An IT Consulting (IBM and SAP Partner) at Cilandak (South Jakarta) area, is
seeking a Junior Marketing.
His/her job desciptions are:
1. Prospecting: make phone calls (targeted by calling number)
2. Qualifying: meet prospects to discuss the requirements and conduct
presentations together with presales team (targeted by number of visit)
3. Proposal/Offering: prepare proposals together with presales team and
appropriate Manager.
4. Negotiation: make negotiation with prospects together with appropriate
5. Closing the deal (targeted by amount of contract).
6. Followup and monitor the financial matter after closing the contract.
7. Repeat Business
Candidates Qualifications:
1. Graduated from Management/Accounti ng/Informatics Management
2. Fresh Graduates are welcome (experience will be an advantage)
3. Good communication skill (not stammer).
4. Self-confidence
5. Fluent in English (will be an advantage)
Send your application letter and CV in good English by email to:
Minggu, 29 November 2009
Kamis, 26 November 2009
PT Schott Igar Glass
All around the world in 36 countries more than 17,000 employees are
committed for Schott. With High-Tech-materials , e.g. special glass and
innovative ideas they are designing the world of tomorrow – people
that appreciate self-responsibility and creative scope. At PT Schott
Igar Glass, located at Bekasi, Cikarang, the Asian Pharmaceutical
Packaging Center of the SCHOTT – forma vitrum group, we are looking
for the right candidates for the following positions:
Mechanical Foreman
You will be responsible to ensure all mechanical system related
production running well include machines inspection, trouble shooting,
repair and preventive maintenance.
* Minimum Diploma Degree / Bachelor Degree in Mechanical
Engineering. * 5 years experience in related position *
Excellent communication skills in Bahasa and English (written & verbal)
* Having strong technical background * Familiar with Preventive
Maintenance Concept, AutoCAD, MS. Office * Ready to work in shift
operations * Strong leadership and team player.
Payroll / HRD Staff
You will be responsible for administration all activities related
payroll like absenteeism, working day, leave report, overtime
calculation, jamsostek, process medical & other allowance reimbursement
and other activities related data personal administration.
* Preferable S2 from Human Resource * At least one year of work
experience in payroll staff, fresh graduate are welcome. * Having
good concept about HR * Excellent communication skills in Bahasa and
English (written & verbal)
Interested candidates are required to send their resume with photograph,
the expected salary as well as the earliest starting date to:
PT Schott Igar Glass, HR Manager to hrd.shott@schott. com
committed for Schott. With High-Tech-materials , e.g. special glass and
innovative ideas they are designing the world of tomorrow – people
that appreciate self-responsibility and creative scope. At PT Schott
Igar Glass, located at Bekasi, Cikarang, the Asian Pharmaceutical
Packaging Center of the SCHOTT – forma vitrum group, we are looking
for the right candidates for the following positions:
Mechanical Foreman
You will be responsible to ensure all mechanical system related
production running well include machines inspection, trouble shooting,
repair and preventive maintenance.
* Minimum Diploma Degree / Bachelor Degree in Mechanical
Engineering. * 5 years experience in related position *
Excellent communication skills in Bahasa and English (written & verbal)
* Having strong technical background * Familiar with Preventive
Maintenance Concept, AutoCAD, MS. Office * Ready to work in shift
operations * Strong leadership and team player.
Payroll / HRD Staff
You will be responsible for administration all activities related
payroll like absenteeism, working day, leave report, overtime
calculation, jamsostek, process medical & other allowance reimbursement
and other activities related data personal administration.
* Preferable S2 from Human Resource * At least one year of work
experience in payroll staff, fresh graduate are welcome. * Having
good concept about HR * Excellent communication skills in Bahasa and
English (written & verbal)
Interested candidates are required to send their resume with photograph,
the expected salary as well as the earliest starting date to:
PT Schott Igar Glass, HR Manager to hrd.shott@schott. com
Selasa, 24 November 2009
PT Gamatechno Indonesia
PT Gamatechno Indonesia adalah sebuah perusahaan teknologi informasi berskala nasional dengan produk unggulan sistem informasi terpadu perguruan tinggi, teknologi smartcard dan mobile technology. Gamatechno telah bekerjasama dengan lebih dari 50 perguruan tinggi di Indonesia, serta merupakan salah satu peraih penghargaan 101 Inovasi Indonesia 2009, peraih penghargaan INAICTA 2007 dan nominator INAICTA 2008.
Kami membuka kesempatan bagi Anda yang berjiwa enerjik dan dinamis, bermotivasi tinggi, selalu bersemangat dalam setiap tantangan baru, untuk bergabung dan berkembang bersama PT Gamatechno Indonesia untuk posisi:
# Java Developer (Kode : JD)
• Minimal D3 (atau mahasiswa S1 semester akhir), diutamakan dari jurusan Informatika/ Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Elektro.
• Menguasai konsep dan teknik Object Oriented Programming dengan J2SE dan MySQL.
• Mampu mempelajari teknologi-teknologi baru secara mandiri.
• Pernah terlibat dalam proyek pengembangan software.
• Diutamakan yang menguasai database Oracle.
• Pemahaman tentang sistem UNIX/LINUX akan menjadi nilai tambah.
• Kemampuan komunikasi dan presentasi yang baik akan menjadi nilai tambah.
• Bersedia mengikuti perjalanan dinas ke luar kota.
# Web Developer (Kode : WD)
• Minimal D3 (atau mahasiswa S1 semester akhir), diutamakan dari jurusan Informatika/ Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Elektro.
• Menguasai konsep dan teknik Object Oriented Programming dengan PHP dan MySQL.
• Memahami UML, RDBMS dan tool-tool terkait.
• Pernah terlibat dalam proyek pengembangan software.
• Pemahaman tentang web service akan menjadi nilai tambah.
• Kemampuan komunikasi dan presentasi yang baik akan menjadi nilai tambah.
• Bersedia mengikuti perjalanan dinas ke luar kota.
• Bersedia menjalani kontrak selama proyek berdurasi 3-6 bulan.
# Graphic Designer (Kode : GD)
• Minimal D3 atau mahasiswa S1 semester akhir.
• Menguasai aplikasi desain grafis/web (Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash, HTML).
• Diutamakan yang menguasai aplikasi 3D dan animasi.
• Mempunyai pengalaman desain grafis, web atau animasi.
• Penguasaan atas Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) akan menjadi nilai tambah.
• Kemampuan komunikasi dan presentasi yang baik akan menjadi nilai tambah.
• Bersedia mengikuti perjalanan dinas ke luar kota.
• Memiliki kreativitas dan ide-ide baru.
# Marketing (Kode : MKT)
• Minimal D3, semua jurusan, diutamakan dari jurusan Manajemen Pemasaran/ Informatika/ Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Elektro.
• Mempunyai pengalaman di bidang pemasaran jasa.
• Mampu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris aktif tertulis dan lisan (skor TOEFL minimal 450).
• Mampu bekerja dengan sistem target.
• Berpenampilan menarik dan komunikatif.
• Menyukai traveling.
• Memiliki SIM A/C dan lebih disukai yang memiliki kendaraan pribadi.
# Front Officer (Kode : FO)
• Minimal D3, semua jurusan.
• Menguasai aplikasi perkantoran (misal : MS Office).
• Berpenampilan menarik dan komunikatif.
# Administration Staff (Kode : ADM)
• Minimal SMK Administrasi Perkantoran atau D3 semua jurusan.
• Menguasai aplikasi perkantoran (misal : MS Office).
• Mampu melakukan pembuatan laporan, dokumentasi dan pengarsipan secara sistematis.
# Finance Staff (Kode : FIN)
• Minimal D3 Akuntansi.
• Menguasai MS Excel dan MYOB.
• Mampu membuat laporan keuangan.
• Diutamakan yang pernah terlibat dalam proyek audit keuangan.
• Diutamakan yang pernah mengisi SPT dan formulir administrasi perpajakan lainnya.
Kualifikasi umum :
§ Komunikatif, kreatif, dinamis, fast learner, hard worker, berdedikasi, jujur dan disiplin tinggi, serta memiliki kemampuan kerjasama tim yang baik
§ Mampu bekerja dalam lingkungan yang kompetitif, target-based oriented dan under pressure.
Kirimkan :
1. Surat lamaran yang mencantumkan besarnya gaji dan benefit lain yang diinginkan.
2. Curriculum Vitae + Foto (ringkas dan difokuskan pada keterampilan dan pengalaman yang relevan).
3. Salinan ijazah, transkrip nilai, sertifikat, surat referensi dan dokumen pendukung lainnya.
4. Salinan identitas diri.
5. Contoh Karya (untuk kode GD).
6. Sertifikat TOEFL (untuk kode MKT).
Dalam bentuk 1 (satu) file PDF berukuran maksimal 2 MB ke alamat email:
hrd@gamatechno. com dengan subjek email : Lamaran [Kode Posisi] – [nama Anda].
Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 06 Desember 2009.
Pengumuman hasil seleksi administrasi dan jadwal tes tertulis/wawancara bisa dilihat di:
pada tanggal 12 Desember 2009.
Kami membuka kesempatan bagi Anda yang berjiwa enerjik dan dinamis, bermotivasi tinggi, selalu bersemangat dalam setiap tantangan baru, untuk bergabung dan berkembang bersama PT Gamatechno Indonesia untuk posisi:
# Java Developer (Kode : JD)
• Minimal D3 (atau mahasiswa S1 semester akhir), diutamakan dari jurusan Informatika/ Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Elektro.
• Menguasai konsep dan teknik Object Oriented Programming dengan J2SE dan MySQL.
• Mampu mempelajari teknologi-teknologi baru secara mandiri.
• Pernah terlibat dalam proyek pengembangan software.
• Diutamakan yang menguasai database Oracle.
• Pemahaman tentang sistem UNIX/LINUX akan menjadi nilai tambah.
• Kemampuan komunikasi dan presentasi yang baik akan menjadi nilai tambah.
• Bersedia mengikuti perjalanan dinas ke luar kota.
# Web Developer (Kode : WD)
• Minimal D3 (atau mahasiswa S1 semester akhir), diutamakan dari jurusan Informatika/ Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Elektro.
• Menguasai konsep dan teknik Object Oriented Programming dengan PHP dan MySQL.
• Memahami UML, RDBMS dan tool-tool terkait.
• Pernah terlibat dalam proyek pengembangan software.
• Pemahaman tentang web service akan menjadi nilai tambah.
• Kemampuan komunikasi dan presentasi yang baik akan menjadi nilai tambah.
• Bersedia mengikuti perjalanan dinas ke luar kota.
• Bersedia menjalani kontrak selama proyek berdurasi 3-6 bulan.
# Graphic Designer (Kode : GD)
• Minimal D3 atau mahasiswa S1 semester akhir.
• Menguasai aplikasi desain grafis/web (Corel Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash, HTML).
• Diutamakan yang menguasai aplikasi 3D dan animasi.
• Mempunyai pengalaman desain grafis, web atau animasi.
• Penguasaan atas Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) akan menjadi nilai tambah.
• Kemampuan komunikasi dan presentasi yang baik akan menjadi nilai tambah.
• Bersedia mengikuti perjalanan dinas ke luar kota.
• Memiliki kreativitas dan ide-ide baru.
# Marketing (Kode : MKT)
• Minimal D3, semua jurusan, diutamakan dari jurusan Manajemen Pemasaran/ Informatika/ Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Elektro.
• Mempunyai pengalaman di bidang pemasaran jasa.
• Mampu menggunakan Bahasa Inggris aktif tertulis dan lisan (skor TOEFL minimal 450).
• Mampu bekerja dengan sistem target.
• Berpenampilan menarik dan komunikatif.
• Menyukai traveling.
• Memiliki SIM A/C dan lebih disukai yang memiliki kendaraan pribadi.
# Front Officer (Kode : FO)
• Minimal D3, semua jurusan.
• Menguasai aplikasi perkantoran (misal : MS Office).
• Berpenampilan menarik dan komunikatif.
# Administration Staff (Kode : ADM)
• Minimal SMK Administrasi Perkantoran atau D3 semua jurusan.
• Menguasai aplikasi perkantoran (misal : MS Office).
• Mampu melakukan pembuatan laporan, dokumentasi dan pengarsipan secara sistematis.
# Finance Staff (Kode : FIN)
• Minimal D3 Akuntansi.
• Menguasai MS Excel dan MYOB.
• Mampu membuat laporan keuangan.
• Diutamakan yang pernah terlibat dalam proyek audit keuangan.
• Diutamakan yang pernah mengisi SPT dan formulir administrasi perpajakan lainnya.
Kualifikasi umum :
§ Komunikatif, kreatif, dinamis, fast learner, hard worker, berdedikasi, jujur dan disiplin tinggi, serta memiliki kemampuan kerjasama tim yang baik
§ Mampu bekerja dalam lingkungan yang kompetitif, target-based oriented dan under pressure.
Kirimkan :
1. Surat lamaran yang mencantumkan besarnya gaji dan benefit lain yang diinginkan.
2. Curriculum Vitae + Foto (ringkas dan difokuskan pada keterampilan dan pengalaman yang relevan).
3. Salinan ijazah, transkrip nilai, sertifikat, surat referensi dan dokumen pendukung lainnya.
4. Salinan identitas diri.
5. Contoh Karya (untuk kode GD).
6. Sertifikat TOEFL (untuk kode MKT).
Dalam bentuk 1 (satu) file PDF berukuran maksimal 2 MB ke alamat email:
hrd@gamatechno. com dengan subjek email : Lamaran [Kode Posisi] – [nama Anda].
Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 06 Desember 2009.
Pengumuman hasil seleksi administrasi dan jadwal tes tertulis/wawancara bisa dilihat di:
pada tanggal 12 Desember 2009.
Minggu, 22 November 2009
CIMB Niaga
Sebagai salah satu bank terkemuka di Indonesia yang berdiri sejak tahun
1955, CIMB Niaga (d/h Bank Niaga) telah menorehkan catatan prestasi yang dilandasi dengan semangat profesionalisme dan komitmen untuk selalu
menerapkan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik.
Dalam perjalanan kami bertransformasi untuk menjadi bank universal teratas, kami
mengundang para profesional muda untuk bersama menggerakkan roda
transformasi. Di CIMB Niaga, kami memberikan kesempatan pengembangan
karir dan personal yang terbaik yang membawa kami memperoleh penghargaan Employer of Choice untuk kategori industri perbankan.
anda adalah individu yang antusias dan berinisiatif dengan kemampuan
kerjasama yang baik, anda memiliki kesempatan untuk memaksimalkan
potensi anda dengan bergabung sebagai:
1. Branch Manager/ Relationship Manager di Corporate Banking Group (Middle-Up
2. Marketing/ Sales Treasury di Treasury
Management Group (Junior Officer)
3. Account Officer Funding/ Lending di Commercial Banking (Junior & Middle
4. Collection Consumer for Retail
Collection & Recovery Group (Junior Officer)
5. Usage
Departement Head for Card Marketing & Sales Group (Middle
6. Assistant Sales Officer for Consumer
Banking (Staff)
7. Secretary
1. Pendidikan Minimal Strata 1 (S1) dengan minimal IPK 2,5 (no.1,2,3,4, 5), D III
minimal IPK 2,75 (no.6) dan D III Akademi Sekretaris minimal IPK 2,75 (no.7)
2. Maksimum
berusia 27 (no.6,7), 35 (no. 2,3,4),
& 38 tahun (no.1,5)
3. Memiliki pengalaman kerja di posisi terkait minimal 1 tahun (no.6), 2 tahun (no.
2,3,4,5) dan minimal 4 tahun (no. 1)
Lebih disukai wanita (no.1)
5. Single (no.6,7)
6. Memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai produk-produk Treasury, khususnya
produk derivatif (no. 2)
7. Memiliki customer base
yang luas dan berorientasi terhadap target (no. 1,2,3,6)
8. Bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja terutama wilayah Sumatera (no.4)
9. Memiliki relasi / network di Pengadilan Negeri/ KPKNL/ Kepolisian,
terutama di
wilayah Medan (no.4)
10. Memiliki database jaringan merchant (no.5)
11. Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Recruitment & Career Management Division
PT. Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk, Tbk Griya Niaga 1 Bintaro 3rd floor Jl. Wahid
Hasyim Blok B4 no. 3 Bintaro Jaya Sektor VII Tangerang 15224 Email:recruitment@ id untuk
(no.1,2,3,4, 5) dan recruit@bniaga. untuk (no.6,7)
Kirim Surat Lamaran, CV, Ijazah
terakhir, transkrip nilai, kartu identitas dan pas foto terbaru
ditujukan kepada alamat di atas.
Hanya kandidat yang
memenuhi kualifikasi di atas yang akan diproses lebih lanjut
1955, CIMB Niaga (d/h Bank Niaga) telah menorehkan catatan prestasi yang dilandasi dengan semangat profesionalisme dan komitmen untuk selalu
menerapkan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik.
Dalam perjalanan kami bertransformasi untuk menjadi bank universal teratas, kami
mengundang para profesional muda untuk bersama menggerakkan roda
transformasi. Di CIMB Niaga, kami memberikan kesempatan pengembangan
karir dan personal yang terbaik yang membawa kami memperoleh penghargaan Employer of Choice untuk kategori industri perbankan.
anda adalah individu yang antusias dan berinisiatif dengan kemampuan
kerjasama yang baik, anda memiliki kesempatan untuk memaksimalkan
potensi anda dengan bergabung sebagai:
1. Branch Manager/ Relationship Manager di Corporate Banking Group (Middle-Up
2. Marketing/ Sales Treasury di Treasury
Management Group (Junior Officer)
3. Account Officer Funding/ Lending di Commercial Banking (Junior & Middle
4. Collection Consumer for Retail
Collection & Recovery Group (Junior Officer)
5. Usage
Departement Head for Card Marketing & Sales Group (Middle
6. Assistant Sales Officer for Consumer
Banking (Staff)
7. Secretary
1. Pendidikan Minimal Strata 1 (S1) dengan minimal IPK 2,5 (no.1,2,3,4, 5), D III
minimal IPK 2,75 (no.6) dan D III Akademi Sekretaris minimal IPK 2,75 (no.7)
2. Maksimum
berusia 27 (no.6,7), 35 (no. 2,3,4),
& 38 tahun (no.1,5)
3. Memiliki pengalaman kerja di posisi terkait minimal 1 tahun (no.6), 2 tahun (no.
2,3,4,5) dan minimal 4 tahun (no. 1)
Lebih disukai wanita (no.1)
5. Single (no.6,7)
6. Memiliki pemahaman yang baik mengenai produk-produk Treasury, khususnya
produk derivatif (no. 2)
7. Memiliki customer base
yang luas dan berorientasi terhadap target (no. 1,2,3,6)
8. Bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja terutama wilayah Sumatera (no.4)
9. Memiliki relasi / network di Pengadilan Negeri/ KPKNL/ Kepolisian,
terutama di
wilayah Medan (no.4)
10. Memiliki database jaringan merchant (no.5)
11. Mampu bekerja di bawah tekanan
Recruitment & Career Management Division
PT. Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk, Tbk Griya Niaga 1 Bintaro 3rd floor Jl. Wahid
Hasyim Blok B4 no. 3 Bintaro Jaya Sektor VII Tangerang 15224 Email:recruitment@ id untuk
(no.1,2,3,4, 5) dan recruit@bniaga. untuk (no.6,7)
Kirim Surat Lamaran, CV, Ijazah
terakhir, transkrip nilai, kartu identitas dan pas foto terbaru
ditujukan kepada alamat di atas.
Hanya kandidat yang
memenuhi kualifikasi di atas yang akan diproses lebih lanjut
PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
PT. Bank
Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk membuka kesempatan kepada para
calon/pelamar untuk posisi:
Associate Account Officer (AAO)
Kanwil BRI Jakarta 2.
2. Aplikasi lamaran Associate
Account Officer (AAO) Kanwil BRI Jakarta 2 hanya dilakukan dengan proses e-Recruitment (aplikasi on-line) pada tanggal 21 - 28 November 2009
melalui website http://www.lmfeui. org/brikanwil2 atau http://www.lmfeui. com. Tidak
ada jalur lain yang digunakan dalam proses aplikasi.
3. Persyaratan Calon AAO Kanwil BRI Jakarta 2 PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk:
1. Pendidikan minimal S1 dari semua fakultas/jurusan terakreditasi.
2. Berasal
dari PTN/PTS berkualifikasi baik
3. IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4)
4. Berpenampilan menarik dan memiliki network luas.
5. Diutamakan memiliki
pengalaman kerja bidang Account Officer Bank atau Marketing pada
perusahaan pembiayaan minimal 1 (satu) tahun.
6. Belum berulang
tahun ke 31 tanggal 28 November 2009 dengan pengalaman kerja di bidang
Account Officer Bank atau Marketing perusahaan pembiayaan.
7. Belum berulang tahun ke 26 tanggal 28 November 2009 tanpa pengalaman kerja di bidang Account Officer Bank atau Marketing perusahaan pembiayaan.
8. Bersedia ditempatkan di wilayah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi,
Karawang, Cikampek, dan Cikarang.
9. Memiliki SIM A dan/atau SIM C
10. Hanya peserta yang memenuhi kualifikasi terbaik yang akan dipanggil.
4. Proses seleksi akan dilangsungkan di JAKARTA dengan melalui
beberapa tahap, yaitu:
1 Tahap 1 Pendaftaran Online 21 - 28
November 2009
Pengumuman Seleksi Administrasi 4 Desember 2009
2 Tahap 2 Registrasi 7 – 8 Desember 2009
3 Tahap 3 Tes Kecerdasan [jadwal ditentukan
4 Tahap 4 Wawancara Awal [jadwal ditentukan kemudian]
5 Tahap 5 Tes Kepribadian & Sikap Kerja [jadwal ditentukan
6 Tahap 6 Wawancara Akhir [jadwal ditentukan kemudian]
7 Tahap 7 Tes Kesehatan [jadwal ditentukan kemudian]
5. Dalam proses seleksi ini akan diberlakukan sistem gugur, artinya
calon/pelamar yang tidak lolos pada tahap tertentu tidak diikutsertakan
dalam tahap tes berikutnya.
6. Pada setiap tahap seleksi, hanya
calon/pelamar dengan kualifikasi terbaik (shortlist candidates) yang
akan diikutsertakan dalam proses seleksi tahap selanjutnya.
7. Pengumuman hasil seleksi/test akan dilakukan hanya melalui website:
http://www.lmfeui. org/brikanwil2/ atau http://www.lmfeui. com.
8. Keputusan hasil seleksi pada setiap tahap tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk membuka kesempatan kepada para
calon/pelamar untuk posisi:
Associate Account Officer (AAO)
Kanwil BRI Jakarta 2.
2. Aplikasi lamaran Associate
Account Officer (AAO) Kanwil BRI Jakarta 2 hanya dilakukan dengan proses e-Recruitment (aplikasi on-line) pada tanggal 21 - 28 November 2009
melalui website http://www.lmfeui. org/brikanwil2 atau http://www.lmfeui. com. Tidak
ada jalur lain yang digunakan dalam proses aplikasi.
3. Persyaratan Calon AAO Kanwil BRI Jakarta 2 PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk:
1. Pendidikan minimal S1 dari semua fakultas/jurusan terakreditasi.
2. Berasal
dari PTN/PTS berkualifikasi baik
3. IPK minimal 2,75 (skala 4)
4. Berpenampilan menarik dan memiliki network luas.
5. Diutamakan memiliki
pengalaman kerja bidang Account Officer Bank atau Marketing pada
perusahaan pembiayaan minimal 1 (satu) tahun.
6. Belum berulang
tahun ke 31 tanggal 28 November 2009 dengan pengalaman kerja di bidang
Account Officer Bank atau Marketing perusahaan pembiayaan.
7. Belum berulang tahun ke 26 tanggal 28 November 2009 tanpa pengalaman kerja di bidang Account Officer Bank atau Marketing perusahaan pembiayaan.
8. Bersedia ditempatkan di wilayah Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi,
Karawang, Cikampek, dan Cikarang.
9. Memiliki SIM A dan/atau SIM C
10. Hanya peserta yang memenuhi kualifikasi terbaik yang akan dipanggil.
4. Proses seleksi akan dilangsungkan di JAKARTA dengan melalui
beberapa tahap, yaitu:
1 Tahap 1 Pendaftaran Online 21 - 28
November 2009
Pengumuman Seleksi Administrasi 4 Desember 2009
2 Tahap 2 Registrasi 7 – 8 Desember 2009
3 Tahap 3 Tes Kecerdasan [jadwal ditentukan
4 Tahap 4 Wawancara Awal [jadwal ditentukan kemudian]
5 Tahap 5 Tes Kepribadian & Sikap Kerja [jadwal ditentukan
6 Tahap 6 Wawancara Akhir [jadwal ditentukan kemudian]
7 Tahap 7 Tes Kesehatan [jadwal ditentukan kemudian]
5. Dalam proses seleksi ini akan diberlakukan sistem gugur, artinya
calon/pelamar yang tidak lolos pada tahap tertentu tidak diikutsertakan
dalam tahap tes berikutnya.
6. Pada setiap tahap seleksi, hanya
calon/pelamar dengan kualifikasi terbaik (shortlist candidates) yang
akan diikutsertakan dalam proses seleksi tahap selanjutnya.
7. Pengumuman hasil seleksi/test akan dilakukan hanya melalui website:
http://www.lmfeui. org/brikanwil2/ atau http://www.lmfeui. com.
8. Keputusan hasil seleksi pada setiap tahap tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
Kamis, 19 November 2009
PT Toyota Astra Financial Services
PT Toyota Astra Financial Services, known as TA Finance, is a newly established joint venture company between Toyota Financial Services Corp., Japan and PT Astra International Tbk., which focus on automotive financing (Toyota) throughout Indonesia. Now, we invite the best young talents to develop their optimal career in our operational leadership program by becoming Management Trainee. Systematic development program that specifically designed in preparing highly potential candidates within overall company’s functions so they will be ready to take role as Operational Head in the near future.
Management Trainee
* Fresh graduate or professional with less than 2 years of experience graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA 3.00
* Age not more than 26 years old
* Showing excellent personal quality in continuous learning
* Analytical thinking
* Teamwork
* High confidence and communication skill
* Service orientation and high interpersonal skill
* High achievement
* Literate in English
* Eagerness to be assigned at any Indonesia region
Business Analyst
Responsible for performing analytical business requirements and development in several Microsoft Dynamics Application. S(he) will also participate in business requirements modification and project management, including system analysis, system design, quality assurance and documentation.
Having min. 2 years as Business Analyst from financing company or banking. Good knowledge in SQL Server 2005 programming and Web application development using .NET Platform and client script e.g. ASP, JAVA, JAVAScript, VBScript, Oracle will be an advantage.
Please send your application letter with photo & curriculum vitae to:
PT. Toyota Astra Financial Services
Mega Plaza building 8th floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said kav. C-3
Jakarta 12920
email to hrd@tafinance. com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Kindly state position code IT on the right top of envelope or email subject. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Should you need complete information please visit the following link.
Management Trainee
* Fresh graduate or professional with less than 2 years of experience graduated from reputable university with minimum GPA 3.00
* Age not more than 26 years old
* Showing excellent personal quality in continuous learning
* Analytical thinking
* Teamwork
* High confidence and communication skill
* Service orientation and high interpersonal skill
* High achievement
* Literate in English
* Eagerness to be assigned at any Indonesia region
Business Analyst
Responsible for performing analytical business requirements and development in several Microsoft Dynamics Application. S(he) will also participate in business requirements modification and project management, including system analysis, system design, quality assurance and documentation.
Having min. 2 years as Business Analyst from financing company or banking. Good knowledge in SQL Server 2005 programming and Web application development using .NET Platform and client script e.g. ASP, JAVA, JAVAScript, VBScript, Oracle will be an advantage.
Please send your application letter with photo & curriculum vitae to:
PT. Toyota Astra Financial Services
Mega Plaza building 8th floor
Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said kav. C-3
Jakarta 12920
email to hrd@tafinance. com This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Kindly state position code IT on the right top of envelope or email subject. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified. Should you need complete information please visit the following link.
PT. Pertamina Training & Consulting
PT. Pertamina Training & Consulting
(PTC) is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), focused on the
development of human resource competency in Oil and Gas business by
training and consulting services as well as giving business solution.
Compliance Officer
* Male/Female, Max 30 years old
* Hold minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable university
* GPA > 3.00 of 4 Scale
* At least 2 years of experience in the same field
* Experince in oil & gas company will be advantage
* Good knowledge on government rules, manpower regulation and capital
market law
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Computer literate : Word, Excel & Power point etc
* Attractive, good attitude & good personality
* Should be highly motivated and self driven with strong analytical
and conceptual thinking
* Must possess excellent communication , leadership and interpersonal
* Excellent ability to work with and communicate to shareholders,
customers, associates and third parties
Capital Market Information Technology
* Male/Female, Max 30 years old
* Hold minimum Bachelor Degree in IT or Finance from reputable
* GPA > 3.00 of 4 Scale
* At least 3 years of experience in the same field (Capital Market)
* Good knowledge in Finance (able to create financial report, balance
sheet etc)
* Experince in oil & gas company will be advantage
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Computer literate : Word, Excel & Power point etc
* Attractive, good attitude & good personality
* Should be highly motivated and self driven with strong analytical
and conceptual thinking
* Must possess excellent communication , leadership and interpersonal
* Excellent ability to work with and communicate to shareholders,
customers, associates and third partiesIf you meet above requirements please
send your application to:
PT. Pertamina Training and
PO Box 6719 JKS RB
Jakarta 12067
(PTC) is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero), focused on the
development of human resource competency in Oil and Gas business by
training and consulting services as well as giving business solution.
Compliance Officer
* Male/Female, Max 30 years old
* Hold minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable university
* GPA > 3.00 of 4 Scale
* At least 2 years of experience in the same field
* Experince in oil & gas company will be advantage
* Good knowledge on government rules, manpower regulation and capital
market law
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Computer literate : Word, Excel & Power point etc
* Attractive, good attitude & good personality
* Should be highly motivated and self driven with strong analytical
and conceptual thinking
* Must possess excellent communication , leadership and interpersonal
* Excellent ability to work with and communicate to shareholders,
customers, associates and third parties
Capital Market Information Technology
* Male/Female, Max 30 years old
* Hold minimum Bachelor Degree in IT or Finance from reputable
* GPA > 3.00 of 4 Scale
* At least 3 years of experience in the same field (Capital Market)
* Good knowledge in Finance (able to create financial report, balance
sheet etc)
* Experince in oil & gas company will be advantage
* Fluent in English both oral and written
* Computer literate : Word, Excel & Power point etc
* Attractive, good attitude & good personality
* Should be highly motivated and self driven with strong analytical
and conceptual thinking
* Must possess excellent communication , leadership and interpersonal
* Excellent ability to work with and communicate to shareholders,
customers, associates and third partiesIf you meet above requirements please
send your application to:
PT. Pertamina Training and
PO Box 6719 JKS RB
Jakarta 12067
Rabu, 18 November 2009
Accounting Staff; Legal Supervisor
Temporary Accounting
1. S1
Economy, Accounting.
2. Female,
below 28 years old
3. At
least 1-3 years working experiences, especially in handling general
and taxation.
4. Able
to work overtime, if needed
5. Willing
to work as a temporary staff for approx 4 months.
6. Able
to communicate in English both written & oral.
7. Familiar
with ACCPAC accounting software is preferred.
Legal Supervisor
1. S1 Law
2. Male, max 35 years old
3. At least 1 - 2 years working experiences as a corporate
lawyer or Legal consultant at Law firm.
4. Understand with legal asset, Industrial Relation.
5. Able
to communicate in English both written & oral
you have interest and meet with the above requirements, welcome to join us
sending your complete profile to: or
1. S1
Economy, Accounting.
2. Female,
below 28 years old
3. At
least 1-3 years working experiences, especially in handling general
and taxation.
4. Able
to work overtime, if needed
5. Willing
to work as a temporary staff for approx 4 months.
6. Able
to communicate in English both written & oral.
7. Familiar
with ACCPAC accounting software is preferred.
Legal Supervisor
1. S1 Law
2. Male, max 35 years old
3. At least 1 - 2 years working experiences as a corporate
lawyer or Legal consultant at Law firm.
4. Understand with legal asset, Industrial Relation.
5. Able
to communicate in English both written & oral
you have interest and meet with the above requirements, welcome to join us
sending your complete profile to: or
PT Schott Igar Glass
optical products. Headquartered in Germany, we are part of the
international Schott AG operating in Asia, Europe & Nafta with
approximately 17,300 employees worldwide.
With our optical component product line in Penang, we are addressing the
upcoming Photonics markets. To realize our ambitious goals, we are
seeking dynamic people who see beyond the future of glass to join us.
Management Trainee
* Supervise and manage production
* Analyze daily production data
* To control WIP trend and raw glass
* Responsible to make polishing sample
* Perform root cause analysis and recommend improvement plan
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in
Mechanical/Manufact uring Engineering, Mathematics/ Statistics or
* Good leadership and interpersonal skills
* Able to work independently and effectively in a team environment
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Willing to live in Penang-Malaysia (based on contract 1-2 years)
Interested candidates are required to send their resume with photograph
HRD Manager: hrd.schott@schott. com
PT Schott Igar Glass,
Jl. Meranti 3 Blok L8 - 06B
Delta Silicon Industrial Park, Cikarang
Phone:+62-21- 28640088
Fax:+62-21-28640055 /66
Http://www.schott. com
international Schott AG operating in Asia, Europe & Nafta with
approximately 17,300 employees worldwide.
With our optical component product line in Penang, we are addressing the
upcoming Photonics markets. To realize our ambitious goals, we are
seeking dynamic people who see beyond the future of glass to join us.
Management Trainee
* Supervise and manage production
* Analyze daily production data
* To control WIP trend and raw glass
* Responsible to make polishing sample
* Perform root cause analysis and recommend improvement plan
* Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in
Mechanical/Manufact uring Engineering, Mathematics/ Statistics or
* Good leadership and interpersonal skills
* Able to work independently and effectively in a team environment
* Good command of spoken and written English
* Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
* Willing to live in Penang-Malaysia (based on contract 1-2 years)
Interested candidates are required to send their resume with photograph
HRD Manager: hrd.schott@schott. com
PT Schott Igar Glass,
Jl. Meranti 3 Blok L8 - 06B
Delta Silicon Industrial Park, Cikarang
Phone:+62-21- 28640088
Fax:+62-21-28640055 /66
Http://www.schott. com
PT SCHOTT Igar Glass
All around the world in 36 countries more than 17,000 employees are
committed for Schott. With High-Tech-materials , e.g. special glass and
innovative ideas they are designing the world of tomorrow – people
that appreciate self-responsibility and creative scope. At PT Schott
Igar Glass, located at Bekasi, Cikarang, the Asian Pharmaceutical
Packaging Center of the SCHOTT – forma vitrum group, we are looking
for the right candidates for the following positions:
Job Description:
· Prepare mini MRP in Logistic
· Graduate from IT / IS
· Familiar with MS Excel Macro
· Familiar with Visual Basic
· Familiar with SQL Server
· Having experience create database system
Interested candidates are requited to send their resume with photograph,
as the earliest starting date to:
PT SCHOTT Igar Glass, to hrd.schott@schott. com
by November 30, 2009.
Office: PT. SCHOTT Igar Glass
Jl. Meranti 3 Blok L8 - 06B
Delta Silicon Industrial Park
Phone: +62-21-28640088
Fax: +62-21-28640055/ 66
Http://www.schott. com/pharmaceutic al_systems
committed for Schott. With High-Tech-materials , e.g. special glass and
innovative ideas they are designing the world of tomorrow – people
that appreciate self-responsibility and creative scope. At PT Schott
Igar Glass, located at Bekasi, Cikarang, the Asian Pharmaceutical
Packaging Center of the SCHOTT – forma vitrum group, we are looking
for the right candidates for the following positions:
Job Description:
· Prepare mini MRP in Logistic
· Graduate from IT / IS
· Familiar with MS Excel Macro
· Familiar with Visual Basic
· Familiar with SQL Server
· Having experience create database system
Interested candidates are requited to send their resume with photograph,
as the earliest starting date to:
PT SCHOTT Igar Glass, to hrd.schott@schott. com
Office: PT. SCHOTT Igar Glass
Jl. Meranti 3 Blok L8 - 06B
Delta Silicon Industrial Park
Phone: +62-21-28640088
Fax: +62-21-28640055/ 66
Http://www.schott. com/pharmaceutic al_systems
Minggu, 15 November 2009
PT.COMBIPHAR, an aggressive pharmaceutical company are seeking high caliber & result-oriented individual to fill the position as :
Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Minimum 2 years experience, and experience in pharmaceutical industry is an advantage
•Having good knowledge in pharmaceutical industry and its distribution process
•Computer literate and having a good report skill
•Interest in working outdoor, under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision
•Mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team
Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Degree with major in Accounting from reputable university
•Experience in manufacture industry are preferred
•Familiar with SAP R3 or above are advantage
•Minimum 2 years experience in related area
•Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team
Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university, graduated from any major
•Having experienced as Supervisor in Pharmaceutical Company minimum for 2 years
•Excellent in communication, networking and leadership skills
•Having driving license (SIM A)
•Selected candidate will be placed to all our branches throughout Indonesia
Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 29 years old
•Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university from any major
•Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
•Having interest working with target
•Having good communication and intrapersonal skill
•No complaints of working with long hours
•Having own motorcycle and its license (SIM C)
•Selected candidate will be placed to all our branches throughout Indonesia
Forward your CV and put your job code with current photograph, maximum 2 weeks from this advertisement and stated your expected salary, to:
Graha Atrium Building 15th Floor
Jl.Senen Raya 135
Jakarta Pusat
Or Email to :
vidhestira.dwimadia @combiphar. com
Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Minimum 2 years experience, and experience in pharmaceutical industry is an advantage
•Having good knowledge in pharmaceutical industry and its distribution process
•Computer literate and having a good report skill
•Interest in working outdoor, under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision
•Mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team
Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Degree with major in Accounting from reputable university
•Experience in manufacture industry are preferred
•Familiar with SAP R3 or above are advantage
•Minimum 2 years experience in related area
•Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team
Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university, graduated from any major
•Having experienced as Supervisor in Pharmaceutical Company minimum for 2 years
•Excellent in communication, networking and leadership skills
•Having driving license (SIM A)
•Selected candidate will be placed to all our branches throughout Indonesia
Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 29 years old
•Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university from any major
•Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
•Having interest working with target
•Having good communication and intrapersonal skill
•No complaints of working with long hours
•Having own motorcycle and its license (SIM C)
•Selected candidate will be placed to all our branches throughout Indonesia
Forward your CV and put your job code with current photograph, maximum 2 weeks from this advertisement and stated your expected salary, to:
Graha Atrium Building 15th Floor
Jl.Senen Raya 135
Jakarta Pusat
Or Email to :
vidhestira.dwimadia @combiphar. com
The Putera Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) was established to train and
develop professionally certified teachers with International standards and
to equip them with best-practices in the latest teaching methodologies.
Built upon the experiences and expertise of the Sampoerna Foundation Teacher
Institute from training over 14.000 professional teachers in Indonesia in
the last 3 years, the SSE is a licensed, degree-granting college, managed by
the Sampoerna Foundation.
The school offers a unique Career Management Program designed to prepare
future leaders for the education sector and provides career opportunities
within the Sampoerna Foundation network of schools upon graduation.
To support its operation, we are looking for qualified and experienced
individuals to join our team as :
Database, Documents & Records Staff (DDRS-SSE)
Main Responsibiltes :
To manage, record, update and act as custodian of entire database of student
and academic materials related to learning and teaching activities as well
as student activities, including presentation materials, assignments, case
studies, evaluation (test) materials, e-learning, etc.
Database, Documents & Records Staff
Post Date: 13 Nov 09
Position Requirements :
• Bachelor degree in any discipline
• Having experience in academic support & services activities, student
services or lecturer services in a higher school at least for 2 years.
• Familiar in handling lecturer administration and documentation in
regards to fulfill requirements for Diknas, Dikti and Kopertis.
• Having knowledge and skills training in Intellectual Proprietary Rights
(IPR) and Knowledge Management (KM) application and techniques.
• Strong IT & IS skills.
• High meticulousness and attention to details.
• Some experience in working with numbers and statistics.
• Solid experience in archiving and filing.
If you interested and meet the above requirements please send your
comprehensive resume by email to by stating position code applied for
in the email subject no later than November 30, 2009
The Putera Sampoerna School of Education (SSE) was established to train and
develop professionally certified teachers with International standards and
to equip them with best-practices in the latest teaching methodologies.
Built upon the experiences and expertise of the Sampoerna Foundation Teacher
Institute from training over 14.000 professional teachers in Indonesia in
the last 3 years, the SSE is a licensed, degree-granting college, managed by
the Sampoerna Foundation.
The school offers a unique Career Management Program designed to prepare
future leaders for the education sector and provides career opportunities
within the Sampoerna Foundation network of schools upon graduation.
To support its operation, we are looking for qualified and experienced
individuals to join our team as :
Database, Documents & Records Staff (DDRS-SSE)
Main Responsibiltes :
To manage, record, update and act as custodian of entire database of student
and academic materials related to learning and teaching activities as well
as student activities, including presentation materials, assignments, case
studies, evaluation (test) materials, e-learning, etc.
Database, Documents & Records Staff
Post Date: 13 Nov 09
Position Requirements :
• Bachelor degree in any discipline
• Having experience in academic support & services activities, student
services or lecturer services in a higher school at least for 2 years.
• Familiar in handling lecturer administration and documentation in
regards to fulfill requirements for Diknas, Dikti and Kopertis.
• Having knowledge and skills training in Intellectual Proprietary Rights
(IPR) and Knowledge Management (KM) application and techniques.
• Strong IT & IS skills.
• High meticulousness and attention to details.
• Some experience in working with numbers and statistics.
• Solid experience in archiving and filing.
If you interested and meet the above requirements please send your
comprehensive resume by email to by stating position code applied for
in the email subject no later than November 30, 2009
LG Innotek Indonesia,co
As the largest and export oriented TV Tuner & electronics components
manufacturer which has been implementing six sigma and located at
Cikarang, Bekasi, LG Innotek Indonesia,co. , Ltd would like to invite you
to join us as a part of our winning team as:
1. ESH Staff (Code: 1. ESH-ST)
2. Engineering Staff (Code: Eng-ST)
3. R&D Engineer (Code: R&D-Eng)
4. IT Staff (IT-ST)
5. Purchasing Staff (PCH-ST)
Male, single, max 28 years old
Bachelor Degree
Min GPA > 3.00
Majoring: Environment Engineering (1), Electrical/Electron ic Engineering (2,3,5),
Industrial Engineering (2,5), Informatics Engineering (4)
Fresh graduates are welcome
Excellent English, Computer Literate
Good interpersonal skills, dynamic and high energy level
If you meet our requirement above please send us your application letter and your latest CV
and photo before Thursday, 19th November 2009 to email: zubaedah@lginnotek. com and
CC to: candra@lginnotek. com , Ph.021-89906619 ext.128. Name the position code on
subject column on your email or on your envelope and please mention your current and
expected salary.
Only short listed canddate would be process.
manufacturer which has been implementing six sigma and located at
Cikarang, Bekasi, LG Innotek Indonesia,co. , Ltd would like to invite you
to join us as a part of our winning team as:
1. ESH Staff (Code: 1. ESH-ST)
2. Engineering Staff (Code: Eng-ST)
3. R&D Engineer (Code: R&D-Eng)
4. IT Staff (IT-ST)
5. Purchasing Staff (PCH-ST)
Male, single, max 28 years old
Bachelor Degree
Min GPA > 3.00
Majoring: Environment Engineering (1), Electrical/Electron ic Engineering (2,3,5),
Industrial Engineering (2,5), Informatics Engineering (4)
Fresh graduates are welcome
Excellent English, Computer Literate
Good interpersonal skills, dynamic and high energy level
If you meet our requirement above please send us your application letter and your latest CV
and photo before Thursday, 19th November 2009 to email: zubaedah@lginnotek. com and
CC to: candra@lginnotek. com , Ph.021-89906619 ext.128. Name the position code on
subject column on your email or on your envelope and please mention your current and
expected salary.
Only short listed canddate would be process.
Senin, 09 November 2009
The biggest offshore fabricator in Indonesia and one of the largest
offshore construction companies in the world requires proficient,
efficient, and highly motivated individuals for the following
Key Responsibility
• Planning & supervising daily work schedule for team of multinational
electrical commissioning technician.
• Carrying out inspection, pre-commissioning & commissioning
activities, equipments to achieve completion & handover to
• Compilation of; punch list, commissioning test records.
• Liaison with vendor.
• Carrying out; calibration, function testing, built amendments to drawing.
• Conversant with electrical safety isolation procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt electrical single diagram.
Key Responsibility
• Carrying out daily work schedule of electrical commissioning.
• Compilation of; punch list, commissioning test records.
• Conducting all electrical work activities.
• Testing and repairing of all electrical equipment.
• Conversant with electrical safety isolation procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt electrical single diagram.
Key Responsibilities:
• Planning & Supervising daily work schedule for team of multinational
instrument commissioning technician.
• Carrying out inspection; pre-commissioning & commissioning
activities to achieve completion & handover to commissioning.
• Compilation of; punch list, commissioning test records.
• Liaison with vendor.
• Carrying out; calibration, function testing, built amendments to drawing.
• Conversant with instrument safety isolation procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt instrument diagram.
Key Responsibilities:
• Carrying out inspection; pre-commissioning & commissioning activities.
• Conducting all instrument work activities.
• Compilation of; punch list, commissioning test records.
• Carrying out; calibration, function testing.
• Conversant with instrument safety isolation procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt instrument diagram.
Key Responsibilities:
• Planning & Supervising daily work schedule for team of multinational
Mechanical commissioning technician.
• Carrying out inspection; pre-commissioning & commissioning
activities, equipments to achieve Mechanical completion & handover to
• Compilation of; punch list, commissioning test records.
• Liaison with vendor.
• Carrying out; Calibration, function testing, built amendments to drawing.
• Experience of equipment alignment.
• Experience / knowledge of; reverse alignment techniques, micrometer,
vernier gauges, depth gauges.
• Experience in; lube oil flushing, replacement of Mechanical Seal
cartridge and dry gas seal assembly and installation.
• Conversant with Mechanical safety procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt Mechanical diagram.
Key Responsibilities:
• Carrying out inspection; pre-commissioning & commissioning
activities, equipments to achieve Mechanical completion & handover to
• Conducting all mechanical work activities.
• Preparing & planning all mechanical work scope.
• Experience / knowledge of; micrometer, vernier gauges, depth gauges.
• Able to read & interrupt Mechanical diagram.
• Experience in: lube oil flushing, replacement of Mechanical Seal
cartridge and dry gas seal assembly and installation.
Key Responsibilities:
• Carrying out inspection; pre-commissioning & commissioning
activities, equipments to achieve completion & handover to
• Conducting all Telecom work activities.
• Conversant with Telecom safety isolation procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt Telecom diagram.
Key Responsibilities:
• Carrying out inspection; pre-commissioning & commissioning
activities, equipments to achieve completion & handover to
• Conducting all HVAC work activities.
• Conversant with HVAC procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt HVAC diagram.
• D3/S1 technical degree.
• Min. 3 years of working experiences (Technician) and min. 5 years of
working experiences (Senior Tech) and 3 years of which at supervisory
level within oil & gas construction in oil & gas construction.
• Conversant with; Industry standard practice, installation &
maintenance of equipment designed for use in hazards areas.
• Able to read & interrupt; schematic control circuit diagram, process
flow & logic flow diagram.
• Fluent in spoken & written English.
• Computer literate & familiar with commonly used application; spread
sheet, project management, data base.
If your vision of a work environment includes the challenges which can
lead to personal growth, respect for ideas and colleagues who rank
with the best, then please send your application and resume, quoting
position title, with copy of qualification certificates and recent
photograph (4x6cm) no later than 2 weeks to:
Jalan Bawal - Batu Ampar - Batam 29452
Email: hrd.batam@mcdermott .com
The biggest offshore fabricator in Indonesia and one of the largest
offshore construction companies in the world requires proficient,
efficient, and highly motivated individuals for the following
Key Responsibility
• Planning & supervising daily work schedule for team of multinational
electrical commissioning technician.
• Carrying out inspection, pre-commissioning & commissioning
activities, equipments to achieve completion & handover to
• Compilation of; punch list, commissioning test records.
• Liaison with vendor.
• Carrying out; calibration, function testing, built amendments to drawing.
• Conversant with electrical safety isolation procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt electrical single diagram.
Key Responsibility
• Carrying out daily work schedule of electrical commissioning.
• Compilation of; punch list, commissioning test records.
• Conducting all electrical work activities.
• Testing and repairing of all electrical equipment.
• Conversant with electrical safety isolation procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt electrical single diagram.
Key Responsibilities:
• Planning & Supervising daily work schedule for team of multinational
instrument commissioning technician.
• Carrying out inspection; pre-commissioning & commissioning
activities to achieve completion & handover to commissioning.
• Compilation of; punch list, commissioning test records.
• Liaison with vendor.
• Carrying out; calibration, function testing, built amendments to drawing.
• Conversant with instrument safety isolation procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt instrument diagram.
Key Responsibilities:
• Carrying out inspection; pre-commissioning & commissioning activities.
• Conducting all instrument work activities.
• Compilation of; punch list, commissioning test records.
• Carrying out; calibration, function testing.
• Conversant with instrument safety isolation procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt instrument diagram.
Key Responsibilities:
• Planning & Supervising daily work schedule for team of multinational
Mechanical commissioning technician.
• Carrying out inspection; pre-commissioning & commissioning
activities, equipments to achieve Mechanical completion & handover to
• Compilation of; punch list, commissioning test records.
• Liaison with vendor.
• Carrying out; Calibration, function testing, built amendments to drawing.
• Experience of equipment alignment.
• Experience / knowledge of; reverse alignment techniques, micrometer,
vernier gauges, depth gauges.
• Experience in; lube oil flushing, replacement of Mechanical Seal
cartridge and dry gas seal assembly and installation.
• Conversant with Mechanical safety procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt Mechanical diagram.
Key Responsibilities:
• Carrying out inspection; pre-commissioning & commissioning
activities, equipments to achieve Mechanical completion & handover to
• Conducting all mechanical work activities.
• Preparing & planning all mechanical work scope.
• Experience / knowledge of; micrometer, vernier gauges, depth gauges.
• Able to read & interrupt Mechanical diagram.
• Experience in: lube oil flushing, replacement of Mechanical Seal
cartridge and dry gas seal assembly and installation.
Key Responsibilities:
• Carrying out inspection; pre-commissioning & commissioning
activities, equipments to achieve completion & handover to
• Conducting all Telecom work activities.
• Conversant with Telecom safety isolation procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt Telecom diagram.
Key Responsibilities:
• Carrying out inspection; pre-commissioning & commissioning
activities, equipments to achieve completion & handover to
• Conducting all HVAC work activities.
• Conversant with HVAC procedures.
• Able to read & interrupt HVAC diagram.
• D3/S1 technical degree.
• Min. 3 years of working experiences (Technician) and min. 5 years of
working experiences (Senior Tech) and 3 years of which at supervisory
level within oil & gas construction in oil & gas construction.
• Conversant with; Industry standard practice, installation &
maintenance of equipment designed for use in hazards areas.
• Able to read & interrupt; schematic control circuit diagram, process
flow & logic flow diagram.
• Fluent in spoken & written English.
• Computer literate & familiar with commonly used application; spread
sheet, project management, data base.
If your vision of a work environment includes the challenges which can
lead to personal growth, respect for ideas and colleagues who rank
with the best, then please send your application and resume, quoting
position title, with copy of qualification certificates and recent
photograph (4x6cm) no later than 2 weeks to:
Jalan Bawal - Batu Ampar - Batam 29452
Email: hrd.batam@mcdermott .com
Sabtu, 07 November 2009
PT. FamilyTree
PT. FamilyTree Indonesia is a holding company in the field of education and counseling center. We need outstanding individuals for:
Academic Staff (AS)
· Male or female max. age 35
· Bachelor degree of psychology
· Fluent in english
· Pleasant personality, Loving children
· Hard worker, open mind, fast learner, Communicative
· Willing to be placed in Bintaro, Tangerang or to have business trip in another city
Business Development Staf (BD)
· Male or female max. age 35
· Bachelor degree of Economic (Management)
· Fluent in english
· Pleasant personality, Loving children
· Hard worker, open mind, fast learner, Communicative
· Willing to be placed in Bintaro, Tangerang or to have business trip in another city
Please send application with detailed CV, resume, recent photograph, & expected salary, until November 18, 2009 to:
Kumala Windya
FamilyTree Indonesia
Jalan Mantrigawen Kidul No. 8 Yogyakarta
Telp, 0274 378881
Academic Staff (AS)
· Male or female max. age 35
· Bachelor degree of psychology
· Fluent in english
· Pleasant personality, Loving children
· Hard worker, open mind, fast learner, Communicative
· Willing to be placed in Bintaro, Tangerang or to have business trip in another city
Business Development Staf (BD)
· Male or female max. age 35
· Bachelor degree of Economic (Management)
· Fluent in english
· Pleasant personality, Loving children
· Hard worker, open mind, fast learner, Communicative
· Willing to be placed in Bintaro, Tangerang or to have business trip in another city
Please send application with detailed CV, resume, recent photograph, & expected salary, until November 18, 2009 to:
Kumala Windya
FamilyTree Indonesia
Jalan Mantrigawen Kidul No. 8 Yogyakarta
Telp, 0274 378881
Jumat, 06 November 2009
We are looking for the right candidate to fill in the following position:
- Male/Female Max 27 Years Old
- D3 in Tourism majoring in Travel & Tourism from reputable academic / university.
min. has 3 years experience in the industry at the same level
- Familiar with AMADEUS/ABACUS GDS reservation system
- Able to perform a fare calculation on domestic and int'l airfares tariff
- Excellent in computer skill (MS Windows office application & internet/Email/ YM)
- Knowledge in Ticketing, Hotel Reservation, and Travel Documents both for local persons & expatriates.
- Holding a valid IATA training certificate
- Has a good command of spoken and written English
- Strong personality, energetic , proactive, service oriented and trustworthy
- Can work independently and as well as a team
- Able to communicate effectively, both in oral and written English.
For those who meet the above requirements, please submit your application letter with detailed resume, references and recent photograph (3×4 cm); put "travel consultant" in subject, as soon as possible to: peragro_indonesia@
We are looking for the right candidate to fill in the following position:
- Male/Female Max 27 Years Old
- D3 in Tourism majoring in Travel & Tourism from reputable academic / university.
min. has 3 years experience in the industry at the same level
- Familiar with AMADEUS/ABACUS GDS reservation system
- Able to perform a fare calculation on domestic and int'l airfares tariff
- Excellent in computer skill (MS Windows office application & internet/Email/ YM)
- Knowledge in Ticketing, Hotel Reservation, and Travel Documents both for local persons & expatriates.
- Holding a valid IATA training certificate
- Has a good command of spoken and written English
- Strong personality, energetic , proactive, service oriented and trustworthy
- Can work independently and as well as a team
- Able to communicate effectively, both in oral and written English.
For those who meet the above requirements, please submit your application letter with detailed resume, references and recent photograph (3×4 cm); put "travel consultant" in subject, as soon as possible to: peragro_indonesia@
Kamis, 05 November 2009
PT Truba Jaya Engineering
(formerly PT Truba Jurong Engineering)
Engineering Procurement and Construction Company in Power, Industrial
and Oil & Gas Plant.
Boiler Engineer
Minimum S1 degree in Mechanical Engineering from a reputable University.
At least 5 years experience in construction of industrial plant and power plant.
Have a good technical knowledge on mechanical equipment such as Boiler
of Power Plant / Industrial Plant.
Good understanding of Project Construction.
Male, Maximum 35 Years old.
Language proficiency verbal and written both English and Bahasa
Indonesia, minimum TOEFL Score 450
Must have good leadership, communication skill, high integrity and loyalty
Able to work as a team or independently
Shall be mentally ready to be assigned in any where in Indonesia or
overseas at any time
Good responsibility & highly motivated individual
Computer literate
Please send your detailed CV complete with recent photograph within 3
weeks upon this advertisement to: recruitment@ trubagroup. com or by
post mail to:
PT Truba Jaya Engineering
(formerly PT Truba Jurong Engineering)
Wisma PSM, Jl. Swadaya II No.7
Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa
Jakarta 12530, Indonesia
(formerly PT Truba Jurong Engineering)
Engineering Procurement and Construction Company in Power, Industrial
and Oil & Gas Plant.
Boiler Engineer
Minimum S1 degree in Mechanical Engineering from a reputable University.
At least 5 years experience in construction of industrial plant and power plant.
Have a good technical knowledge on mechanical equipment such as Boiler
of Power Plant / Industrial Plant.
Good understanding of Project Construction.
Male, Maximum 35 Years old.
Language proficiency verbal and written both English and Bahasa
Indonesia, minimum TOEFL Score 450
Must have good leadership, communication skill, high integrity and loyalty
Able to work as a team or independently
Shall be mentally ready to be assigned in any where in Indonesia or
overseas at any time
Good responsibility & highly motivated individual
Computer literate
Please send your detailed CV complete with recent photograph within 3
weeks upon this advertisement to: recruitment@ trubagroup. com or by
post mail to:
PT Truba Jaya Engineering
(formerly PT Truba Jurong Engineering)
Wisma PSM, Jl. Swadaya II No.7
Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa
Jakarta 12530, Indonesia
Selasa, 03 November 2009
Aveon Auto Rentals Bali
Aveon Auto Rentals Bali, a car rental company currently opening several vacancies for the positions as follows;
Finance & Accounting Assistant (Code FAA)
For the open position we required the candidate(s) must have specification as follow;
- Having domicile in Bali;
- Male or female with maximum 25 years old;
- Having Experience in Finance & Accounting area such as;
o Account Payable and Account Receivable;
o Daily Petty Cash transactions;
o Have knowledge in Taxes (PPh 21, 23 dan PPh Final 4 ayat 2)
o Prepare Bank Reconciles;
- Able to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia;
- Familiar working with computer and internet.
Sales & Marketing Consultant (Code SMC)
For the open position we required the candidate(s) must have specification as follow;
- Having domicile in Bali;
- Male or female with maximum 25 years old;
- Graduated from D3 or equals, Tourism graduate will be an advantage;
- Having own vehicle and able to drive a car;
- Having Experience in Sales & Marketing area such as;
o Corporate Sales Calls and Telemarketing;
o Prospecting, Quoting, Proposing, Dealing and Closing Sales;
o Know how to sell the products;
- Able to communicate in Both English and Bahasa Indonesia;
- Familiar working with computer and internet.
Vehicle Control Officer (Code VCO)
For the open position we required the candidate(s) must have specification as follow;
- Having domicile in Bali and having own vehicle;
- Male with maximum 25 years old;
- Graduated from D3 or equals, Engineer graduate will be an advantage;
- Having Experience in Vehicle Control area such as;
o Knowledge in engines and spare parts;
o Troubleshooting in engine breakdown or parts broken;
o Know how to maintenance the vehicles
- Able to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia;
- Familiar working with computer and internet.
Please submit your Application and CV (with photo) by email to charles.jusung@ aveonrentals. com with code in email subject.
Or submit your CV in closed envelope to;
Branch Manager
Aveon Auto Rentals – Bali
Jl. Taman Sari No.08, Banjar Kelan – Kedonganan
Kuta – Bali.
Candidates will be contacted by phone and/or email for interview schedule.
Finance & Accounting Assistant (Code FAA)
For the open position we required the candidate(s) must have specification as follow;
- Having domicile in Bali;
- Male or female with maximum 25 years old;
- Having Experience in Finance & Accounting area such as;
o Account Payable and Account Receivable;
o Daily Petty Cash transactions;
o Have knowledge in Taxes (PPh 21, 23 dan PPh Final 4 ayat 2)
o Prepare Bank Reconciles;
- Able to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia;
- Familiar working with computer and internet.
Sales & Marketing Consultant (Code SMC)
For the open position we required the candidate(s) must have specification as follow;
- Having domicile in Bali;
- Male or female with maximum 25 years old;
- Graduated from D3 or equals, Tourism graduate will be an advantage;
- Having own vehicle and able to drive a car;
- Having Experience in Sales & Marketing area such as;
o Corporate Sales Calls and Telemarketing;
o Prospecting, Quoting, Proposing, Dealing and Closing Sales;
o Know how to sell the products;
- Able to communicate in Both English and Bahasa Indonesia;
- Familiar working with computer and internet.
Vehicle Control Officer (Code VCO)
For the open position we required the candidate(s) must have specification as follow;
- Having domicile in Bali and having own vehicle;
- Male with maximum 25 years old;
- Graduated from D3 or equals, Engineer graduate will be an advantage;
- Having Experience in Vehicle Control area such as;
o Knowledge in engines and spare parts;
o Troubleshooting in engine breakdown or parts broken;
o Know how to maintenance the vehicles
- Able to communicate in Bahasa Indonesia;
- Familiar working with computer and internet.
Please submit your Application and CV (with photo) by email to charles.jusung@ aveonrentals. com with code in email subject.
Or submit your CV in closed envelope to;
Branch Manager
Aveon Auto Rentals – Bali
Jl. Taman Sari No.08, Banjar Kelan – Kedonganan
Kuta – Bali.
Candidates will be contacted by phone and/or email for interview schedule.
Looking for Teacher ; for Playgroup in Ubud
1. Fluent in English
2. Have a skill in pre-school education
3. Maximum age is 40 years old.
Please send your resume to kadek.purnami@ ubudwritersfesti by 15 November.
1. Fluent in English
2. Have a skill in pre-school education
3. Maximum age is 40 years old.
Please send your resume to kadek.purnami@ ubudwritersfesti by 15 November.
PT Teknologi Energi Terpadu
PT Teknologi Energi Terpadu is a growing company in Coal Gasifier Industry
and expanding to a Coal Gassifier Power Plan, domicile in Tangerang, will
require some personnel that ready to accept challenges to join us.
We're seeking for strong analytical, highly motivated for self
improvement, proactive, cooperative and good team work candidates for the
following positions:
Mechanical/Energy Conversion (code - MEC):
1. Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering with Minimum GPA 3.0
2. Good understanding with heat transfer process, and phase changing.
3. Good understanding with concept of pressure, volume and fluid temperature
4. Excellent proficiency in Energy Conversion Machine
5. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
6. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
Instrument Engineering (code - IE)
1. Bachelor degree of Physical Engineering/ Electrical
Engineering/ Instrument Engineering with Minimum GPA 2.75
2. Good understanding in PID
3. Good understanding in controling process
4. Good understanding with various control Instrument, like: PLC, HMI and DCS
5. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
6. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
Mechanical/Structur al Design (code - MSD):
1. Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering with Minimum GPA 3.0
2. Good understanding with Manufacturing process.
3. Good understanding with Loading process and direction and also material
4. Good understanding with welding process and the analysis of the weld
5. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
6. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
Mechanical/Energy Conversion (code - MEC):
1. Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering with Minimum GPA 3.0
2. Good understanding with heat transfer process, and phase changing.
3. Good understanding with concept of pressure, volume and fluid temperature
4. Excellent proficiency in Energy Conversion Machine
5. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
6. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
Metalurgy (code - ME):
1. Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering/ Metalurgy engineering with
Minimum GPA 3.0
2. Good understanding with failure material analysis
3. Good understanding with phase changing process in metal structure
4. Good understanding with oxidation process, wear, and protection against
5. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
6. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
Power Plant Engineering (code - PPE):
1. Bachelor degree of Electrical Engineering( Power Plant) with Minimum GPA
2. Good understanding with High Voltage Equipment.
3. Good understanding with High Voltage Protection and Electrical Grounding.
4. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
5. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
6. Preferably capable to design power generation & power distribution
Please email your application letter(max 28 years old), detailed CV,
and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 200Kb) to
Prefered in JABODETABEK area, and ready to place outside jakarta.
until : November 14th, 2009.
Reference code of position must be written on the email subject.
For example (yourname - MEC)
and expanding to a Coal Gassifier Power Plan, domicile in Tangerang, will
require some personnel that ready to accept challenges to join us.
We're seeking for strong analytical, highly motivated for self
improvement, proactive, cooperative and good team work candidates for the
following positions:
Mechanical/Energy Conversion (code - MEC):
1. Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering with Minimum GPA 3.0
2. Good understanding with heat transfer process, and phase changing.
3. Good understanding with concept of pressure, volume and fluid temperature
4. Excellent proficiency in Energy Conversion Machine
5. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
6. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
Instrument Engineering (code - IE)
1. Bachelor degree of Physical Engineering/ Electrical
Engineering/ Instrument Engineering with Minimum GPA 2.75
2. Good understanding in PID
3. Good understanding in controling process
4. Good understanding with various control Instrument, like: PLC, HMI and DCS
5. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
6. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
Mechanical/Structur al Design (code - MSD):
1. Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering with Minimum GPA 3.0
2. Good understanding with Manufacturing process.
3. Good understanding with Loading process and direction and also material
4. Good understanding with welding process and the analysis of the weld
5. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
6. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
Mechanical/Energy Conversion (code - MEC):
1. Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering with Minimum GPA 3.0
2. Good understanding with heat transfer process, and phase changing.
3. Good understanding with concept of pressure, volume and fluid temperature
4. Excellent proficiency in Energy Conversion Machine
5. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
6. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
Metalurgy (code - ME):
1. Bachelor degree of Mechanical Engineering/ Metalurgy engineering with
Minimum GPA 3.0
2. Good understanding with failure material analysis
3. Good understanding with phase changing process in metal structure
4. Good understanding with oxidation process, wear, and protection against
5. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
6. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
Power Plant Engineering (code - PPE):
1. Bachelor degree of Electrical Engineering( Power Plant) with Minimum GPA
2. Good understanding with High Voltage Equipment.
3. Good understanding with High Voltage Protection and Electrical Grounding.
4. Excellent proficiency in English (both oral and written)
5. Excellent skill in Microsoft Office.
6. Preferably capable to design power generation & power distribution
Please email your application letter(max 28 years old), detailed CV,
and recent photograph (Ms.Word format, Max 200Kb) to
Prefered in JABODETABEK area, and ready to place outside jakarta.
until : November 14th, 2009.
Reference code of position must be written on the email subject.
For example (yourname - MEC)
Senin, 02 November 2009
Waskita Karya
Waskita Karya is one of a leading State Owned Enterprises in
construction industry with wide range activities: highways, bridges,
ports, airports, buildings, sewerage plants, cements plants, factories
and other industrial facilities.
We at Waskita strongly believed that our people are our greatest
assets. We are equal opportunity employer committed to recruit,
develop and retain the best talents to fulfill our growth ambition.
Currently we have Management Trainee opportunities in the following areas:
Civil Engineering, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical
Engineering and Geodesy Engineering.
Fresh Graduate with maximum 25 years old.
Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Civil Engineering, Architecture,
Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Geodesy
Engineering from Reputable University with minimum GPA 2.75 on 4.00
grade scale.
Willing to be based anywhere in Indonesia.
A highly driven and motivated self starter with a strong commitment in
achieving career, personal and organizational goal.
Those waiting for graduation in March 2010 are also welcome to apply
Send your Application Letter, CV, Copy ID, Recent Photograph (4x6),
Copy S1 Certificate
and Copy of Academic Transcript to:
PT. Waskita Karya Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. No. 10 Cawang - Jakarta 13340
E-mail to : hrd@waskita.
Write MTT and Discipline Code in the left corner of the envelope
Closing date: November 13th 2009
construction industry with wide range activities: highways, bridges,
ports, airports, buildings, sewerage plants, cements plants, factories
and other industrial facilities.
We at Waskita strongly believed that our people are our greatest
assets. We are equal opportunity employer committed to recruit,
develop and retain the best talents to fulfill our growth ambition.
Currently we have Management Trainee opportunities in the following areas:
Civil Engineering, Architecture, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical
Engineering and Geodesy Engineering.
Fresh Graduate with maximum 25 years old.
Bachelor Degree (S1) majoring in Civil Engineering, Architecture,
Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Geodesy
Engineering from Reputable University with minimum GPA 2.75 on 4.00
grade scale.
Willing to be based anywhere in Indonesia.
A highly driven and motivated self starter with a strong commitment in
achieving career, personal and organizational goal.
Those waiting for graduation in March 2010 are also welcome to apply
Send your Application Letter, CV, Copy ID, Recent Photograph (4x6),
Copy S1 Certificate
and Copy of Academic Transcript to:
PT. Waskita Karya Jl. MT. Haryono Kav. No. 10 Cawang - Jakarta 13340
E-mail to : hrd@waskita.
Write MTT and Discipline Code in the left corner of the envelope
Closing date: November 13th 2009
Minggu, 01 November 2009
PT. PLN Batam
PT. PLN Batam membutuhkan kandidat-kandidat yang dinamis & potensial
untuk berkarya dan berkembang bersama di WiIayah Kerja BATAM.
Persyaratan Umum
1. Memiliki Ijazah dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta yang
terakreditasi sesuai dengan jurusan yang dilamar
D3 - Teknik Elektro / Arus Kuat
S1 - Teknik Industri
STRATA 1 (1)
D3 - Manajemen Informatika
S1 - Keuangan / Manajemen / Akuntansi
D3 - Akuntansi / Keuangan
S1 - Psikologi
2. Usia pada tahun ini;
a. S1 Maksimal 27 Tahun
b. D3 Maksimal 25 Tahun
3. Memiliki Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK):
a. Untuk Bidang Teknik: 2,75
b. Untuk Bidang Non Teknik: 3,00
4. Berbadan Sehat
5. Tidak Buta Wama (Khusus jurusan Teknik)
Persyaratan Administrasi:
1. Surat Lamaran & Daftar Riwayat Hidup (Diketik/Ditulis tangan dengan
pena hitam)
2. Fotocopy Ijazah/Sertifikat/ Surat Keterangan Lulus dan Transkrip
Nilai yang dilegalisir (Cap Basah)
3. Fotocopy Akte Kelahiran dan KTP yang masih berlaku
4. Pas Foto berwama terbaru ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 4 (empat) lembar
5. Surat pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6000, bahwa tidak pernah
tenrlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya
6. Surat pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6000, bahwa tidak meminta
atau menuntut penyesuaian ijazah dikemudian hari jika memiliki ijazah
yang lebih tinggi dan Ijazah yang digunakan saat melamar
7. Alamat pelamar harus lengkap dengan kode pos dan nomer telepon/hp
yang aktif untuk pemanggilan tes
8. Pada sampul kiri atas amplop lamaran agar ditulis JURUSAN YANG
1. Tidak dipungut biaya apapun
2. Lamaran HARUS dikirimkan melalui pos dan tidak melalui media yang lain
3. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil
4. Tidak ada korespondensi
5. Surat lamaran yang dikirim sebelum pengumuman ini harap
diperbaharui lagi (melamar lagi)
6. Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi dan Jadwal Seleksi dapat dilihat di:
www.tunaskaryaindos wasta.compada tanggal 13 NOVEMBER 2009.
Lamaran diterima paling selambat-lambatnya tanggal 6 NOVEMBER 2009
(Stempel Pos), dikirim ke:
BATAM -29433
untuk berkarya dan berkembang bersama di WiIayah Kerja BATAM.
Persyaratan Umum
1. Memiliki Ijazah dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri/Swasta yang
terakreditasi sesuai dengan jurusan yang dilamar
D3 - Teknik Elektro / Arus Kuat
S1 - Teknik Industri
STRATA 1 (1)
D3 - Manajemen Informatika
S1 - Keuangan / Manajemen / Akuntansi
D3 - Akuntansi / Keuangan
S1 - Psikologi
2. Usia pada tahun ini;
a. S1 Maksimal 27 Tahun
b. D3 Maksimal 25 Tahun
3. Memiliki Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK):
a. Untuk Bidang Teknik: 2,75
b. Untuk Bidang Non Teknik: 3,00
4. Berbadan Sehat
5. Tidak Buta Wama (Khusus jurusan Teknik)
Persyaratan Administrasi:
1. Surat Lamaran & Daftar Riwayat Hidup (Diketik/Ditulis tangan dengan
pena hitam)
2. Fotocopy Ijazah/Sertifikat/ Surat Keterangan Lulus dan Transkrip
Nilai yang dilegalisir (Cap Basah)
3. Fotocopy Akte Kelahiran dan KTP yang masih berlaku
4. Pas Foto berwama terbaru ukuran 4x6 sebanyak 4 (empat) lembar
5. Surat pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6000, bahwa tidak pernah
tenrlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya
6. Surat pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6000, bahwa tidak meminta
atau menuntut penyesuaian ijazah dikemudian hari jika memiliki ijazah
yang lebih tinggi dan Ijazah yang digunakan saat melamar
7. Alamat pelamar harus lengkap dengan kode pos dan nomer telepon/hp
yang aktif untuk pemanggilan tes
8. Pada sampul kiri atas amplop lamaran agar ditulis JURUSAN YANG
1. Tidak dipungut biaya apapun
2. Lamaran HARUS dikirimkan melalui pos dan tidak melalui media yang lain
3. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan dipanggil
4. Tidak ada korespondensi
5. Surat lamaran yang dikirim sebelum pengumuman ini harap
diperbaharui lagi (melamar lagi)
6. Pengumuman Hasil Seleksi Administrasi dan Jadwal Seleksi dapat dilihat di:
www.tunaskaryaindos wasta.compada tanggal 13 NOVEMBER 2009.
Lamaran diterima paling selambat-lambatnya tanggal 6 NOVEMBER 2009
(Stempel Pos), dikirim ke:
BATAM -29433
Postingan (Atom)