Sabtu, 30 Januari 2010
PT Wira Bhumi Sejati
1. Project Manager (Code: PM)
Reporting to Operation Manager & GM Operation, this position responsible; ensure all aspects of mining including Production, Plant, Finance, SH&E, GA, & HR being managed internally accordingly to the Project s KPIs & target; ensure all operational aspects of mining including mine planning & other contractual issues being managed externally with Mining Owner; constantly discussing development & area of improvement for the existing projects and opportunity of new project development;
Applicants should have a minimum Mining Engineering degree & qualification with minimum 5 (five) years professional experience in similar role in the open –pit coal mining operations; must have mining operation management & technical skill; must have communication skill & ability to establish an effective communication internally with team and externally with Mining Owner; the position is initially based in South Kalimantan, but applicants must willing to stay and/or work in remote locations all over Indonesia.
2. Mine Planning and Engineering (Code: ME)
Work closely with Operation Manager & Project Manager, this position will be responsible to support projects with short and long term mine planning and other mining engineering aspects, set up a production standard, continuously monitor the achievement gap and analyze necessary improvement action.
Applicants should have a minimum bachelor Mining, Civil, or Geological Engineering degree & qualification with minimum 3 (three) years professional experience in similar role; must have mining operation technical skill; ability to analyze mine planning from Mining Owner & creating an effective mining sequence; must have ability to operate mining software; the position is initially based in Surabaya and South Kalimantan, but applicants must willing to stay and/or work in remote locations all over Indonesia.
3. Mining Supervisor (Code: MS)
Reporting to Operation Superintendent, this position will lead, organize and provide direction for all foremen and crews of overburden in a safe, effective manner on time and within target budget; familiar with operational best practices in loading point, haul road, and dumping area; familiar with machine application standard; achieve daily targets of machine utilization;
Applicants should have a minimum bachelor Mining or Geological Engineering degree & qualification with minimum 3 (three) years professional experience in similar role in large open-pit coal mining operations; hold minimum “Pratama” operational certification is preferred; good ability in employee’s supervision, resource planning, & HSE supervision; must have ability to operate computer and mining software; good communication and interpersonal skill; good command of English both verbal and written; the position is initially based in South Kalimantan, but applicants must willing to stay and/or work in remote locations all over Indonesia.
4. Machine Application Engineer (Code: MAE)
Reporting to Project Manager and Operation Manager, this position will be responsible to constantly analyzing the operational application of equipment based on standard practices; periodically submit machine application report and training need analysis for operational crew; periodically submit a machine application training schedule based on approved training need analysis.
Applicants should have a bachelor degree of Mining or Mechanical Engineering with minimum 5 (five) years professional experience in Heavy Equipment Application; must have standard machine application knowledge; must possessed a training skill; prepared with machine application training module is preferred; the position is initially based in Surabaya and South Kalimantan, but applicants must willing to stay and/or work in remote locations all over Indonesia
5. Plant Planning Supervisor (Code: PPS)
Reporting to Plant Superintendent, this position will be responsible to develop maintenance planning and schedule.
Applicants should have a qualification degree in Mechanical Engineering; professional experience in Plant Planning is preferred; have knowledge of best practices in maintenance planning; good communication and interpersonal skill; good command of English both verbal and written; the position is initially based in South Kalimantan, but applicants must willing to stay and/or work in remote locations all over Indonesia.
6. Preventive Maintenance Supervisor (Code: PMS)
Reporting to Plant Superintendent, this position will be responsible to develop periodical Maintenance Backlog Report to ensure the identification of before-failure repair program.
Applicants should have a qualification Mechanical Engineering with minimum of 3 (three) years professional experience in similar role; have knowledge in heavy equipment component and mechanical; ability in mechanical training is preferred; good communication and interpersonal skill; good command of English both verbal and written; the position is initially based in South Kalimantan, but applicants must willing to stay and/or work in remote locations all over Indonesia.
7. IT Supervisor (Code: IT)
Reporting to IT Manager, this position will be responsible to plan, organize, coordinate and supervise a technical staff involved in technical support, networking, systems and applications programming and other forms of information processing.
Applicants should have a qualification Informatics Engineering degree with 3 (three) years professional experience; excellent in software & hardware analysis, programming, database, networking, design and development practices; good communication and interpersonal skill; good command of English both verbal and written; the position is initially based in Surabaya, but applicants must willing to stay and/or work in remote locations all over Indonesia.
If you meet the qualification, please send your application letter completed with a comprehensive resume, recent photograph, and work reference to the address below no later than February 2 2010, or email to
HRD PT Wira Bhumi Sejati
Jl. Gayung Sari Barat No. 9
Surabaya 60231
Jumat, 29 Januari 2010
PT. KERETA API (Persero)
Indonesia untuk berkarier dan membangun perusahaan dengan ketentuan sebagai
berikut :
*Kriteria Pelamar *1.
Warga Negera Indonesia (WNI)
Jenis kelamin : Pria dan Wanita
Usia Max per 31 Desember 2009
- Tingkat Sarjana (S1) 35 tahun
- Tingkat Diploma (D3) 30 tahun
Lulusan perguruan tinggi negeri/swasta yang terakreditasi “ A” sesuai dengan
kualifikasi/jurusan yang dibutuhkan, kecuali jurusan tertentu yang belum ada
akreditasi "A"
Tidak dalam ikatan kerja dengan instansi lain, termasuk PT. Kereta Api
IPK minimal 2,7
7.Sehat Jasmani dan rohani serta tidak buta warna8.Berkelakuan Baik
Umum Lamaran : *1.
Surat lamaran (ditulis tangan) dan ditandatangani diatas materai Rp.6.000,00
(enam ribu rupiah) oleh peserta dengan melampirkan
Fotocopy ijazah terakhir yang telah dilegalisir
Fotocopy transkrip nilai yang telah dilegalisir
Fotocopy Kartu Tanda Penduduk (KTP) yang masih berlaku
d.Fotocopy Akte Kelahiran / Kenal Lahir
Pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4 X 6 cm, sebanyak 4 (empat) buah (diberi
Surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik dari Kepolisian yang masih berlaku
Surat Pernyataan Bersedia di tempatkan diseluruh wilayah perusahaan
bermaterai Rp. 6.000,00
Curiculum Vitae, mencantumkan pengalaman bekerja sampai dengan saat ini,
sertifikat (keahlian/kejuruan), Ijasah tertinggi yang dimiliki bila ada
i.Surat keterangan sehat dari dokter pemerintah j.Kartu pencari kerja (ak/1)
dari Disnaker Setempat 2.
Prosedur melamar
Pelamar harus mengisi/entry data pada Formulir lamaran kerja yang tersedia
melalui Website : **
Formulir yang telah diisi tersebut dicetak dan ditanda tangani oleh pelamar
dan beserta persyaratannya dimasukkan dalam amplop berwarna cokelat tertutup
dengan mencantumkan *KODE JURUSAN/PROGRAM STUDI* di sudut kiri atas dan *NOMOR
REGISTER* yang di cetak dari website:
atas, dikirim melalui pos
*paling **lambat tanggal 5** Februari **2010* (cap pos) dengan alamat :
PO BOX 1674 BANDUNG 40000*
*Persyaratan khusus untuk jurusan tertentu : *
Sarjana Psikologi diutamakan yang telah memiliki Profesi Psikologi.
Sarjana Hukum diutamakan yang telah memiliki Sertifikat Advokat dan atau
memiliki pengalaman dalam hukum bisnis.
Sarjana Akuntansi diutamakan telah memiliki Sertifikat/Brevet Pajak A – B.
Diploma Arsitektur diutamakan yang menguasai Aplikasi *Computer Aid Design*(
Bagi yang memiliki persyaratan khusus diatas agar melampirkan fotocopy
sertifikat bersamaan dengan surat lamaran
*Pendidikan/jurusan yang dibutuhkan :* Tingkat Sarjana (S1) :NOJURUSANKODE
a. Konversi EnergiSKEN
a. ElektronikaSELE
b. KontrolSEKO
c. ListrikSLIS
a. Manajemen I TSIMA
b. Sistem AplikasiSIPA
a. ListrikDLIS
b. TelekomunikasiDTEL
*Tahapan seleksi terdiri dari :*a.Tahap I Psikotest, diperkirakan tgl 13
Februari 2010b.Tahap II Tes Kesehatan, diperkirakan tgl 27-28 Februari 2010
c.Tahap III Wawancara, diperkirakan sekitar bulan Maret 2010 *Seluruh
pelaksanaan tes dilaksanakan di BANDUNG* *Ketentuan lainnya :*a.
Pelamar yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi tahap I, hanya pelamar yang
dinyatakan lulus seleksi administratif / memenuhi kriteria dan sesuai *short
list*** yang akan diumumkan pada tanggal *10 Februari 2010*.
Pengumuman/pemanggilan peserta yang akan mengikuti proses seleksi, dapat
diakses di website : **
Setiap pelaksanaan seleksi, peserta wajib membawa kartu tanda peserta yang
telah ditempel pasphoto dan diperlihatkan kepada panitia.
Kartu tanda peserta dapat diperoleh dengan cara *log in* menggunakan *user
name* dan *password* yang sesuai dengan registrasi *online* (*user name dan
password tidak boleh lupa*).
Lamaran yang sudah dikirim tidak dikembalikan.
Lamaran yang pernah dikirim ke PT. Kereta Api (Persero) sebelum
pemberitahuan ini dinyatakan tidak berlaku.
Dalam proses seleksi ini tidak dipungut biaya apapun dan dihimbau untuk
mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan.
Dalam proses seleksi ini berlaku sistem gugur dan keputusan panitia tidak
dapat diganggu gugat.
Kamis, 28 Januari 2010
HRD PT Air Liquide Indonesia
Industrial and medical gasses and related services. Our group employs
over 43,000 employees in 75 countries. We provide technology and
service-based solutions to meet the comprehensive needs of our customers
from all industrial sectors.
For more information please visit us at com
In Indonesia, we employ around 200 people and operates plants in
Cibitung and Cilegon. We are now have immediate opportunities for the
right candidates to contribute to the diversity of our business and a
career with Multi National Company as :
Marketing Administration
(to be placed in Cibitung - MM 2100 Industrial Area)
* You should have minimum diploma degree (D3) or bachelor degree
(S1) from any related diciplines.
* Candidate should possess minimum 1 year experiences as
Administration Staff in manufacturing industry.
* Able to communicate in English both oral and written.
* You should have basic computer skill.
* Preferably live in Cibitung or Bekasi area.
* Willing to work immediately.
Interested person should apply with full resume in English and a recent
photo to:
HRD PT Air Liquide Indonesia
Email: .com
(Attachment must less than 200 kb)
Please put the position as the subject of your email
No later than 2 weeks after this advertisement
HRD PT Air Liquide Indonesia
Industrial and medical gasses and related services. Our group employs
over 43,000 employees in 75 countries. We provide technology and
service-based solutions to meet the comprehensive needs of our customers
from all industrial sectors.
For more information please visit us at com
In Indonesia, we employ around 200 people and operates plants in
Cibitung and Cilegon. We are now have immediate opportunities for the
right candidates to contribute to the diversity of our business and a
career with Multi National Company as :
Senior Accountant
(to be placed in Cibitung - MM 2100 Industrial Area)
* Hold S1 graduates majoring Accounting from reputable university.
* Having min 5 years of experience in accounting or auditing
* Mature, confident, highly motivated, accurate, good
communication & interpersonal skills
* Fluency in written and speaking English and computer literate
Interested person should apply with full resume in English and a recent
photo to:
HRD PT Air Liquide Indonesia
Email: .com
(Attachment must less than 200 kb)
Please put the position as the subject of your email
No later than 2 weeks after this advertisement
HRD PT Air Liquide Indonesia
Industrial and medical gasses and related services. Our group employs
over 43,000 employees in 75 countries. We provide technology and
service-based solutions to meet the comprehensive needs of our customers
from all industrial sectors.
For more information please visit us at com
In Indonesia, we employ around 200 people and operates plants in
Cibitung and Cilegon. We are now have immediate opportunities for the
right candidates to contribute to the diversity of our business and a
career with Multi National Company as :
Marketing Engineer
(to be placed in Cibitung - MM 2100 Industrial Area)
* You should have minimum bachelor degree (S1) majoring from
Metallurgy Engineering.
* Candidate should possess minimum 2 year experiences as Marketing
Engineer in manufacturing industry.
* Fluency in written and speaking English and computer literate.
* Mature, confident, highly motivated, good communication &
interpersonal skills.
Interested person should apply with full resume in English and a recent
photo to:
HRD PT Air Liquide Indonesia
Email: .com
(Attachment must less than 200 kb)
Please put the position as the subject of your email
No later than 2 weeks after this advertisement
A.Sales Spv 2 person, 1 bali 1 jkt
B. Sales Spv project, Bali surabaya jkt
C. Environment & Safety, Malang
A university/diploma degree holder from any major;
a.. Effective English communication skills;
b.. Strong conceptual background;
c.. Innovative/ creative, yet analytical with a good ability in understanding and managing complex situations;
d.. Good communication and interpersonal skills - can express ideas and exchanges information clearly and persuasively. Communicates effectively at all levels in the organization;
e.. Can invigorate the team through his/ her charismatic leadership abilities;
f.. Self-motivated, results-oriented, and willing to roll-up his /her sleeves to get things done;
g.. High level of personal integrity and uncompromising personal ethics as well as ability to profess the company's corporate values of empowerment and trust;
h.. An effective team leader who can work with and as part of a team; Achievement and customer-service driven.
cv to info@marksview- (quote above position., max 200 kb,current & expected salary)
Aveon Auto Rentals Bali
Sales & Marketing Consultant (Code SMC)
1. Having domicile in Bali;
2. Male or female with maximum 25 years old;
3. Graduated from D3 or equals, Fresh Graduate are welcome;
4. Having own vehicle and able to drive a car;
5. Having Experience in Sales & Marketing;
6. Able to communicate in Both English and Bahasa Indonesia;
7. Familiar working with computer and internet.
Corporate Sales (Code CS)
1. Having domicile in Bali;
2. Male or female with maximum 30 years old and attractive;
3. Graduated from S1 or equals;
4. Having Experience in lobbying and securing business deals;
5. Confident, deal-maker attributes;
6. People-person, good communication and negotiation skills;
7. Fluent in English;
Please submit your Application and CV (with photo) by email to charles.jusung@ aveonrentals. com with code in email subject.
Only selected candidates will be contacted by phone and/or email for interview.
PT Perkebunan Nusantara IX (Persero)
1. S1 Pertanian Program Studi :
a. Agronomi (Kode : TAN-A)
b. Mekanisasi Pertanian (Kode : TAN-M)
c. Ilmu Tanah (Kode : TAN-T)
2. S1 atau D3 Teknik
a. Teknik Mesin Produksi (Kode : TEK-M)
b. Teknik Elektro Arus Kuat/Sistem Ketenagaan dan Arus Lemah (Kode : TEK-E)
3. S1 Teknik Kimia (Kode : PLH-K)
4. S1 Ekonomi
a. Akuntansi (Kode : AKU-A)
b. Manajemen (Kode : AKU-M)
5. S1 Psikologi (Kode : SDM-P)
* Warga Negara Indonesia, Lahir setelah 31 Januari 1983.
* Belum menikah
* IPK Minimal 2,75 (PTN) dan 3,00 (PTS).
* Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja perusahaan.
* Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman kerja yang relevan dengan bidang yang dilamar.
* Karena sifat pekerjaan yang dilakukan, dibutuhkan laki-laki untuk Kode : TAN-A, TAN-M, TAN-T, TEK-M, TEK-E, dan PLH-K.
* Tidak pernah dihukum karena melakukan tindak kejahatan (ditunjukkan dg Surat Keterangan dari Kepolisian).
* Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan tidak hormat dari Instansi atau Badan Hukum Pemerintah maupun Swasta.
Kirimkan aplikasi disertai fotokopi ijazah S1 atau D3 dan transkrip nilai (dilegalisir) , pas foto 4x6 terbaru 3 lembar (tulis nama di belakang masing-masing foto), Curriculum Vitae dilengkapi no. telepon/ponsel yang mudah dihubungi, fotokopi KTP yang masih berlaku, Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian, Surat Keterangan Sehat & Surat Keterangan Tidak Buta Warna dari Dokter, ditujukan kepada :
Jl. Jend. Urip Sumoharjo No. 100, Yogyakarta – 55222
Sebutkan kode posisi / formasi yang diminati di surat lamaran dan di sebelah kiri atas amplop lamaran. Lokasi tes di Yogyakarta. Lamaran diterima Panitia paling lambat tanggal 12 Februari 2010. Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi syarat yang akan dipanggil untuk mengikuti seleksi. Lamaran menjadi milik Panitia. Company Profile, persyaratan, dan tahapan tes dapat dilihat di website LPP (http://www.lpp. Pengumuman peserta yang dipanggil untuk mengikuti Tes Tahap I dapat dilihat melalui website LPP pada tanggal 25 Februari 2010. Keputusan Panitia bersifat mutlak. Panitia tidak melayani surat menyurat & telepon yang berkaitan dengan hasil tes.
PT. Tripatra Engineers & Construction
Tripatra has established o proven track record in proving safe reliable engineered solution to energy infrastructure needs in Energy sector through:
• EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction)
• Engineering & Project Management
• Engineered Equipment Packaging
• O & M (Operation and Maintenance)
• Logistics & Transport Services
To support progressive growth and build the organizational capability, Tripatra is now inviting experienced candidates who poses relevant education background, experience, and competencies to join the company
• Project Manager
• Engineering Manager
• Business Manager
• Construction Manager
• Site/Field Manager
• Commissioning/ Start-Up Manager
• QA Manager
• Safety Manager
• Project Planning & Scheduling Manager
Applicants should have 8 - 12 years Experience in Oil & Gas On-Shore and/or Off-Shore, Upstream/Downstream Oil & Gas, Petrochemical or Power Plant projects.
• Sr. Construction Engineer/Constructi on Coordinator (for Civil/Structural, Building, Mechanical, Piping, Electrical, Instrument Discipline)
• Sr. Commissioning/ Start-UP Engineer or Coordinator
• QC Coordinator
• Sr. Safety/ Safety Coordinator
• Sr. Project Planning and Scheduling
• Sr. Cost Control Engineer
• Procurement Coordinator
Applicants should have 5 - 8 years Experience in Oil & Gas On-Shore and/or Off-Shore, Upstream/Downstream Oil & Gas, Petrochemical or Power Plant projects.
General Requirement
• Minimum S-1 degree or equivalent professional qualification
• Posses integrity and good interpersonal skills, aggressive, confidence, and smart
• Target Achievers and familiar with working under pressure environment
• Work hard, think smart and out of the box
• Excellent English both oral and written
If you would like to take the challenge, please send your application, curriculum vitae and recent passport photograph not later than 2 (two) weeks to:
recruitment. hrd@tripatra. com
Please write name and proposed position code at the subject of email
1. Reservoirs Engineer
2. Material Engineer & Supply
3. Petroleum Engineer
4. Sr. Drilling Engineer
5. Sr. Reservoir Engineer
6. Field Production Engineer
7. HSE Engineer
8. Reliability Engineer
9. Facilities Engineer
10. Instrument System & Control Engineer
11. Sr. Pipeline Engineer
12. Electrical Engineer
13. Sr. Corrosion Engineer
14. Rotating Equipment Engineer
15. Senior / Staff Mechanical Engineer
16. Petrophysicist
1. HDE & Road Maintenance Supervisor
2. Barging Supervisor
3. Lifting & Scaffolding Supervisor
4. Supervisor Fluid & Cementing
1. Geophysict
2. Geoscientist
3. Geophysical Consultant
4. Exploration Operations Geologist
1. Financial Budget & Reporting
1. Project Manager
2. Maintenance Manager
Interested applications should send their CV to; info@jda-indonesia., with the position title as the email subject no later than 6 February 2010 all applications will be treated confidentially.
Only short listed candidates will be notified.
Manpower Consultants: Oil & Gas, Mining and Construction
related services including HR consultancy & Datacenter Consulting. For
details please visitwww.paragoneds .com for more details. With our
office in Saudi Arabia, Canada & Pakistan we provide HR consultancy
services to Middle East and Pakistan market. So far we have
successfully provided number of professionals from across the world to
different industries like Technology, Oil and Gas, Telecom and
Financial Institution sectors.
Currently our CLIENT, US based IT Solution Provider Company, is
looking for Project Coordinator. Details are mentioned below:
Client’s Introduction:
Our client is a US based IT Solution Provider Company, SUN & Microsoft
Gold Partner. They provide a complete range of technical, data and
resource outsourcing services including Website Design and
Development, SEO, Data Entry, IT Staffing and Technical Resource
Outsourcing. Most of their clients are small and mid size businesses.
They are based in Dallas,Texas with branches in Pakistan & India. They
have global delivery system supported by staff in different time zones
and offer a 24-hour development and support environment.
Job Title : Project Coordinator
Qualification : BS (CS) or related discipline
Experience : 03+ Years
Location : Karachi
Job Requirements:
The ideal candidate will have at least 1+ year of experience leading
web development teams and interacting with clients internationally and
should also have at least 1+ years of experience in .NET / PHP web
applications, the individual should also have proven leadership skills
in a fast-paced, demanding environment.
Proven record of developing high performing technical teams
1+ years experience managing web development or software engineering
teams and projects 1+ years experience with the software development
life cycle: product specification, design, implementation, QA, release
Technical knowledge of web development, including Web Standards,
XHTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP, and ASP.NET.
Should be very PROACTIVE, Ability to thrive under pressure and deliver
in a fast paced multi-project environment
Excellent communication skills with both technical and non-technical people
Prior experience of working for a project based company involved in
similar business of IT outsourcing services will be an added
Responsibilities include, but are not limited to:
Develop a highly motivated technology leadership team
Directly coordinating with clients in the US and a team of 20+ developers.
Direct interaction with clients in the US.
Perform Project Management of multiple simultaneous small-scale
(typically 4 to 12 months long) web development projects.
Work to improve the PDLC (SDLC) processes to ensure that products are
delivered with high
quality and with a shorter overall time to market
Manage the strategic planning and scheduling for the team
Top reasons to join our client:
Our client offers competitive salaries + great bonuses
Great place to learn new Technologies
Tremendous upward growth
Training & Certification Sponsorship
Profit Sharing Policy
Pick and drop facility
Additional work hour’s (if required) compensation
Saturday & Sunday off
Urgently send us your resume with “Project Coordinator” in subject to
jobs@paragoneds. com
initiative and integrity to fill in the following position:
· Min. Bachelor Degree in Accounting
· Min. 3 years experiences in managing Petty Cash and Bank
· Familiar with SAP and Ms. Office application
· Proficiency in English both speaking and writing
· Excellent interpersonal skills and able to work under pressures
· On one year contract basis (renewable); High potential will
be hired permanently
· Will be based in Jambi
· Preferable candidate from Palembang & Jambi.
Email your application and CV not later than 2 (two) weeks after
publication of this advertisement to:
State your selected position in the subject of your application.
Only qualified candidates will be contacted for further selection process.
Selasa, 26 Januari 2010
Management Trainee (MT-Pdn / MT-Bali)
Dipersiapkan untuk menempati berbagai posisi di divisi marketing, antara lain : Drafter, Estimator, Sales Engineer, Sales Support dan Marketing Engineer. Lokasi tugas di Pandaan dan Bali.
Persyaratan :
a. Pria
b. Umur maximal 27 tahun
c. SMK Jurusan Bangunan, rata-rata minimal 7,00
d. D3 / S1 Teknik Sipil, IPK minimal 2.75
e. Menguasai program Ms. Office (Excel, Word), AutoCad,
f. Menguasai program SAP / STAAD lebih diutamakan
g. Bersedia di test di kantor Pandaan - Pasuruan
h. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia
Tanggal penutupan lowongan : 30 Januari 2010
Kirimkan berkas lamaran lengkap ke :
Bagian SDM
Jl. Raya Surabaya–Malang Km. 49–50,
Pandaan – Pasuruan
PT Petrosea Tbk
of Indonesia since 1972 and today is recognized as one of Indonesia's
leading engineering, construction and mining contractors. Thanks to
the imagination and commitment of more than 2000 staff, Petrosea has
secured a growing portfolio of projects throughout Indonesia and the
Petrosea has access and support to world class management and project
delivery systems which allows Petrosea to deliver international
excellence to the Indonesian market.
We are currently taking applicants for the following position:
1) Bachelor degree in engineering
2) Minimum 7 years of related experience
3) Good knowledge on Quality Management Tools and disseminate through
Management System
4) Broad understanding of all related engineering & construction disciplines
5) CWI certifications (welding, NDT) is preferable
6) Good communication in both English and Bahasa Indonesia (verbal and written)
7) Willing to travel to project sites
1) Analyse and review the E&C tenders document for define tender
requirement in order to develop tender input based on spesific
requirement and referred to previous approved best practices.
2) Establish, develop, and continually improve E&C Project Quality
Management System, Project Quality Plan (PQP) and other Quality
3) Plan and monitor the implementation of E&C projects inspections and
tests required.
4) Source E&C Quality personnel to fill in the roles in order to
promote the implementation of Quality Management System within E&C
Business Line.
5) Assisting the Corporate Quality Manager in the implementation of
internal quality audit program to the E&C projects and functions to
ensure the quality adherence.
6) Monitor and advise on the performance of the E&C projects quality
management system, produces data and report on performance, measuring
against set indicators in order to meet KPIs.
7) Establish, review, and communicate quality report for internal and
external purpose in order to ensure accurate and reliable report in
timely manner.
We offer our staff a challenging and innovative work environment. An
attractive salary package will be negotiated to ensure a high caliber
To apply for this position, please send your application together with
a detailed resume including recent color photograph, and quoting in
email subject: QA & QC MANAGER to: lavinia.budiyanto@ petrosea. com in
Microsoft Word or Pdf format with a file size not more than 350kb.
Schlumberger Information Solutions
Schlumberger that provides software, information management, IT
infrastructure, and services. SIS enables oil and gas companies to
solve today s tough reservoir challenges with innovative workflows
enabled by open collaboration and comprehensive global services,
step-changing the effectiveness of E&P teams.
(job code: AM)
The SIS Account Manager will be expected to have general knowledge of
the oil and gas industry and software solutions. In addition, the SIS
Account Manager will be expected to actively maintain strong client
relations across client organization from users through senior client
executives, maintain four quarter rolling revenue forecast for all
his/her accounts, and in charge of legal and financial negotiation of
all RFP’s, tenders, and contracts in coordination with GeoMarket legal
and tax specialists.
• Bachelor of Science Degree (geology, reservoir engineer, production
engineer or geophysics) and preferably, Masters Degree in Business
• History of successfully meeting and exceeding sales targets
• 5+ years of proven sales experience (preference given to those with
sales within oil and gas industry)
• Prior sales experience
• High-energy and enthusiasm
• Creative thinking for sales and product presentation
How to Apply:
If you meet the above requirement, we invite you to send your resume
no later than 7 February 2010 to: ing-sis-recruiting@ jakarta.oilfield
Email subject as per job code.
Fair Furniture Network
Kami membutuhkan seorang SDM (laki-laki atau perempuan) untuk bekerja part-time (up to 5 hours/day) untuk posisi Internasional Relations staff yang akan bekerja langsung dibawah Managing Director, dengan kapasitas sebagai berikut:
1- Fasih berbahasa Inggris baik tulisan dan lisan
2- Bisa dan terbiasa dengan target
3- Memahami dunia organisasi internasional
4- Familiar dengan internet dan teknologi informasi/komputer
5- Domisili di Jogja
6- Hand-on mentality
7- Komunikatif, pro aktif dan penuh inisiatif
Posisi ini terbuka bagi Ibu Rumah tangga ataupun Mahasiswa. Segera kirim resume anda ke: hsuryoharyo@ gmail.comatau hubungi kami di 081-2274-1982
Aplikasi maksimal kami terima pada tanggal 1 Feb 2010.
Senin, 25 Januari 2010
Trans-Pacific Petrochemical Indotama (TPPI)
currently seeking professional candidates for immediate employment in
the following position:
1. HUMAN RESOURCE SUPERVISOR (E-mail Subject Code: HRD/09)
Qualification & Experience:
· Bachelor Degree (S1) in Law.
· A minimum of 5 year experience in Industrial Relation,
Social & Legal Dispute.
· Good knowledge and understanding on Indonesian Official Law
on Manpower (UU No. 13 th. 2003).
· Good leadership, communication and negotiating skill.
· Confident, self-reliant, high integrity, trustworthy and consistent.
· Able to maintain relationship with/among employees and other
parties (Disnaker, other companies, etc).
· Max age: 40 yrs old.
2. IT HELPDESK SUPPORT (E-mail Subject Code: IT01/10)
To provide first line helpdesk support to end users, assisting them
with hardware and software problems via phone, email or desk side
Duties & responsibilities
· To provide 1st line technical support; answering support
queries via phone, email or make a deskside visit.
· To be proactive when dealing with end-user issues or problem.
· To record all user request on the helpdesk record and
reporting system.
· Respond to enquiries from clients and help them to resolve
any hardware or software problems.
· Support users in the use of Computer equipment by providing
necessary training and advice.
· Diploma in Computer Science (IT or related)
· Male or female, max age: 28 yrs old
· Previous Helpdesk experience is preferred.
· Good communication, interpersonal skills and team player
· Strong knowledge of Microsoft based operating systems and
office application and troubleshooting.
· Familiar with Windows network environment.
· Good understanding of PC hardware set-up and configuration.
· Good understanding and skill of network concept, set up and
· Strong analytical and problem solving skills
3. PROGRAMMER ANALYST (E-mail Subject Code: IT02/10)
To develop and write computer programs based on the user and business
Duties also include program testing, reviewing, correcting and
enhancing code and some design activities.
Duties & responsibilities
· To create and modify computer programs
· To write program code that is efficient, clear and easy to maintain
· Test, debug, and correct program errors
· Create technical documentation such as flowchart, data flow
diagram, entity relationship diagram, etc.
· Work with user for software requirement and specification.
· Give assistance and training to end users for inhouse
application/ software.
· Keep update on new technology of software development.
· Bachelor Degree or experienced Diploma in Computer Science or
Information System
· Male or female, max age: 28 yrs old
· Having experience at least 1-2 years in same fields
· Experienced with .NET framework (C# or VB.Net), SQL Server 2005, VBA
· Good skill on web development/ design using .NET or other platform
· Strong programming, problem solving and analytical skill
· Strong analytical and problem solving skills
· Having experience at software house or consultant company is
an advantage
4. RADIO / COMMUNICATION TECHNICIAN (E-mail Subject Code: IT03/10)
Oversee and do the installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair
of two-way/trunked radio system, telephone systems and the accessory
Duties & responsibilities
· Work with radio provider/vendor to maintain and monitor radio
base station, antennae and tower site equipment.
· Work with radio provider/vendor to install, test, repair, and
maintain base, mobile, and portable two-way radios and accessory
· Install, repair and maintain telephone systems, including
PABX, telephone sets, and the telephone networks.
· To provide 1st line technical support for radio and
communication service; answering support queries via phone, email or
make a site visit.
· To record all user request on the helpdesk record and reporting system.
· Maintain inventory of equipments and parts.
· Diploma in telecommunication related area
(electronics/ instrumentation, computer).
· Male, max age: 28 yrs old.
· Experienced with Motorola Smartnet radio system and Panasonic
PABX is preferred.
· Knowledge of public safety radio system maintenance practices
and procedures.
· Knowledge of basic installation procedures as related to
electronic equipment, grounding system, etc.
· Good communication, interpersonal skills and team player.
· Familiar in using Office application software (i.e. MS
Office, Visio, etc.).
· Strong analytical and problem solving skills
· Diploma (D3) from any discipline.
· Male, max age: 30 yrs old.
· Applicant with experience as automobile mechanic is preferred.
· A minimum of 3 year experience in managing transportation
administration and scheduling
6. OPERATION TECHNICIAN (E-mail Subject Code: TECH/09)
· Diploma (D3) from Chemical Engineering.
· Male, max age: 30 yrs old.
General Requirement
Fluent in English both written and oral. Able to operate computer
application (MS. Office, etc). Highly motivated, good personality, and
willing to be posted in Tuban, East Java.
Please submit your application (max. file size 200 KB) including your
latest CV, photo, and contact number to:
Please write only the code in your email subject! We regret that only
short-listed applicants will be notified.
Petrosea Tbk
designing, building and mining in all corners of Indonesia since 1972
and today is recognized as one of Indonesia's leading engineering,
construction and mining contractors. Thanks to the imagination and
commitment of more than 2000 staff, Petrosea has secured a growing
portfolio of projects throughout Indonesia and the region.
Petrosea has access and support to world class management and project
delivery systems which allows Petrosea to deliver international
excellence to the Indonesian market. Currently is seeking for the
following positions:
1. Business Development Manager (BDM - Petrosea)
Identify, research, evaluate, and pursue business development
opportunities that will contribute to the organisation’s short and
long-term business goals.
· Networking capability
· Communication capability
· Technical knowledge of Engineering & Construction (E&C) in
Mining and Oil & Gas sector industry
· Knowledge of Legal & administration aspects related to E&C /
Mining government regulations and tender process.
· Minimum 7 (seven) years experiences
2. Project Manager (PM - Petrosea)
Plan, direct and control a project from the date of award to the issue
of a practical completion certificate and ideally be involved until
end of the maintenance period to ensure a project is running well,
completed on time and to budget in accordance with all the company
standard procedures and to the total satisfaction of the clients.
· Willing to work extended hours to meet the deadline
· Min. 12 years previous experiences in construction and engineering
· Min. Bachelor Degree, preferably in Engineering
· Comprehensive knowledge of engineering and construction
management principles and practices and the associated flow of design
and construction project management
· Ability to recognize potential claims and manage project
contract activities to avoid costly claims and litigation
· Ability to supervise and evaluate the work of subordinates
· Ability to communicate effectively both oral and written
· Ability to develop and maintain effective monitoring and
control systems and carry them to the intended conclusions to meet
Agency goals for the program.
3. Project HSE Manager (P HSE M - Petrosea)
Plan, control and monitor the implementation of safety procedures and
regulations in project activities so as to achieve the safety
objectives of the project in accordance with company’s procedures and
· Min. Bachelor degree in any discipline, preferably from
Occupational Health & Safety
· Min. 8 years previous experiences in HSE
· Excellent analytical, supervisory and interpersonal skills.
· Excellent verbal and written communication skills in both
English and Indonesian.
· Work extended hours in the case
4. Mining Superintendent (Mng Supt - Petrosea)
Monitor and control mining operation in term of support mining project
manager to ensure production is achieved in accordance with BMP
(Business Mining Petrosea), project parameters, project schedule,
budget, in compliance with company’s project safety and environmental
· Min. Diploma degree in mining
· Min. 8 years previous experiences in mining
· Fluent in English, written and verbal
· Familiar with mining software
· Good communication and leadership skill
· Willing to be placed in all company location
· Excellent computer skill
5. HSE Superintendent (HSE Supt - Petrosea)
Coordinate, control and monitor the implementation of safety
procedures and regulations in daily project activities in order to
achieve compliance with Petrosea health, safety and environment policy
and guidelines.
• Work extended hours to meet section deadlines and emergency situations
• Min. 8 years experience in HSE
• Willing to be placed in all company’s project
• Min. Bachelor degree in any major, preferably from
Occupational Health and Safety
• Fluent in English, written and verbal
• Certified in OSHA
6. Contract Engineer (Cont Eng - Petrosea)
Prepare, review and monitor the implementation of contract’s scope of
work and technical specifications, preparing tender documents with
suitable conditions in order to ensure that company policies and
procedures are followed in term of minimise any exposure to risk for
• Requires travel to Project Locations as required
• Min. Bachelor degree in any major
• Min. 3 years experiences dealing with contract
• Analytical thinking
• Fluent in English and Bahasa written and verbal
• Attention to details
7. Contract Administrator (Cont Adm - Petrosea)
Establish, develop and maintain contracts, manage the contract
database and all associated files. Duties include assisting with
contract development, administration, tracking, and analysis, as well
as communication of supplier performance and contract compliance. This
position is responsible for contracts for tangible goods, technical
and professional services and construction projects.
• Min. Bachelor degree, preferably poses a master degree in Law
or Business Administration
• Min. 3 years experiences in dealing with contract
• Fluent in English, written and verbal
• Good analytical thinking
• Proficient in contract development, contract standards and language.
8. Project Engineer (Pjc Eng - Petrosea)
Monitor, coordinate and assist construction management team in a
specific project to ensure project is achieve high performance of
safety and quality in accordance with budget and project time
• Works extended hours to meet with project engineering deadlines
• Require to works onsite in extreme remote area with limited facilities
• Require multitasking capabilities (project engineering,
scheduling, budgeting, etc)
• Provide assistance to startup and commissioning team
• Min. Bachelor degree in Engineering
• Min. 3 years previous experiences as project engineer
9. Business Analyst (BA - Petrosea)
Monitor, review and analyse factors that might impact business line
which cover detailed financial analysis relating to tenders, projects
and capital purchases, the market environment, competitor analysis and
operational performance in order to provide business line manager with
accurate / current and concise analysis on any issue that could impact
strategic business plan.
• Excellent English skills – spoken, written and presentation.
• Must have strong interpersonal skills, with the ability to
effectively communicate with all levels of staff in the organisation.
• Must be proficient in excel, power point and report
preparation and presentation.
• Ability to develop clear, concise and accurate report summaries.
• Excellent business analysis skills, strong financial modelling skills.
• Must have foreign work and study experience.
• Foreign MBA – with strong case study experience.
• Preferable to have worked with a world class International Corporation.
• Undergraduate degree in accounting preferred (but not essential).
• Mining engineering degree
• Preferable to have experience in mining/construction related
companies (but not essential)
• Must be team oriented, self motivated and possess the ability
to prioritise work.
• Requires the ability to coordinate own efforts such that they
meet business deadlines.
• May be required to travel to mining projects from time to time
• May require local and overseas travel from time to time.
Interested candidates are requested to send in their complete CV as an
attachment in MS Word format only in English with current & expected
salary and recent photograph via email to :
oil-gas@sintesa- resourcing. com
Please put the position applied BDM-Petrosea / PM-Petrosea / P HSE
M-Petrosea / Mng Supt-Petrosea / HSE Supt-Petrosea / Cont Eng-Petrosea
/ Cont Adm-Petrosea / Pjc Eng-Petrosea / BA-Petrosea on the subject
line. Only short listed candidates will be notified.
engineering, construction and services company, operates in more than 50
countries including Asia Pacific region, supporting the energy,
hydrocarbon, government services and civil infrastructure sectors. KBR
serves in many of the growing end-markets, particularly gas monetization
and more than half of the world's operating liquefied natural gas (LNG)
production capacities over the past 30 years alone, or with join
ventures partners. KBR offers a wide range of services through its
Upstream, Downstream, Technology, Services, Government and
Infrastructure, and Ventures business segments.
To fulfill the requirements in the recently awarded Projects, the
Jakarta Engineering Office seeks talented and experienced Indonesian
nationals to fill the following positions:
The candidates should have at least Senior Technical School certificates
or Diploma from reputable Technical School with at least 5-10 years of
relevant experiences.
Having Underground Capabilities and Project Experience.
Preferable Software Ability: 3-D CAD (PDMS) and/or 2-D AutoCAD,
Microstation and/or Smart Plan Instruments (SPI) / INTOOLS for
Offshore/Onshore Oil&Gas facilities and Petrochemical Projects.
The candidates should have at least Senior Technical School certificates
or Diploma from reputable Technical School with at least 3-5 years of
relevant experiences.
Preferable Software Ability: 3-D CAD (PDMS) and/or 2-D AutoCAD,
Microstation and/or Smart Plan Instrument (SPI)/INTOOLS for
Offshore/Onshore Oil&Gas facilities and Petrochemical Projects.
The candidates should be university graduate from reputable Universities
with at least 10-15 years relevant experience in Multinational and Local
EPC Company related to Offshore/Onshore in Oil&Gas facilities, Refining
and Petrochemicals Projects with emphasis on Process Design Engineering
(FEED or Basic Engineering, Detailed Engineering) and construction.
Provides Technical Guidance to designers and less experienced engineers
and is consulted by associates and others on technical interpretations
and advice.
Strong Leadership and Team Alignment, Capable of generating PFD, UFD,
Heat and Material Balance (HMB), P&ID Development, Equipment Sizing.
Hydraulic Calculation and Line Sizing, Relieve Valve Sizing and Slowdown
Provide Process deliverables and Datasheet for Equipment (Pump, Special
Piping Item and Instrumentations) .
Experience in HAZOP Meeting, Deliver Safe Chart, Cause & Effect, ESD
Logic Diagram, Study Reports and Analysis for Process and Utility
System, Familiar with several Codes and Standards in Oil&Gas Industry,
such as API, ASME, TEMA, etc.
Software Ability: HYSYS (Process Design Simulation), Flarenet, PIPESIM,
* Good command of both written and spoken English & Bahasa Indonesia.
* Good Communication Skills, Interpersonal Skills and Team Player.
* Good HSE Awareness and Trustworthy
* Willing to take Overseas Assignment
Interested applicants should send their resume in English to HARTOYO.NLN
@ KBR.COM and mention the title of the position applied in the subject
of the email.
ONLY SHORT-LISTED candidates will be contacted.
providing service to Oil & Gas Industry in Indonesia.
We are seeking for the best candiddate to fill the following position of :
1.Asst Driller
2.Jack Tech
5.Floorman / Roungneck
6.Crane Operator
12.Operator Radio
13.Head Painter / Painter
Qualification :
1.Have minimum 3 years experienced in Offshore Rig
2.Able to communicate in English
3.Good team player and endow with excellent interpersonal skill
4.Result of Medical Check Up
5.Have valid certification :
• BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training)
• HUET (Helicopter Underwater Escape Training)
• Sea Survival
• Certificate MIGAS
Please sent your application with copy certificate and reference to
email : recruitment@
Jl. Kapten Tendean No.22A
Mampang Jakarta Selatan 12720.
Kamis, 21 Januari 2010
PT. Bhakti Finance
Pria/ Wanita
Maksimal usia 27 tahun
Pendidikan min S1 jurusan Psikologi
Diutamakan memiliki pengalaman sebagai Rekruter / Tester
Fresh Graduate diperbolehkan melamar
Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas ke seluruh pelosok cabang PT. Bhakti Finance
Memiliki motivasi tinggi dan dapat bekerja dalam tekanan
Penempatan di Jakarta (Head Office)
Kirimkan surat lamaran lengkap, CV, copy KTP, pas photo terbaru dan nomor telp. / HP Anda selambat-lambatnya 2 minggu setelah iklan ini dimuat, kepada:
HRD Dept. PT. Bhakti Finance
Jl. Abdul Muis No. 36 C – F Jakarta Pusat 10160
Email: hrd@bangkredit. com
Posted date: 2010-Jan-19
Requirements :
University graduate with engineering degree.
Minimum 2 years relevant experience with a preference in Pressure
Vessel / Heat Exchanger Design.
Minimum 1 years experience in AutoCAD and CadWorx for Piping Design.
Familiar with recognized international codes and standards such as ASME.
Maximum age 28 years old.
Will be located in Batam.
General requirements :
1. Good command of English language (written and spoken).
2. Must have good leadership, communication skill, high integrity
and loyalty.
3. Able to work as a team or independently.
4. Computer literacy.
Please send your complete CV to : tep_adm@transalindo .com
( Please mention your expected salary in your application )
Selasa, 19 Januari 2010
PT Güntner Indonesia
One of the major reasons for the successful development and worldwide expansion of the Güntner-Group are the long years of experience and our commitment to the personal and professional growth of each team member. By constantly striving for improvement and progress, the Güntner-Group is able to guarantee its customers and business partner’s continuous and lasting success.
To support our business growth, we invite highly motivated, dynamic, and open-minded individuals to join our dynamic team to establish our company as market leader position as:
The incumbent of this position is manage relationship between company, employee and Labor Union in order to create a harmonic industrial relationship condition and manage personnel administration, filing and document, compensation and benefit, and the implementation of HR policies and procedures which align with company vision, mission and strategy, also align with government regulation.
Job Requirements:
1. Male not more than 35 years old and holds a Bachelor’s Degree from a reputable university with GPA min 3.00, preferably from Law or Psychology background;
2. Minimum 3 - 4 years of working experience preferably with manufacturing MNC’s; Have experienced to handle personnel administration and industrial relation in order to achieve maximum performance.
3. Have knowledge to handle complaint and solution at payroll administration, in-out employee, manpower and mapping, absenteeism, lock check, actual working time, over time calculation, and industrial relation cases report to ensure all the supporting data are well documented;
4. Supporting in handling legal matter related with activity of the company, such as making legal analyze, legal review related with agreement from related party and or third party and also involve in negotiation related with third party concerning with.
4. Understanding and comprehend Human Resources Information System;
5. Additional knowledge on CBHRM, manpower planning/workload analysis as well as outsourcing manpower management would be an advantage;
6. Demonstrate leadership ability to lead and drive a team to achieve project target;
7. Possess strong communication skills, follow through actions and decisions with sense of urgency, punctuality and ready to work under pressure to meet deadlines and targets with sudden changes environment;
8. Strong work commitment with the ability to work independently and be self driven; Able to provide business support and be a strong partner in operations; Meticulous with an aptitude for figures and able to multitask effectively; Strong analytical skills with the ability to think and plan ahead; Be a change agent who can re-look at status quo operations for process improvements;
9. Proficient in English (spoken and written) and computer application literacy is a must;
10. Willing to be posted within the factory area in Beji –Pasuruan East Java.
If you possess the above requirements, please send your application letter together with CV (In English) and recent photograph by stating the position code in the subject of the email no later than 7 Days after this advertisement to:
gi_jobs@rad. 0r b.wirayudha@ guentner.
For more information about our company, please visit us at
www.guentner. de or www.guentner-
Requirements :
•Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Minimum 2 years experience, and experience in pharmaceutical industry is an advantage
•Computer literate (MS Office) and having a good administration skill
•Mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team
Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Degree with major in Accounting from reputable university
•Minimum 2 years experience in related area
•Having Experience in manufacturing industry are preferred
•Having knowledge in SAP (FI-CO module) would be an added advantage
•Having Brevet A & B will be an advantage
•Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team
Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university, graduated from any major
•Having experienced as Supervisor in Pharmaceutical Company minimum for 2 years
•Excellent in sales and negotiation skills
•Excellent in communication, networking and leadership skills
•Having driving license (SIM A)
•Selected candidate will be placed to all our branches throughout Indonesia
Requirements :
•Male / Female, maximum age 40 years old
•Bachelor degree or Master degree in Accounting from reputable university
•Minimum 5 years experience as Accounting Manager preferable from manufacturing industry
•Preferably having experience working in "Big Five" Public Accounting Firm
•Able to make feasibility study, forecasting and budgeting control
•Strong knowledge of financial report , accounting principles and tax regulation
•Proficient in SAP (FI-CO module) would be an added advantage
•Having Brevet A & B is a must
•Good leadership and interpersonal relationship
•Fluent in English both oral & written
Requirements :
•Male / Female, maximum age 40 years old
•Bachelor degree or Master degree in Accounting from reputable university
•Minimum 5 years experience as Tax Manager preferable from manufacturing industry
•Preferably having experience working in "Big Five" Public Accounting Firm
•Having deep understanding in Indonesian Tax Regulation, Import Regulation and PSAK (Prinsip Standar Akuntansi Keuangan)
•Proficient in SAP (FI-CO module) would be an added advantage
•Having Brevet A & B is a must
•Good leadership and interpersonal relationship
•Fluent in English both oral & written
Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Minimum Bachelor Degree (S1) from reputable university from any major
•Having minimum 2 years experience as supervisor
•Having good communication and intrepersonal skill
•Acting as HR Generalist by providing support to HR manager in executing various areas HR
activities such as Recruitment and Selection, Organization and People
Development, HR General Administration, Filling, etc
•Having strong computer literate (MS Office, Internet and HRIS )
Requirements :
•Male / Female with maximum age 29 years old
•Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university from any major
•Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
•Having interest working with target
•Having good communication and intrapersonal skill
•No complaints of working with long hours
•Having own motorcycle and its license (SIM C)
•Selected candidate will be placed to all our branches throughout Indonesia
Forward your CV and put your job code with current photograph, maximum 2 weeks from this advertisement and stated your expected salary, to:
Graha Atrium Building 15th Floor
Jl.Senen Raya 135
Jakarta Pusat
Or Email to :
vidhestira.dwimadia @combiphar. com
The biggest offshore fabricator in Indonesia and one of the largest
offshore construction companies in the world requires proficient,
efficient, and highly motivated individuals for the following position
Key Responsibilities
v Ensuring the work is carried out to AFC drawings and specifications.
v Develop the assigned operating budget, monitor budgeted
performance to ensure adherence to budget, identify variances and
implements cost reduction strategies when required.
v Review project specifications/ procedures for implementation on
facility engineering deliverables.
v Bachelor Degree, Major in Electrical ( Electrical Power
discipline is preferred )
v 5 year experiences as Electrical Facility Engineer.
v Good knowledge about Electrical Design, Experiences about
Electrical Installation work on job site and PLC control System.
v Strong personality and good coordination skill..
v Fluent in English both verbal and written.
If your vision of a work environment includes the challenges which can
lead to personal growth, respect for ideas, and colleagues who rank
with the best, then please send your application and resume, quoting
position title, with copy of qualification certificates and recent
photograph (4x6cm) no later than 2 weeks to:
Jalan Bawal - Batu Ampar - Batam 29452
Email:hrd.batam@mcdermott .com
The biggest offshore OIL & GAS facility developer in Indonesia and one
of the largest marine contractors in the world requires few
proficient, efficient, and highly motivated Indonesian individuals for
the following positions:
Essentials job duties :
v Perform daily NDT activities (UT, MT & PT) for all ongoing
projects in all shifts.
v Daily monitoring of NDT results & reviews, along with customers
& 3rd party reps.
v Ensuring NDT is performed as per scheduled work-plans with
adequate resources & in accordance to codes / specs & standards with
highest efficiency, reliability & integrity.
v Able to train & supervise NDT related Trainees & technicians
Requirements :
Shall be certified as a minimum to PCN 3.1, 3.2, 3.8, 3.9 with
valid certification including RI.
Should be able to work consistently under a challenging onshore
and offshore construction environment with least supervision
Shall have at least 2 years of hands-on experience in performing
UT, PT & MT in either shipyards or oil / gas fabrication industry.
Familiarity with international codes / standards, is a must, with
a good technical skills in the evaluation & interpretation of various
weld configurations & defects in structural, piping and pressure
Shall report to yard NDT Coordinator and should be matured, a
quick learner, a team player & an individualistic and maintain
credibility of company & self.
Possess self-confidence & having ability to deal with personnel
at all levels & nationalities & performing work with the highest
ethical standards / norms.
If your vision of a work environment includes the challenges which can
lead to personal growth, respect for ideas & colleagues who rank with
the best in the industry, then please send your application and resume
in English, with copy of qualification certificates and recent
photograph (4x6cm) no later than 07 days to:
Human Resources Department
PT. McDermott Indonesia
Jl. Bawal – Batu Ampar, Batam Island Indonesia
Email : hrd.batam@mcdermott .com
Note : Interview will be conducted in Jakarta&Batam
Senin, 18 Januari 2010
manufacturer of specialty and basic chemicals. In addition to its
Jakarta head office, the Company has five branches and six
representative offices in Indonesia as well as a main regional
subsidiary in Singapore, and offices in China, Thailand and Vietnam to
oversee Distribution activities. In Manufacturing, Lautan Luas
established 17 production facilities in Indonesia, three in China and
is building its first manufacturing facility in Vietnam. Lautan Luas
has also set up a Support & Service business segment made of four
subsidiaries that were previously the Company’s internal departments –
laboratory, supply chain, IT and water treatment – to provide
value-add services to customers.
Born of modest origins, Lautan Luas has grown to be Indonesia’s
leading chemical distributor and manufacturer, as it works with over
100 international principals, supplies more than 1,000 chemical
products and serves some 2,000 industrial end-users throughout
Indonesia and the Asia-Pacific region. And as Lautan Luas continues to
grow, our corporate vision remains the foundation for growth and
expansion: To be the leading regional integrated chemical distribution
and manufacturing company by providing value to customers in becoming
preferred business partner, challenge and opportunities to our
employees, and superior return to our shareholders.
For PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, this means sustaining a Total Quality
Management mindset. Strong emphasis is placed on the cultivation of a
learning culture, where employees take great pride and joy in being a
part of a talent-focused organization. Our employees are provided
internal and external training for both professional and personal
development to ensure a highly crafted and learned talent base. More
importantly, at Lautan Luas, each individual is challenged to deliver
only the best, rewarded for exceeding objectives and encouraged to
enjoy the journey of a successful career.
Therefore, PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk challenges you to join us for the
following opportunities:
Research and Development Supervisor (RDSPV)
Responsible for coordinating the R&D and business development activities
· Bachelor Degree in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering
· Having a minimum of 3-4 years experience of research and
development in chemical manufacturing
· Good command of spoken and written English
· Preferably residing in Gresik/Surabaya; but those who
resides outside mentioned area and willing to be posted in Gresik are
encouraged to apply
If you are confident that you can meet our requirements, please fill
in the online application at :
http://www.lautan- 2009/www/ corporate/ career.asp? id=opportunities
For further information about PT LAUTAN LUAS Tbk, please visit our website at:
Procurement Manager - Indirect Material
boasting a network of over 40 offices located throughout Europe, USA,
Asia and Australia.
Our office located in Jakarta, works with some of the best-known local
and multi-national companies to deliver consistently high levels of
service and delivery within Middle to Senior Management recruitment.
We are currently recruiting on behalf of one of the world leading
Multi National FMCG companies.
Procurement Manager - Indirect Material
(Jakarta Raya)
As a Procurement Manager, you are responsible for meeting country
Procurement annual budgets, plans and KPIs. Ensure competitive
advantage in material/service bought. Lead major cost reduction
initiatives. Contribute to NR growth through tapping the supplier
resources to support our innovation process and become the preferred
customer to our suppliers in terms of access to break-through
technologies and products.
S1 University in Management/Business /Engineering from reputable university.
Current Positions is Procurement Manager or Similar Positions
Excellent business English.
Posses good judgment and negotiations skills and self confidence.
Energetic person with a strong drive for results.
Outstanding communication skill including the ability to present to
large/senior audience
Have worked in a procurement/ sourcing role, with a prior knowledge of
strategic sourcing, e-procurement is preferable
Good analytical skills, flexible and open minded
Currently works in a MNC Consumer Goods Company is a MUST.
Qualified Applicants should apply via e-mail to :
Only applicant who has attached resume will be considered!!
~So please do attach your resume before applying to this job & please
mention your salary expectation~
Only Candidates who meet the requirement will be invited for interview
Sabtu, 16 Januari 2010
production sectors of oil, gas and geothermal projects worldwide, are
seeking an enthusiastic, hard-working and motivated individual to fill
the position of:
QHSSE Coordinator – Jakarta
Assist in the development and implementation of QHSE systems in line
with international and company’s policy and procedures.
Assist in the administration and maintenance of QHSE systems with
particular focus on work / service instructions, corrective actions,
audits and root cause analysis of deficiencies.
Ensure all employees and elements of the business are in compliance
with QHSE policies, procedures and relevant location legislation.
Develop and implement specific QHSE project packages to meet client
Actively develop and promote a proactive QHSE culture programs.
Assist in the development and implementation of safety awareness
programs, safety training, safety committee and safety meetings.
Conduct regular QHSE audits and close out findings.
Facilitate external audits from clients and certifying bodies
Assist with development of technical and competency based training systems.
Review Client bids/tenders and contracts with regard to QHSE
requirements and to assure that
Weatherford meets the requirements, monitor the progress, allocate
actions and close out customer non-conformance reports (CNCR’s).
Assist in the development of QHSE training packages for Personnel
within the district.
Assist in the development of Product Line Specific QHSE packages for
the district.
QHSSE Supervisor – Jakarta
Plan, direct and supervise QHSE program to ensure business and
operation excellence is consistent with established standards.
· Basic understanding of the implementation and maintenance of
ISO 9000:2000 Quality Management Systems and/or 18001 Occupational
Health & Safety and/or 14001 Environmental Management Systems.
· Assist in the development and implementation of QHSE systems
in line with international and company’s policy and procedures.
· Assist in the administration and maintenance of QHSE systems
with particular focus on work / service instructions, corrective
actions, audits and root cause analysis of deficiencies.
· Ensure all employees and elements of the business are in
compliance with QHSE policies, procedures and relevant location
· Develop and implement specific QHSE project packages to meet
client requirements.
· Actively develop and promote a proactive QHSE culture programs.
· Assist in the development and implementation of safety
awareness programs, safety training, safety committee and safety
· Conduct regular QHSE audits and close out findings.
· Facilitate external audits from clients and certifying bodies
· Assist with development of technical and competency based
training systems.
· Review Client bids/tenders and contracts with regard to QHSE
requirements and to assure that Weatherford meets the requirements,
monitor the progress, allocate actions and close out customer
non-conformance reports (CNCR’s).
· Assist in the development of QHSE training packages for
Personnel within the district.
· Monitor the QHSE Management Performance at Customer’s Rig
Location for any Drilling activity.
· Review Client bids/tenders and contracts with regard to QHSE
· Encourage all Weatherford employees to improve their
performance in business activity through Corrective Action Team
QHSSE Officer ( 1Jakarta & 1 Balikpapan)
· Maintains International QHSE Management System Certification
· Able to handle customer complaints and internal
abnormalities and addresses all relevant corrective and preventive
actions information for business management review
· Review Client bids/tenders and contracts with regard to QA
requirements, in order to ensure that Weatherford meet these
· Monitoring the progress, allocating action and close out
customer non-conformance reports (CPAR).
· Monitors health and safety performance, including accidents
and incidents report and recommends actions for improvement.
· Other duties as directed.
General Requirements:
· Competent supervisory skills.
· Good customer and employee interpersonal skills.
· Advanced technical writing skills.
· Competent trainer.
· Strong written and verbal English communication skills.
· Excellent written and verbal Bahasa Indonesia communication skills
· Basic knowledge of relevant computer software.
· Ability to communicate with people at all levels
· Ability to work to tight deadlines
· Ability to work unsupervised
· Flexible and adaptable to a changing environment
Interested candidates are invited to send their application including,
letter of application, resume, photocopies of qualification and other
certificates (attachment max. 200KB) to:
Jakarta.Recruitment @ap.weatherford. com (Please write down the POSITION
TITLE you apply in the subject of your email)
Or you may visit our web www.weatherford. com for applying the above
position & other vacant positions online.
NOTE: Only candidates that meet the above qualification will be shortlisted
Jumat, 15 Januari 2010
PT Pembangkitan Jawa-Bali
(Persero) yang bergerak dalam bidang Pembangkitan Listrik di Indonesia
membuka kesempatan bagi putra-putra terbaik Indonesia untuk bergabung
sebagai Tenaga Teknik Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Pembangkitan melalui
Program On the Job Training (OJT), dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut
1. Pendidikan
D3 : Jurusan Teknik Listrik/Elektronika /Instrumentasi (DL), Mesin (DM)
D1 / SMK 4 Tahun : Jurusan Teknik Listrik/Elektronika /Instrumentasi
(JL), Mesin (JM)
2. Batas Usia
D3 : Kelahiran tahun 1987 dan sesudahnya
D1 / SMK 4 Tahun : Kelahiran tahun 1989 dan sesudahnya
3. Nilai Akademis
D3 : IPK minimal 2,75
D1 : IPK minimal 2,75 dan harus berasal dari SMA IPA atau SMK Jurusan
Listrik/Mesin/ Elektronika/ Instrumentasi
SMK 4 thn : Nilai rata – rata UAN minimal 7 (tujuh), dengan nilai
matematika min. 7 (tujuh)
4. Jenis Kelamin : Laki – laki
5. Status : Belum menikah
6. Kondisi Fisik :
- Sehat jasmani dan rohani (tidak memiliki ketunaan fisik yang dapat
menghambat aktivitas kerja)
- Tinggi Badan minimal 160 cm, berat badan proporsional
- Tidak buta warna
- Bebas narkoba
- Tidak bertato & tidak bertindik
- Bagi yang berkacamata, toleransi maksimal 4 dioptri.
1. Pelamar terlebih dahulu mengisi aplikasi online yang terdapat di
website PT PJB ( link karir, selanjutnya mencetak form
isian CV tersebut.
2. Pelamar mengirimkan Lamaran dengan mencantumkan Kode Jurusan yang
dipilih sesuai butir I.1 diatas pada sampul surat lamaran (pojok kanan
atas), dengan menyertakan kelengkapan berkas :
a. Pas foto terbaru ukuran 4 x 6 sebanyak 1 (satu) lembar
b. Copy KTP
c. Form isian CV yang terdapat di website PT PJB, yang telah diisi
lengkap dan dicetak (hard copy)
d. Copy ijazah atau Surat Keterangan Lulus (SKL) yang sudah dilegalisir :
D1 / SMK 4 Tahun : ijazah SMA/SMK & D1 (bagi D1), ijazah SMK 4 tahun
(bagi lulusan SMK 4 Tahun)
D3 : ijazah D3
(Copy ijasah pendidikan terakhir harus dilegalisir)
e. Copy transkrip/daftar nilai terakhir yang telah dilegalisir
f. Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian (SKCK) yang masih berlaku
g. Melampirkan pernyataan diri di atas meterai Rp. 6.000,- tentang :
- Kesanggupan untuk ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah kerja PT PJB dan
bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas saat menjalani On the Job Training
(OJT) dan apabila telah menjadi karyawan.
- Tidak terlibat dalam penyalahgunaan narkotika dan zat adiktif lainnya.
- Bagi yang mempunyai ijazah lebih tinggi dari tingkat pendidikan yang
dilamar, tidak akan menuntut pengakuan atas ijazah yang dimilikinya.
- Sanggup tidak menikah selama menjalani program On the Job Training
(OJT), baik yang tercatat maupun tidak tercatat di instansi
- Tidak mempunyai ikatan dinas dengan instansi lain dan tidak sedang
menerima beasiswa pendidikan dari instansi lain yang bersifat
mengikat/ikatan dinas.
(Penyusunan berkas harap diurutkan sebagaiman urutan di atas)
h. Pendaftaran/ lamaran ditujukan kepada :
Kotak Pos/PO BOX. 10 SB IKIP, Surabaya
1. Lamaran diterima via Kotak Pos paling lambat tanggal 23 Januari
2010 (Cap Pos Pengiriman).
2. Pelamar mengajukan lamaran hanya pada satu jurusan.
3. Tidak dilakukan komunikasi (surat menyurat, telepon) selama tahapan
seleksi berlangsung.
4. Seluruh proses seleksi tidak dikenakan biaya apapun dan pelamar
agar mengabaikan pihak-pihak yang menjanjikan dapat membantu kelulusan
dalam proses seleksi ini.
5. Biaya dari dan ke tempat seleksi menjadi tanggung jawab peserta.
6. Keputusan hasil seleksi merupakan keputusan mutlak dan tidak dapat
diganggu gugat.
Hasil Seleksi Administratif/ panggilan Seleksi Tahap 2 akan diumumkan
pada awal bulan Pebruari 2010.
1. Proses rekrutmen menggunakan sistem gugur, dengan tahapan sebagai berikut :
- Seleksi Administrasi
- Seleksi Kesamaptaan
- Seleksi Akademis & Bahasa Inggris
- Seleksi Psikologi
- Seleksi Wawancara
- Seleksi Kesehatan
2. Panggilan peserta dan lokasi tes untuk setiap tahap seleksi akan
diumumkan melalui Website PT PJB (
sumber: http://www.ptpjb. com/