah (anak), samping (saudara) dan ke atas
(orang tua) dengan staf SAI UGM.
· Mempunyai rekomendasi dari kantor terdahulu bagi yang sudah pernah bekerja atau rekomendasi dari
dosen bagi yang fresh graduate dan mahasiswa yang telah dinyatakan lulus, namun belum diwisuda.
· Diutamakan yang memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan.
· Interpersonal Skills:
· Menguasai manajemen waktu dan sanggup bekerja dengan target waktu.
· Punya kemampuan mencapai tujuan dan tugas-tugas yang diberikan.
· Mampu bekerjasama dalam tim dalam menjalankan tugas.
· Menguasai manajemen konflik.
· Menguasai teknik-teknik persuasive.
· Punya kemampuan mendengarkan dan dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik.
· Sanggup bekerja di bawah tekanan.
· Punya problem-solving mindset.
· Memiliki semangat untuk belajar hal-hal baru.
Syarat Khusus:
a. Syarat Administrasi:
1. S1 atau D IV Jurusan Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Informatika (Elektro), dan Jurusan
Akuntansi/Bisnis/ Manajemen dengan IPK minimal 2,75.
2. Diutamakan berpengalaman sebagai auditor sistem informasi atau pekerjaan yang terkait dengan teknologi informasi.
b. Skills and Knowledge. Kandidat diharapkan memiliki pengetahuan antara lain (tidak harus semua):
1. Management, Planning, and Organization of IS
2. Hardware, software and networking
3. Information security management
4. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
5. System development lifecycle, modern development strategies (object-oriented system development, component-based and Web-based system development)
6. e-Commerce, EDI, Artificial Intelligence, data warehouse, Decision Support Systems
7. Code of ethics, auditing standards, guidelines, audit methodology, Computer Assisted Audit techniques and Control Self-Assessment.
Kelengkapan berkas Lamaran:
a. Surat Lamaran (ditulis tangan).
b. Resume (CV).
c. Foto copy KTP atau ID lainnya yang berlaku.
d. Foto terakhir ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 2 buah.
e. Fotocopy Ijasah atau SKL (Surat Keterangan Lulus) dan Transkrip S1 yang dilegalisir.
f. Surat rekomendasi dari kantor terdahulu bagi yang sudah pernah bekerja atau surat rekomendasi dari dosen bagi yang fresh graduate dan mahasiswa yang telah dinyatakan lulus, namun belum diwisuda
(tidak harus sekarang; diserahkan paling lambat pada tahap akhir proses rekrutmen).
g. Sertifikat keahlian/profesi (kalau ada).
h. Sertifikat kemampuan Bahasa Inggris (kalau ada).
i. Sertifikat lain yang menunjukkan prestasi akademik maupun non akademik yang relevan (kalau ada).
j. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (bisa diserahkan paling lambat pada tahap
akhir proses rekrutmen). Lamaran dikirimkan atau diserahkan ke alamat berikut di bawah ini, paling lambat tanggal 17 April 2009 dengan menyebutkan kode posisi yang dilamar di kiri atas amplop lamaran.
Ketua Satuan Audit Internal
Universitas Gadjah Mada Lt.3,
Sayap Utara, Gedung Pusat
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Yogyakarta 55281
Proses rekrutmen ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan
dipanggil. Berkas lamaran tidak akan dikembalikan.
(Kode: IS)
Syarat Umum:
· Sehat jasmani dan rohani.
· Tidak pernah melakukan tindakan kriminal yang dibuktikan adanya putusan pengadilan.
· Memiliki ahlak yang baik.
· Usia tidak melewati ulang tahun ke 35 pada saat melamar.
· Tidak mempunyai hubungan keluarga satu derajat ke bawah (anak), samping (saudara) dan ke atas
(orang tua) dengan staf SAI UGM.
· Mempunyai rekomendasi dari kantor terdahulu bagi yang sudah pernah bekerja atau rekomendasi dari
dosen bagi yang fresh graduate dan mahasiswa yang telah dinyatakan lulus, namun belum diwisuda.
· Diutamakan yang memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan.
· Interpersonal Skills:
· Menguasai manajemen waktu dan sanggup bekerja dengan target waktu.
· Punya kemampuan mencapai tujuan dan tugas-tugas yang diberikan.
· Mampu bekerjasama dalam tim dalam menjalankan tugas.
· Menguasai manajemen konflik.
· Menguasai teknik-teknik persuasive.
· Punya kemampuan mendengarkan dan dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik.
· Sanggup bekerja di bawah tekanan.
· Punya problem-solving mindset.
· Memiliki semangat untuk belajar hal-hal baru.
Syarat Khusus:
a. Syarat Administrasi:
1. S1 atau D IV Jurusan Ilmu Komputer, Teknik Informatika (Elektro), dan Jurusan
Akuntansi/Bisnis/ Manajemen dengan IPK minimal 2,75.
2. Diutamakan berpengalaman sebagai auditor sistem informasi atau pekerjaan yang terkait dengan teknologi informasi.
b. Skills and Knowledge. Kandidat diharapkan memiliki pengetahuan antara lain (tidak harus semua):
1. Management, Planning, and Organization of IS
2. Hardware, software and networking
3. Information security management
4. Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
5. System development lifecycle, modern development strategies (object-oriented system development, component-based and Web-based system development)
6. e-Commerce, EDI, Artificial Intelligence, data warehouse, Decision Support Systems
7. Code of ethics, auditing standards, guidelines, audit methodology, Computer Assisted Audit techniques and Control Self-Assessment.
Kelengkapan berkas Lamaran:
a. Surat Lamaran (ditulis tangan).
b. Resume (CV).
c. Foto copy KTP atau ID lainnya yang berlaku.
d. Foto terakhir ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 2 buah.
e. Fotocopy Ijasah atau SKL (Surat Keterangan Lulus) dan Transkrip S1 yang dilegalisir.
f. Surat rekomendasi dari kantor terdahulu bagi yang sudah pernah bekerja atau surat rekomendasi dari dosen bagi yang fresh graduate dan mahasiswa yang telah dinyatakan lulus, namun belum diwisuda
(tidak harus sekarang; diserahkan paling lambat pada tahap akhir proses rekrutmen).
g. Sertifikat keahlian/profesi (kalau ada).
h. Sertifikat kemampuan Bahasa Inggris (kalau ada).
i. Sertifikat lain yang menunjukkan prestasi akademik maupun non akademik yang relevan (kalau ada).
j. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (bisa diserahkan paling lambat pada tahap
akhir proses rekrutmen). Lamaran dikirimkan atau diserahkan ke alamat berikut di bawah ini, paling lambat tanggal 17 April 2009 dengan menyebutkan kode posisi yang dilamar di kiri atas amplop lamaran.
Ketua Satuan Audit Internal
Universitas Gadjah Mada Lt.3,
Sayap Utara, Gedung Pusat
Universitas Gadjah Mada
Yogyakarta 55281
Proses rekrutmen ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi syarat yang akan
dipanggil. Berkas lamaran tidak akan dikembalikan.
PT PLN (Persero)
Pengumuman Rekrutmen PT PLN (Persero)
Tingkat S1/D3 Tahun 2009
1. Persyaratan
Lulus S1 atau D3
Batas Usia
- S1 : Kelahiran 1984 dan sesudahnya
- D3 : Kelahiran 1986 dan sesudahnya
- IPK > 2,75 untuk Teknik
- IPK > 3,00 untuk Non Teknik
2. Mengisi data pendaftaran dan menyerahkan berkas lamaran melalui
Stan PT PLN (Persero) di acara Career Expo UI ( 27 - 29 Maret 2009)
atau ke Kantor CDC FTUI ( Ged. Engineering Center Lantai Dasar FTUI
Depok, No. telp : 021 - 788 49 080 ) sampai dengan tanggal 13 April
Kelengkapan Berkas Lamaran :
Surat Lamaran yang ditujukan kepada PT PLN (Persero) c.q. Deputi
Direktur Pengembangan SDM dan Talenta
Riwayat Hidup (CV)
Copy Ijasah/keterangan lulus yang dilegalisir
Copy transkrip nilai terakhir yang dilegalisir
Copy KTP dan akte kelahiran.
Surat keterangan sehat dan tidak buta warna dari dokter umum
Pasfoto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar
Pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6.000,- yang menyatakan bahwa pelamar :
Ø Tidak tersangkut dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya
Ø Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia bila diterima sebagai pegawai PLN
Bagi Pelamar dari lulusan program Lintas Jalur (D3 yang meneruskan
S1), agar kelengkapan berkas di atas ditambahkan dengan :
Ø Transkrip nilai D3 yang dilegalisir
Ø Ijazah D3 yang dilegalisir
3. Satu pelamar hanya boleh diperbolehkan memilih 1 (satu) posisi
jabatan sesuai bidang studi dan tingkat pendidikan yang dimiliki.
4. Panggillan peserta dan lokasi tes akan diumumkan melalui Website
CDC FTUI ( http://cdc.eng. dan Website PLN ( id).
5. Tahapan Tes Meliputi :
Seleksi Administrasi
Tes Akademis dan Bahasa Inggris
Tes Psikologi dan diskusi kelompok
Tes Kesehatan
6. Posisi Jabatan yang dibuka untuk Rekruitmen :
Tingkat S1
1. ED (Assistant Engineer/Assistant Operator di bidang Distribusi
Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Elektro Industri
Teknik Elektro Kontrol
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Listrik
Teknik Listrik Industri
Teknik Tenaga Listrik
2. ES (Assistant Engineer / Assistant Operator di bidang Sistem Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Elektro Kontrol
Teknik Kontrol Kelistrikan
Teknik Listrik
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Listrik Industri
Teknik Sistem Tenaga
Teknik Tenaga Listrik
3. EP (Assistant Engineer / Assistant Operator di bidang Pembangkit
Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Fisika
Teknik Kontrol Kelistrikan
Teknik Konversi Energi
Teknik Mesin
4. PE (Assistant Engineer Konstruksi / Pemeliharaan di bidang
Pembangkit, Gardu Induk, Transmisi dan Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Elektro Kontrol
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Listrik
Teknik Sipil
Teknik Tenaga Listrik
5. KU (Assistant Analyst di bidang Keuangan)
Ekonomi Pembangunan
Ilmu Ekonomi
Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan
Keuangan dan Perbankan
Manajemen Bisnis
Manajemen dan Perdagangan
Manajemen dan Studi Pembangunan
Manajemen Keuangan
Manajemen Keuangan dan Perbankan
Manajemen Keuangan dan Perpajakan
Manajemen Pemasaran
Manajemen Perpajakan
Manajemen Umum
Studi Pembangunan
6. AK (Assistant Analyst di bidang Akuntansi)
Akuntansi Komputer
Akuntansi Perbankan
Akuntansi Perpajakan
Akuntansi Umum
Komputer Akuntansi
Komputerisasi Akuntansi
Tingkat D3
1. TDT (Junior Engineer / Operator di bidang Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Listrik
Teknik Tenaga Listrik
2. TSO (Junior Engineer / Operator di bidang Sistem Operasi Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Kontrol Kelistrikan
Teknik Listrik
Teknik Sistem Tenaga
Teknik Tenaga Listrik
3. TPL (Junior Engineer / Operator di bidang Pembangkit Pembangkit
Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Fisika
Teknik Kimia
Teknik Kontrol Kelistrikan
Teknik Konversi Energi
Teknik Mesin
4. TPE (Junior Engineer Konstruksi / Pemeliharaan di bidang
Pembangkit, Gardu Induk, Transmisi dan Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Elektro Kontrol
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Geodesi
Teknik Geologi
Teknik Listrik
Teknik Sipil
Teknik Tenaga Listrik
5. PAS (Junior Officer Administrasi)
Ilmu Komputer
Informatika Industri
Manajemen Informatika
Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer
Manajemen Komputer
Manajemen Sistem Informasi
Sistem Informasi
Sistem Komputer
Teknik Informatika
Teknik Informatika Komputer
Teknologi Informasi
Teknologi Sistem Informasi
Administrasi Bisnis
Administrasi Bisnis Perkantoran
Administrasi dan Kebijakan Publik
Administrasi Hukum
Administrasi Kepegawaian
Administrasi Perdagangan
Administrasi Pembangunan
Administrasi Sekretari
Ilmu Administrasi
Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis
Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal
Ilmu Administrasi Niaga
Ilmu Kesekretariatan
Kesekretariatan dan Administrasi Perkantoran
Komputerisasi Perkantoran dan Kesekretariatan
Manajemen Administrasi
Manajemen Perkantoran
Manajemen Personalia
Manajemen Personalia dan Penyuluhan
Manajemen Perusahaan
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
Studi Pembangunan
7. Prioritas penempatan sebagai pegawai di luar Jawa – Bali
Tingkat S1/D3 Tahun 2009
1. Persyaratan
Lulus S1 atau D3
Batas Usia
- S1 : Kelahiran 1984 dan sesudahnya
- D3 : Kelahiran 1986 dan sesudahnya
- IPK > 2,75 untuk Teknik
- IPK > 3,00 untuk Non Teknik
2. Mengisi data pendaftaran dan menyerahkan berkas lamaran melalui
Stan PT PLN (Persero) di acara Career Expo UI ( 27 - 29 Maret 2009)
atau ke Kantor CDC FTUI ( Ged. Engineering Center Lantai Dasar FTUI
Depok, No. telp : 021 - 788 49 080 ) sampai dengan tanggal 13 April
Kelengkapan Berkas Lamaran :
Surat Lamaran yang ditujukan kepada PT PLN (Persero) c.q. Deputi
Direktur Pengembangan SDM dan Talenta
Riwayat Hidup (CV)
Copy Ijasah/keterangan lulus yang dilegalisir
Copy transkrip nilai terakhir yang dilegalisir
Copy KTP dan akte kelahiran.
Surat keterangan sehat dan tidak buta warna dari dokter umum
Pasfoto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 2 lembar
Pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6.000,- yang menyatakan bahwa pelamar :
Ø Tidak tersangkut dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya
Ø Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh Indonesia bila diterima sebagai pegawai PLN
Bagi Pelamar dari lulusan program Lintas Jalur (D3 yang meneruskan
S1), agar kelengkapan berkas di atas ditambahkan dengan :
Ø Transkrip nilai D3 yang dilegalisir
Ø Ijazah D3 yang dilegalisir
3. Satu pelamar hanya boleh diperbolehkan memilih 1 (satu) posisi
jabatan sesuai bidang studi dan tingkat pendidikan yang dimiliki.
4. Panggillan peserta dan lokasi tes akan diumumkan melalui Website
CDC FTUI ( http://cdc.eng. dan Website PLN ( id).
5. Tahapan Tes Meliputi :
Seleksi Administrasi
Tes Akademis dan Bahasa Inggris
Tes Psikologi dan diskusi kelompok
Tes Kesehatan
6. Posisi Jabatan yang dibuka untuk Rekruitmen :
Tingkat S1
1. ED (Assistant Engineer/Assistant Operator di bidang Distribusi
Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Elektro Industri
Teknik Elektro Kontrol
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Listrik
Teknik Listrik Industri
Teknik Tenaga Listrik
2. ES (Assistant Engineer / Assistant Operator di bidang Sistem Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Elektro Kontrol
Teknik Kontrol Kelistrikan
Teknik Listrik
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Listrik Industri
Teknik Sistem Tenaga
Teknik Tenaga Listrik
3. EP (Assistant Engineer / Assistant Operator di bidang Pembangkit
Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Fisika
Teknik Kontrol Kelistrikan
Teknik Konversi Energi
Teknik Mesin
4. PE (Assistant Engineer Konstruksi / Pemeliharaan di bidang
Pembangkit, Gardu Induk, Transmisi dan Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Elektro Kontrol
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Listrik
Teknik Sipil
Teknik Tenaga Listrik
5. KU (Assistant Analyst di bidang Keuangan)
Ekonomi Pembangunan
Ilmu Ekonomi
Ilmu Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan
Keuangan dan Perbankan
Manajemen Bisnis
Manajemen dan Perdagangan
Manajemen dan Studi Pembangunan
Manajemen Keuangan
Manajemen Keuangan dan Perbankan
Manajemen Keuangan dan Perpajakan
Manajemen Pemasaran
Manajemen Perpajakan
Manajemen Umum
Studi Pembangunan
6. AK (Assistant Analyst di bidang Akuntansi)
Akuntansi Komputer
Akuntansi Perbankan
Akuntansi Perpajakan
Akuntansi Umum
Komputer Akuntansi
Komputerisasi Akuntansi
Tingkat D3
1. TDT (Junior Engineer / Operator di bidang Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Listrik
Teknik Tenaga Listrik
2. TSO (Junior Engineer / Operator di bidang Sistem Operasi Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Kontrol Kelistrikan
Teknik Listrik
Teknik Sistem Tenaga
Teknik Tenaga Listrik
3. TPL (Junior Engineer / Operator di bidang Pembangkit Pembangkit
Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Fisika
Teknik Kimia
Teknik Kontrol Kelistrikan
Teknik Konversi Energi
Teknik Mesin
4. TPE (Junior Engineer Konstruksi / Pemeliharaan di bidang
Pembangkit, Gardu Induk, Transmisi dan Distribusi Tenaga Listrik)
Teknik Elektro
Teknik Elektro Kontrol
Teknik Energi Listrik
Teknik Geodesi
Teknik Geologi
Teknik Listrik
Teknik Sipil
Teknik Tenaga Listrik
5. PAS (Junior Officer Administrasi)
Ilmu Komputer
Informatika Industri
Manajemen Informatika
Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer
Manajemen Komputer
Manajemen Sistem Informasi
Sistem Informasi
Sistem Komputer
Teknik Informatika
Teknik Informatika Komputer
Teknologi Informasi
Teknologi Sistem Informasi
Administrasi Bisnis
Administrasi Bisnis Perkantoran
Administrasi dan Kebijakan Publik
Administrasi Hukum
Administrasi Kepegawaian
Administrasi Perdagangan
Administrasi Pembangunan
Administrasi Sekretari
Ilmu Administrasi
Ilmu Administrasi Bisnis
Ilmu Administrasi Fiskal
Ilmu Administrasi Niaga
Ilmu Kesekretariatan
Kesekretariatan dan Administrasi Perkantoran
Komputerisasi Perkantoran dan Kesekretariatan
Manajemen Administrasi
Manajemen Perkantoran
Manajemen Personalia
Manajemen Personalia dan Penyuluhan
Manajemen Perusahaan
Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
Studi Pembangunan
7. Prioritas penempatan sebagai pegawai di luar Jawa – Bali
Rabu, 01 April 2009
PT. DMS Jl. Raya Narogong Km. 26,5 Klapa Nunggal Cileungsi Bogor 16962
Membutuhkan Akunting yang menguasai masalah perpajakan dengan syarat :
1. S1.
2. Umur Maks 35 Tahun
3. Domisili Sekitar Jabodetabek.
Surat lamaran dapat ditujukan melalui email hrdtty@gmail. com atau melalui pos
Membutuhkan Akunting yang menguasai masalah perpajakan dengan syarat :
1. S1.
2. Umur Maks 35 Tahun
3. Domisili Sekitar Jabodetabek.
Surat lamaran dapat ditujukan melalui email hrdtty@gmail. com atau melalui pos
URGENT VACANCY DIBUTUHKAN WARTAWAN HARIAN SORE SURABAYA POST Persyaratan: Pendidikan S1 dari segala jurusan IPK minimal 3,00 Umur maksimal 27 tahun Berbahasa Inggris baik untuk tulis dan lisan Bersedia ditempatkan dimana pun Kirimkan lamaran, CV, dan foto paling lambat 11 April 2009 E-mail: surabaya_news@ nangkris@yahoo. com achmadsupardi@ Mail Address: Surabaya Post Ruko Rich Palace Kav H 19-20 Jl. Mayjen Sungkono 149-151 Surabaya |
Account Executive Creative
seeks applicants for the positions ;
Account Executive Creative (AE-Creative)
* Female
* Min.. S1 graduated
* Min. 1 year experience (preferably worked in Advertising agency)
* Good appearance, Personality & Communicative
* Good ‘attitude’
* Highly motivated, Dynamic and Creative
* Having knowledge in Advertising and/or marketing Communication will be an advantage
* Excellent communications & presentation skills and also with ability to present fluently in Bahasa Indonesia and English
* Have a wide range of networking
* Computer Skills, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel required
most important requirement is for you to have a ‘can do’ attitude and are
challenged in working for a growing, fast-paced company. New technologies are
greatly accessed, and open source ideologies are greatly appreciated.
Please submit your
CV, cover letter, recent photo, and expected salary with position
applied on email subject or top left of the envelope before 09April 2009 , to:
HR Department
Midas Creative
Jl. Bangka VIII No. 26 A
Mampang Prapatan
JakartaSelatan 12720
Or by e-mail To: hrd@midas-solusi. com
Cc : b.kamora@midas-
seeks applicants for the positions ;
Account Executive Creative (AE-Creative)
* Female
* Min.. S1 graduated
* Min. 1 year experience (preferably worked in Advertising agency)
* Good appearance, Personality & Communicative
* Good ‘attitude’
* Highly motivated, Dynamic and Creative
* Having knowledge in Advertising and/or marketing Communication will be an advantage
* Excellent communications & presentation skills and also with ability to present fluently in Bahasa Indonesia and English
* Have a wide range of networking
* Computer Skills, Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel required
most important requirement is for you to have a ‘can do’ attitude and are
challenged in working for a growing, fast-paced company. New technologies are
greatly accessed, and open source ideologies are greatly appreciated.
Please submit your
CV, cover letter, recent photo, and expected salary with position
applied on email subject or top left of the envelope before 09April 2009 , to:
HR Department
Midas Creative
Jl. Bangka VIII No. 26 A
Mampang Prapatan
JakartaSelatan 12720
Or by e-mail To: hrd@midas-solusi. com
Cc : b.kamora@midas-
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