Rabu, 30 Juni 2010

Koperasi Karyawan Lintasarta (KOPKARLA)

Koperasi Karyawan Lintasarta (KOPKARLA) sebagai bagian dari PT.
Aplikanusa Lintasarta yang bergerak di bidang Jasa, Pengembangan SDM, IT
dan Perdagangan Besar membuka kesempatan kepada kandidat yang
berkualitas, energik, dinamis, berani menerima tantangan dan memiliki
visi pengembangan SDM untuk bergabung bersama kami sebagai :


Kualifikasi :

1. Pria / wanita, usia maksimal 27 thn
2. Pendidikan S1 Psikologi
3. Pengalaman minimal 1 thn dibidang rekrutmen, fresh graduates
diperkenankan untuk melamar
4. IPK minimal 2,75 (Skala 4.00)
5. Mengerti tentang proses rekrutmen
6. Mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa inggris (minimal pasif)
7. Memiliki kemampuan komunikasi interpersonal yang baik
8. Memiliki inisiatif, kreatif, responsibility
9. Memiliki motivasi berprestasi yang tinggi

Bagi Anda yang memenuhi kualifikasi di atas dan menyukai tantangan dalam
bekerja, kirim aplikasi lengkap (surat lamaran, CV, serta tuliskan gaji
yang diharapkan) paling lambat 9 Juli 2010 ke :



Graha Kanaan Lt. 5

Jln. R.A. Kartini (TB Simatupang) No 18

Jakarta Selatan 12430

Senin, 28 Juni 2010


Dibutuhkan :

Seorang Apoteker untuk menjadi Penanggung Jawab di Distributor.

syarat :
- mampu bekerja sebagai penanggung jawab dan merangkap sebagai staff regular distributor
- bertanggung jawab terhadap laporan ke BPOM
- bekerja sebagai full timer di DMA Tangerang
- Wanita lebih diutamakan
- usia maks 37 thn
- tinggal sekitar area Tangerang

Bisa hubungi : Bp. Anthonius Edyson
Telp : 5397300 / 5397301 / 08158811557


Management Trainee INDOMOBIL GROUP (MT- IMG) 2010

Kami Perusahaan Otomotif Nasional yang tergabung dalam
INDOMOBIL GROUP, membuka peluang karir sebagai calon peserta :

Persyaratan :

- Min. lulusan S1 dari Fakultas Teknik (Mesin, Elektro, Industri,
Informatika/Komputer, Sipil,
Arsitektur, Fisika), Manajemen, Akutansi, Hukum, Psikologi, FISIP,
Publistik, FKIP Teknik
(Mesin, Elektro, Informatika, Komputer, Sipil, Arsitektur) lulusan dari
Universitas Negeri /
Swasta Ternama
- IPK Min. 3.0
- Single, umur maksimal 26 Tahun.
- Pengalaman kerja Maksimal 2 tahun.
- Hobby bidang teknik otomotif dan tertarik pada penguasaan bidang Workshop,
Spare Part,
atau Sales-Marketing
- Mau dan mampu bekerja keras dengan multi tugas dalam waktu terbatas .
- Mampu melakukan analisa terhadap suatu permasalahan dan kreatif mencarikan
- Kemampuan multi bahasa akan menjadi nilai tambah kandidat.
- Lulus seleksi yang dipersyaratkan.
- Bersedia ditugaskan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia

Peminat serius silahkan mengirimkan surat lamaran, CV beserta foto max 500
Kb selambatnya 9 Juli 2010 ke email :


dengan menulis subject email : MT IMG 2010

Rekrutmen Indomobil Group

Yayasan Indonesia Mengajar

Nama: Yayasan Indonesia Mengajar

Posisi : Pengajar Muda

Deskripsi Kerja :

Indonesia Mengajar memberi kesempatan kepada lulusan terbaik perguruan
tinggi di Indonesia untuk menjadi Pengajar Muda di SD yang kekurangan guru
di berbagai daerah di Indonesia selama 1 tahun.

Syarat-syarat :

- Lulusan S1 dari berbagai bidang studi dan jurusan
- *Fresh graduate*, maksimal dua tahun setelah lulus jenjang strata satu.
- Umur maksimal 25 tahun.
- IPK minimal 3,0 dalam skala 4,0 dari berbagai disiplin ilmu.
- Berprestasi baik di dalam maupun di luar kampus.
- Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, kepedulian sosial dan semangat pengabdian.
- Memiliki antusiasme dan passion dalam dunia pendidikan, khususnya untuk
kegiatan belajar-mengajar.
- Memiliki semangat juang, kemampuan adaptasi yang tinggi, menyukai
tantangan dan kemampuan *problem solving*.
- Memiliki hobi atau keterampilan non-akademis yang menarik dan
- Sehat secara fisik dan mental
- Bersedia mengajar di daerah terpencil selama setahun

*Jurusan :*

Sarjana (S-1) semua bidang studi dan jurusan

Informasi Tambahan :

*Jumlah posisi :*

50 Pengajar Muda

*Penempatan :*

Kabupaten Bengkalis-Riau (10 orang)

Kabupaten Tulang Bawang-Lampung (10 orang)

Kabupaten Passer-Kalimantan Timur (10 orang)

Kabupaten Majene-Sulawesi Barat (10 orang)

Kabupaten Halmahera-Maluku Utara (10 orang)

*Fasilitas :*

Pelatihan bersertifikat, gaji, asuransi dan fasilitas lain yg memadai untuk
menunjang tugas sebagai Pengajar Muda di daerah

*Keterangan :*

Daftarkan diri Anda sebagai calon Pengajar Muda melalui rekrutmen online di
website Indonesia Mengajar, silahkan klik: *www.indonesiamengajar.org*

*Masa pendaftaran mulai 1 Maret - 31 Juli 2010.*

Keterangan lebih lanjut, silahkan kunjungi: *www.indonesiamengajar.org*


COMBIPHAR, an aggressive pharmaceutical & consumer goodS company are seeking high caliber & result-oriented individual to fill the position as :

Requirements :
•Provide confidential administrative / technical assistance with overall effectiveness operations
•Minimum Bachelor Degree from reputable university
•Maximum age 30 years old
•Minimum 2 years experience, and experience in pharmaceutical industry is an advantage
•Having good knowledge in pharmaceutical industry and its distribution process
•Computer literate and having a good report skill
•Can work under pressure, multi tasking with minimum supervision, mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team

Requirements :
•Minimum 2 years Male / Female with maximum age 30 years old
•Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university, graduated from any major
•Having experienced as Supervisor in Pharmaceutical Company minimum for 2 years
•Excellent in communication ,networking and leadership skills
•Having driving license (SIM A)

Requirements :
•Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in Pharmacy / Apothecary Program
•At least 2 years of working experience in as Product Manager is required
•Able to manage new product Development and product launching
•Good command of spoken and written English
•Have a good negotiation, interpersonal, presentation, marketing and communication skill
•Have a strong analytical and problem solving abilities

Requirements :
•Have a strong analytical and problem solving abilities
•Male / Female, maximum age 35 years
•Bachelor degree in Medicine / Pharmacy / Marketing Min 1 year of working experience in product or sales management in pharmaceutical company or FMCG company
•Good communication, presentation & negotiation skill, mature with good interpersonal skill at all levels, excellent analytical skill & creative problem solving
•Good knowledge of HAKI & patent for pharmaceutical company
•Fluent in English, computer literate, possess A driving license

Requirements :
•Male/Female, with maximal age 28 years old
•Minimum Diploma Degree (D3) from reputable university, graduated from science major
•Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
•Excellent communication and networking skills
•Self-motivation, drive and initiative
•An outgoing and confident approach
•A full driving license

Requirements :
•Female with maximum age 27 years old
•Minimum 2 years experience, and experience in pharmaceutical industry is an advantage
•Computer literate (MS Office) and having a good administration skill
•Mature, self motivated, and able to work in a team

Forward your CV and put your job code with current photograph, maximum 1 month from this advertisement and stated your expected salary, to:

Graha Atrium Building 15th Floor
Jl.Senen Raya 135
Jakarta Pusat

Or Email to :

We offer you great career opportunity and competitive compensation package.

Globe Media Group

Globe Media Group are a group of newspapers and magazines in Jakarta, is looking a young, creative and challenging people to join a career with us as :

• Search & screen resumes, and interview candidates
• Provide job advertising
• HR Administrative tasks such as data organizing, filing and candidate
database management

• Bachelor degree from reputable university, max. 30 years.
• Have min. 3 years experience in the same position
• Good knowledge of recruiting processes, selection and interviewing
• Detailed, well organized, and multitasking person
• Excellent in communication & interpersonal skills
• Fluent in English (oral and written)
• Good teamwork and able to work under pressure

HR Admin
• Female, Max. 28 years old
• Bachelor degree Management / Accounting / Psychology
• Experience 1 year in human resource area and personnel administration or
fresh graduate can apply
• Strong knowledge in all HR operations-related process, policy & procedure
• Detailed and well organized
• Excellent communication and interpersonal skill
• Must have fluent in English, both oral and written
• Fast learner, hard worker and able to work under pressure

If you are qualified for the positions, please send your resume with your recent photograph by e-mail to :


Kamis, 24 Juni 2010

PT. Elektroteknika Utama ITB

PT. Elektroteknika Utama ITB (EU ITB) adalah salah satu unit komersil ITB dalam bidang Power System dan ICT (Information & Communication Technology), saat ini sedang membutuhkan segera lulusan Bisnis & manajemen atau Teknik Industri untuk posisi:
dengan lingkup pekerjaan sbb:- Identifikasi dan pengembangan peluang bisnis- Formulasi dan pengembangan Bisnis Plan- Identifikasi dan analisa model bisnis, operational plan, marketing plan & financial plan- Melakukan koordinasi dengan mitra bisnis, vendor/supplier, dan stakeholder lainnya dalam kegiatan operasional
unit bisnis perusahaan- Supervisi terhadap kegiatan operasional unit bisnis perusahaan- Evaluasi dan analisis performansi unit bisnis
bagi yang tertarik untuk posisi tersebut dapat segera mengirim lamaran dan CV melalui email ke info@euitb.com dan yaditia_p@yahoo. co.id(subject: Business Development Staff)
atau dapat juga mengirim lamaran dan CV ke alamat surat sbb:
PT. Elektroteknika Utama ITBSalman Business Center, Lt. 3Jl. Gelap Nyawang no. 4Bandung 40132
(cantumkan "Business Development Staff" pada pojok kiri atas cover amplop)

CV Bhaskara

Di Cari Senior Drafting dengan detil sebagai berikut :

1. Berpengalaman dibidang civil drafting dibuktikan dengan CV referensi kerja dari perusahaan terdahulu apabila diminta.

2. Lokasi Kalimantan timur dengan jadwal 4 bulan 2 minggu off, seluruh biaya perjalanan Point of hire - site - point of hire di tanggung perusahaan.

3. Range remunerasi negotiable antara 5 - 7 juta per bulan, tergantung dari pengalaman dan kemampuan kerja.

4. Penginapan, di tanggung perusahaan.

5. Kirimkan lamaran dan CV ke info@bhaskara.co.id, atau benjamin@bhaskara.co.id, cv_bhaskara@yahoo.com atau hub 0542 761919 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 0542 761919 end_of_the_skype_highlighting untuk keterangan lebih lanjut.


To support our clients in Oil & Gas, Construction and Multi Finance Companies,
We are seeking young and dynamic professionals to fulfil the following position :

Managerial :
1. Sales/Trade Engineering Manager (Civil Engr. Background)
2. Finance and Accounting Manager
3. Petroleum Manager
4. Business Dev. Mgr. (Banking / multi finance experienced)
5. Branch Manager (Banking / multi finance experienced)
6. IT Manager (Banking / multi finance experienced)

Supervisor :
1. Audit Division Head
2. Finance and Accounting Supervisor
3. Senior Customer Relation & Support Executive

Staff :
1. Finance and Accounting Staff
2. Admin Support Staff
3. Secretary
4. Legal Staff
5. Customer Service
6. Sales Promotion Girl

The right candidates will be rewarded with a good remuneration package and opportunities to grow.
The right Please submit your updated resume immediately with recent photograph to:


Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Kav. X-2 No.5,
Jakarta 12950

IndoPacific Edelman

Edelman is the largest global independent public relations consultancy
and provides a full spectrum of public relations services to help build
image for the world's leading companies and brands. Indo Pacific
Edelman commenced operations in 1993, and is Indonesia's largest
public relations firm, with over 114 fulltime employees. The firm
specializes in six business practice areas: Financial & Investor
Relations; Healthcare; Corporate; Public Affairs/Government Relations;
Technology; and Brand PR. IndoPacific Edelman has on its client roster
leading multinational and national companies across the above sectors.

IndoPacific Edelman has a current requirement for Public Relations
Account Executive for its Public Affair division.:

Account Executive (position code: AEPA)


The Account Executive responsible for providing account support in the
development and implementation of public relations programs under the
supervision of the Group/Account Manager. His or her duties will

- Completing all assigned task professionally in timely manner and
in line with company policy and procedure

- Controlling budget and supplier costs in relation to assigned

- Provide suggestion and initiate improvements to elements of
programs being undertaken

- Initiate and maintain relevant media liaison.

- Participate in the formulation and review of client
communications strategies with the Account Manager or Group Manager.


- Posses diploma or bachelor degree majoring in communication
or public relation studies

- Having considerable working experience related to public

- Able to implement basic level knowledge of public relations
principles and practices.

- Excellent in both oral and written communications skills in
Bahasa Indonesia and English.

- High degree of interpersonal skills

- A team player with excellent skill in organizing and time

- Ability to think creatively, critically, and strategically

- High level of initiative and motivation to learn.

- Having experience as intern/trainee in a corporate public
relation division or in a NGO will be an advantage

IndoPacific Edelman presents excellent learning, growth prospects and a
clear career path for those looking for a future in communications. This
is a great opportunity for someone who is looking for challenging
opportunities in a dynamic and learning environment.

Interested applicants meeting the above qualifications should send their
resume to penti.sekarasih@indopacedelman.com or
and write the position code (AEPA) in the subject.



Urgently Needed :

A well-established and leading multi national company with more than 70
offices in many countries in Europe, America, and Asia invites a
professional candidate to fulfill following position :


Requirements :

- Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering.
- Have related experience minimum 3 years in multinational company.
- Well developed interpersonal skills and the ability to perform
- Having good communication, interpersonal skill and leadership will be
an added value.
- Fluent in english and expert in using microsoft office.

If you are the one who meets those requirements, kindly send your
comprehensive resume and recent photograph to :




The biggest offshore fabricator in Indonesia and one of the largest
offshore construction companies in the world requires proficient,
efficient, and highly motivated individuals for the following position

1. AQIS (Australian Quarantine Inspector Service) Inspector

2. AQIS (Australian Quarantine Inspector Service) Coordinator

Key Responsibilities

v Develop the project Quarantine Management Plan and monitor its

v Develop the project Emergency Response Plan (Quarantine) and
coordinate response drills and exercises as required.(1)

v Coordinate quarantine inspections with QA/QC inspections to ensure
ongoing quarantine compliance (2)

v Coordinate the development and design of Quarantine signage and
other awareness material to be displayed throughout the facility (2)

v Coordinate the final cleaning of PAU/PAR’s (2)

v Coordinate with PMT AQIS inspection PARs/PAUs at the yard
immediately prior to shipment (2)

v Conduct and coordinate on-going quarantine inspections undertaken
during fabrication of PARs/PAUs (1)

v Conduct and coordinate Scheduled inspections during commissioning
and testing (ITP)

v Embrace a quarantine culture in daily work practices (1)

v Report, investigate and record all quarantine breaches and
incidents potentially resulting in quarantine non-compliance.(1)


v Engineering Bachelor Degree or related field

v 3 year experiences in HSE Managements system

v Good knowledge about Emergency preparedness, Quarantine Compliance
Management, drills, international signage, hazards communications

v Strong personality and good coordination skill.

v Fluent in English both verbal and written.

If your vision of a work environment includes the challenges which can
lead to personal growth, respect for ideas, and colleagues who rank
with the best, then please send your application and resume, quoting
position title, with copy of qualification certificates and recent
photograph (4x6cm) no later than 2 weeks to:



Jalan Bawal - Batu Ampar - Batam 29452


Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Torishima Guna Indonesia

Torishima Guna Indonesia is an Indonesian joint venture between Torishima Pump Mfg. Co. Ltd. of Japan and Guna Elektro of Indonesia . Established in 1984 as Pumps Manufacturer, currently we are expanding our businesses to serve the oil & gas, power generation and infrastructure markets.
Please log on to www.torishimaguna.com to learn more about our company profile.
In order to support our operations, we are currently looking for candidates who search for long term career and have strong commitment to growth together with the company.
If you love challenge and ready to change please send your CV to recruitment@torishima-guna.co.id

Production Manager

Bachelor Degree in Engineering from reputable universities

A minimum 10 years working experience in production/manufacturing process is required

Must be familiar with pumps production process or rotating equipments and machineries

Good managerial skills in managing people, money & machines in the factory

Problem solver with strong leadership capability

Working location: East Jakarta

Selasa, 22 Juni 2010

PT. JAC Indonesia

1. Perusahaan Eropa, Manufacturing Glass ceramic cooktops, solar power
modules, glass-metal enclosures, color filters, syringes di daerah Cikarang

Posisi :

1. Production Spv

job des : supervise line manage material, manpower, machine

T. mesin, 5 tahun pengalaman lebih bagus lagi kalo bidang farmasi, mengenal
ISO, GMP, TPM, kerja di shift, mampu manage orang , umur max 32 thn

2. Process Engineer

job desc : increase the capability of process (cp & cpk) & improve the
performance of process

T. mesin, 5 tahun pengalaman lebih bagus lagi kalo bidang farmasi, mengenal
ISO, GMP, TPM, kerja di shift,systematic dan punya nalisa bagus,umur max 32

3. Overhoul Engineer

job desc : do overhaul machine

min diploma-S1 T. Mesin, umur max 30 thn, pengalaman 2 tahun, punya
background mechatronic lebih bagus lagi

salary : no 1& 2 GP : 5-6 Jt, transport allow: 500 rb/ bln

no 3 GP : 2.5 - 3.5 jt, transport 20 rb/hr

English communicative

2. Perusahaan Eropa, Manufacturing Ice Cooler di daerah Jababeka

Posisi: engineering support, min d3 teknik msin/industri/electrical

Pengalaman 2 thn, salary 2-2.5 jt, umur max 28

PT. JAC Indonesia (Bekasi Branch)

Cikarang Trade Center (CTC)

Jl. Raya Cikarang-Cibarusah Unit 888H

Cikarang - Bekasi 17340

email : dyah@jac-recruitment.co.id

PT. Elnusa Tbk

PT Elnusa Tbk, a national pride world class company for total solution in Upstream Oil and Gas Services (see: www.elnusa.co.id). We are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position :


• Male or Female, min. 25 - 35 years old
• Min S1 graduated, Majoring Finance/Accounting/Economic from any reputable university (GPA min. 2.75 scale of 4).
• Having min. 2 years experience as General Affair (will be advantage in oil & Gas Industry)
• Have good computer skill (MS Office & Internet).
• Competencies: Integrity, Synergy, Commitment, Customer Service Orientation, conceptual & logical thinking, strategic thinking, thorough, honest, interpersonal skill, adaptability, stress management, delegation & follow up.


• Male or Female, Max. 30 years old.
• Min S1 graduated, Background study Accounting or Finance Management from any reputable university (GPA min. 2.75 scale of 4).
• Having min. 1 years experience as accounting staff at well-known KAP (will be advantage in oil & Gas Industry)
• Have good computer skill (MS Office, Database, SAP & Internet).
• Competencies: Integrity, Synergy, Commitment, Customer Service Orientation, conceptual & logical thinking, strategic thinking, interpersonal skill, adaptability, stress management, delegation & follow up.


• Male or Female, 25 - 35 years old.
• Min S1 graduated, Background study Law from any reputable university (GPA min. 2.75 scale of 4)
• Having min. 2 years experience as Legal Staff (will be advantage in oil & Gas Industry), Fresh Graduate are welcome
• Fluent in English both oral and written
• Computer literate (MS Office & Internet)
• Competencies: Integrity, Synergy, Commitment, Customer Service Orientation, conceptual & logical thinking, strategic thinking, interpersonal skill, adaptability, stress management, impact & influence, delegation & follow up, decision making

If you meet the above requirements, please visit our website (www.elnusa.co.id ) click career then apply online registration (Don’t apply more than one position, we will not process it) or email your CV to recruitment@elnusa.co.id with subject position.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection process.

PT. Elnusa Tbk
Graha Elnusa 7th Floor
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav 1B
Jakarta Selatan 12560
Telp. 021-788 30850 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 021-788 30850 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Note : Data yang masuk akan menjadi database kandidat, jadi ingat email dan password login anda dan silahkan update data anda.

Senin, 21 Juni 2010


PT. INDOCEMENT TUNGGAL PERKARSA, TBK. adalah salah satu produsen semen terbesar di Indonesia yang memproduksi berbagai jenis semen bermutu, termasuk semen khusus yang dipasarkan dengan merek "Tiga Roda".

PT. INDOCEMENT TUNGGAL PERKARSA, TBK. saat ini membutuhkan tenaga kerja untuk posisi Management Trainee.


1. Lulus sarjana (S1)

2. Teknik Mesin, Kimia, Sipil, Industri.

3. IP min 2,75

4. Usia Maks 26 tahun

5. Lulus tahun: 2008, 2009, 2010

6. Lulus tes tertulis, wawancara dan kesehatan

Kirimkan Lamaran anda ke


Wisma Indocemment, Level 13

Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav 70-71 Jakarta 12910

atau email ke recruitment@indocement.co.idAlamat e-mail ini diproteksi dari spambot, silahkan aktifkan Javascript untuk melihatnya , paling lambat 28 Juni 2010

Torishima Guna Engineering

Torishima Guna Engineering is an Indonesian joint venture between Torishima Pump Mfg. Co. Ltd. of Japan and Guna Elektro of Indonesia . Established in 1984 as Pumps Manufacturer, currently we are expanding our businesses to serve the oil & gas, power generation and infrastructure markets.
Please log on to www.torishimaguna.com to learn more about our company profile.
In order to support our operations, we are currently looking for candidates who search for long term career and have strong commitment to growth together with the company.
If you love challenge and ready to change please send your CV to recruitment@torishima-guna.co.id

Staff HRD

Bachelor Degree in Information Technology or Computer Science

Fresh Graduate


Willing to work in East Jakarta

Available Immediately

Bank Syariah Mandiri

Dibutuhkan: Competency & Assessment Officer

- Education: S1 Psikologi, min. IPK 2,75
- Experience: HR spec. develops CBHRM
- Detail oriented
- Eager to learn
- Good Interpersonal Skills.

Bagi yang tertarik, dapat mengirimkan
aplikasi ke: dnurdiana@syariahmandiri.co.id

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

PT. SCHOTT Igar Glass

PT SCHOTT Igar Glass is a leading & reputable manufacturing in
pharmaceutical packaging. SCHOTT Igar Glass as the Quality leader of
the Asian market for pharmaceutical packaging has the most modern
production site in this Industry in Asia. We are looking for the right
candidates for the following position:


You will be responsible to supervise line production related to material
control, manpower, machine optimization, product quality in order to
achieve production target.


· Minimum bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering

· 5 years experience in similar field in manufacturing,
preferable in pharmaceutical industry

· Familiar with ISO, GMP & Total Productive Maintenance

· Familiar with PC Software (MS. Office)

· Fluent in English

· Have good interpersonal skill in order to be able in
managing people

· Strong systematic & analytical thinking

· Willing to work under shift


You will be responsible to increase the capability of process (Cp & Cpk)
and to improve the performance of process.


· Minimum bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering

· 5 years experience in similar field in manufacturing

· Familiar with ISO, GMP & Total Productive Maintenance, Six

· Familiar with PC Software (MS. Office)

· Fluent in English

· Strong systematic & analytical thinking


You will responsible to do overhaul in machines.


· Age below 30 years old.

· Education: diploma degree or bachelor degree from
Mechanical Engineering.

· Experience: At least 2 years in related position.

· Familiar with MS Office, AUTOCAD

· Preferably have mechatronic background.

· Fluent in English

Please send the application letter and CV (full details) no later than
30 July 2010 to: hrd.schott@schott.com

Office: PT. SCHOTT Igar Glass

Jl. Meranti 3 Blok L8 - 06B

Phone: +62-21-28640088 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +62-21-28640088 end_of_the_skype_highlighting


Kamis, 17 Juni 2010


Halliburton, founded in 1919, is one of the world's largest providers of
products and services to the energy industry. With more than 50,000
employees in approximately 70 countries, the Company serves the upstream oil
and gas industry.

If you meet below requirements, come and join us:

1. S1 degree majoring IT
2. GPA minimum 3.00
3. Good command of speaking, writing and Listening English
4. Strong interpersonal skills and organization experience
5. Willing to be located in other area
6. Experience in : Network, server, Microsoft office 2003&2007, Microsoft
7. Maximum 25 yr
8. Male

Send your CV to Halliburton Human Resources Y.Yuliana@Halliburton.com.

PT. Elnusa Tbk

PT Elnusa Tbk, a national pride world class company for total solution in Upstream Oil and Gas Services

(see: www.elnusa.co.id ). We are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position :



• Male or Female, 25 - 35 years old.
• Min. S2 graduated, Background study Finance / Management Strategic / Accounting from any reputable university (GPA min. 2.75 scale of 4)
• Having min. 3 - 5 years experience as a Corporate Planning (will be advantage in Oil & Gas Industry)
• Excellence negotiation skill, Business valuation & Asessment, Financial Modeling and Risk Analyst
• Fluent in English both oral and written
• Computer literate (Ms Office & Internet)
• Competencies: Integrity, Synergy, Commitment, Customer Service Orientation, conceptual & logical thinking, strategic thinking, interpersonal skill, adaptability, stress management, impact & influence, delegation & follow up, decision making

General Requirements : Business/investment valuation, strong analytical skill, Business Asessment, Financial Modeling, Risk Analys, Competencies in Integrity, Synergy, Commitment, Teamwork & Cooperation, Customer Service Orientation, General Intelligence, Problem Solving, and Achievement Motivation.

If you meet the above requirements, please visit our website (www.elnusa.co.id ) click career then apply online registration not later than June 30th 2010 (Don’t apply more than one position, we will not process it) or email your CV to recruitment@elnusa.co.id with subject position.

Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for further selection process.

PT. Elnusa Tbk
Graha Elnusa 7th Floor
Jl. TB Simatupang Kav 1B
Jakarta Selatan 12560
Telp. 021-788 30850

Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

Swiss-Belhotel Manokwari

We are currently seeking for following position :


General Requirements :

~ Male / Female

~ Proven experience as successful Sales in star rated hotel

~ Motivated & target oriented

If you are interested and have the required qualification, Please contact
HR Department SBMI and send your CV, latest on 30 JUNE 2010.

Human Resources Department

Swiss-Belhotel Manokwari

Jalan Yos Sudarso No. 8, Manokwari, West Papua, Inodnesia

Tel: (62-986) 212 999 Fax: (62-986) 212 777

E-mail: hrm@swiss-belhotelmanokwari.com

Web-Site: http://www.swiss-belhotel.com

Minggu, 13 Juni 2010

Torishima Guna Engineering

Torishima Guna Engineering is an Indonesian joint venture between Torishima Pump Mfg. Co. Ltd. of Japan and Guna Elektro of Indonesia . Established in 1984 as Pumps Manufacturer, currently we are expanding our businesses to serve the oil & gas, power generation and infrastructure markets.
Please log on to www.torishimaguna.com to learn more about our company profile.
In order to support our operations, we are currently looking for candidates who search for long term career and have strong commitment to growth together with the company.
If you love challenge and ready to change please send your CV to recruitment@torishima-guna.co.id

Project Engineer – EPC Infrastructure
· Bachelor Degree in Engineering from reputable universities
· Good knowledge in infrastructure projects and infrastructure player in Indonesia
· Hands on experience with pumping station and water works projects including equipments, project management, cost and quality control and technical drawing interpretations.
· Previous experience as Project Engineer in Infrastructure projects at least 8 years

Project Engineer – Rotating Equipment
· Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering
· Good knowledge and hands on experience with rotating equipment.
· Willing to travel to the project sites frequently
· Previous experience as Rotating Equipment Engineer
· Must have experience in Oil & Gas and related projects or heavy machineries
· Minimum 8 years working experience with rotating equipments or heavy machineries.

Project Engineer – EPC Power

Bachelor Degree in Engineering from reputable universities
Good knowledge in Indonesia Power Generation projects and market
Familiar with major equipment and working environment of Power Generation projects
Experience on project management, cost and quality control and technical drawing interpretations.
Previous experience as Project Engineer in Power Generation projects.
A minimum 7 years total working experience in related industries/projects

· Bachelor or Diploma Degree in Engineering
· Previous experience as Estimator in Oil & Gas projects or Pump and related projects
· Good knowledge in Oil & Gas service and rotating equipments
· Minimum 5 years experience as Estimator

Field Engineer – Turbine Specialist
· Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Engineering from reputable universities.
· Good knowledge in Turbine business, technology and its terminology, design philosophy of Turbine parts and related equipments
· Hands on experience of Turbine maintenance, trouble shooting and operations including major overhaul, minor and deep inspection
· Willing to travel to the project sites frequently
· Minimum 7 years experience dealing with Turbines

Sales Engineer
· Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from reputable universities
· Good knowledge about pumps and its application
· Experience in biding/tender process will be a good advantage
· Experience in sales & marketing minimum 2 years
· Good communication & presentation skills
· Willing to be place in Jakarta or Surabaya

Workshop/Production Engineer

Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering (POLMAN ITB preferred)
Good knowledge in AutoCAD, Solid Modeling & Portable CMMS
Sound knowledge in material & manufacturing technology, metrology and QC program.
Familiar with technical drawing and specification including calculation of construction component, pumps application, valve & piping system
Familiar with international code; ASME, API, ASTM, ISO and JIS
2 years previous experience as Shop Engineer or Production Engineer

Finance Staff
· Bachelor Degree in Accounting from reputable universities
· Fresh graduate, no experience required
· Preference will be given to candidates who live in West Jakarta
· Immediately available

Research & Development Engineer

Fresh Graduate, Bachelor Degree in Engineering from reputable universities with minimum GPA 3.00, Master Degree preferred.
Strong interest in Research & Development
Good knowledge in Pump Technology and API

CNC Operator

STM Tehnik Mesin Perkakas
Minimum 1 years experience as CNC Operator
Between 20 to 25 years old
Willing to work in East Jakarta
· Immediately available
Torishima Guna Engineering is an Indonesian joint venture between Torishima Pump Mfg. Co. Ltd. of Japan and Guna Elektro of Indonesia . Established in 1984 as Pumps Manufacturer, currently we are expanding our businesses to serve the oil & gas, power generation and infrastructure markets.
Please log on to www.torishimaguna.com to learn more about our company profile.
In order to support our operations, we are currently looking for candidates who search for long term career and have strong commitment to growth together with the company.
If you love challenge and ready to change please send your CV to recruitment@torishima-guna.co.id

Project Engineer – EPC Infrastructure
· Bachelor Degree in Engineering from reputable universities
· Good knowledge in infrastructure projects and infrastructure player in Indonesia
· Hands on experience with pumping station and water works projects including equipments, project management, cost and quality control and technical drawing interpretations.
· Previous experience as Project Engineer in Infrastructure projects at least 8 years

Project Engineer – Rotating Equipment
· Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering
· Good knowledge and hands on experience with rotating equipment.
· Willing to travel to the project sites frequently
· Previous experience as Rotating Equipment Engineer
· Must have experience in Oil & Gas and related projects or heavy machineries
· Minimum 8 years working experience with rotating equipments or heavy machineries.

Project Engineer – EPC Power

Bachelor Degree in Engineering from reputable universities
Good knowledge in Indonesia Power Generation projects and market
Familiar with major equipment and working environment of Power Generation projects
Experience on project management, cost and quality control and technical drawing interpretations.
Previous experience as Project Engineer in Power Generation projects.
A minimum 7 years total working experience in related industries/projects

· Bachelor or Diploma Degree in Engineering
· Previous experience as Estimator in Oil & Gas projects or Pump and related projects
· Good knowledge in Oil & Gas service and rotating equipments
· Minimum 5 years experience as Estimator

Field Engineer – Turbine Specialist
· Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Engineering from reputable universities.
· Good knowledge in Turbine business, technology and its terminology, design philosophy of Turbine parts and related equipments
· Hands on experience of Turbine maintenance, trouble shooting and operations including major overhaul, minor and deep inspection
· Willing to travel to the project sites frequently
· Minimum 7 years experience dealing with Turbines

Sales Engineer
· Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from reputable universities
· Good knowledge about pumps and its application
· Experience in biding/tender process will be a good advantage
· Experience in sales & marketing minimum 2 years
· Good communication & presentation skills
· Willing to be place in Jakarta or Surabaya

Workshop/Production Engineer

Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering (POLMAN ITB preferred)
Good knowledge in AutoCAD, Solid Modeling & Portable CMMS
Sound knowledge in material & manufacturing technology, metrology and QC program.
Familiar with technical drawing and specification including calculation of construction component, pumps application, valve & piping system
Familiar with international code; ASME, API, ASTM, ISO and JIS
2 years previous experience as Shop Engineer or Production Engineer

Finance Staff
· Bachelor Degree in Accounting from reputable universities
· Fresh graduate, no experience required
· Preference will be given to candidates who live in West Jakarta
· Immediately available

Research & Development Engineer

Fresh Graduate, Bachelor Degree in Engineering from reputable universities with minimum GPA 3.00, Master Degree preferred.
Strong interest in Research & Development
Good knowledge in Pump Technology and API

CNC Operator

STM Tehnik Mesin Perkakas
Minimum 1 years experience as CNC Operator
Between 20 to 25 years old
Willing to work in East Jakarta
· Immediately available
Torishima Guna Engineering is an Indonesian joint venture between Torishima Pump Mfg. Co. Ltd. of Japan and Guna Elektro of Indonesia . Established in 1984 as Pumps Manufacturer, currently we are expanding our businesses to serve the oil & gas, power generation and infrastructure markets.
Please log on to www.torishimaguna.com to learn more about our company profile.
In order to support our operations, we are currently looking for candidates who search for long term career and have strong commitment to growth together with the company.
If you love challenge and ready to change please send your CV to recruitment@torishima-guna.co.id

Project Engineer – EPC Infrastructure
· Bachelor Degree in Engineering from reputable universities
· Good knowledge in infrastructure projects and infrastructure player in Indonesia
· Hands on experience with pumping station and water works projects including equipments, project management, cost and quality control and technical drawing interpretations.
· Previous experience as Project Engineer in Infrastructure projects at least 8 years

Project Engineer – Rotating Equipment
· Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering
· Good knowledge and hands on experience with rotating equipment.
· Willing to travel to the project sites frequently
· Previous experience as Rotating Equipment Engineer
· Must have experience in Oil & Gas and related projects or heavy machineries
· Minimum 8 years working experience with rotating equipments or heavy machineries.

Project Engineer – EPC Power

Bachelor Degree in Engineering from reputable universities
Good knowledge in Indonesia Power Generation projects and market
Familiar with major equipment and working environment of Power Generation projects
Experience on project management, cost and quality control and technical drawing interpretations.
Previous experience as Project Engineer in Power Generation projects.
A minimum 7 years total working experience in related industries/projects

· Bachelor or Diploma Degree in Engineering
· Previous experience as Estimator in Oil & Gas projects or Pump and related projects
· Good knowledge in Oil & Gas service and rotating equipments
· Minimum 5 years experience as Estimator

Field Engineer – Turbine Specialist
· Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Engineering from reputable universities.
· Good knowledge in Turbine business, technology and its terminology, design philosophy of Turbine parts and related equipments
· Hands on experience of Turbine maintenance, trouble shooting and operations including major overhaul, minor and deep inspection
· Willing to travel to the project sites frequently
· Minimum 7 years experience dealing with Turbines

Sales Engineer
· Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from reputable universities
· Good knowledge about pumps and its application
· Experience in biding/tender process will be a good advantage
· Experience in sales & marketing minimum 2 years
· Good communication & presentation skills
· Willing to be place in Jakarta or Surabaya

Workshop/Production Engineer

Diploma or Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering (POLMAN ITB preferred)
Good knowledge in AutoCAD, Solid Modeling & Portable CMMS
Sound knowledge in material & manufacturing technology, metrology and QC program.
Familiar with technical drawing and specification including calculation of construction component, pumps application, valve & piping system
Familiar with international code; ASME, API, ASTM, ISO and JIS
2 years previous experience as Shop Engineer or Production Engineer

Finance Staff
· Bachelor Degree in Accounting from reputable universities
· Fresh graduate, no experience required
· Preference will be given to candidates who live in West Jakarta
· Immediately available

Research & Development Engineer

Fresh Graduate, Bachelor Degree in Engineering from reputable universities with minimum GPA 3.00, Master Degree preferred.
Strong interest in Research & Development
Good knowledge in Pump Technology and API

CNC Operator

STM Tehnik Mesin Perkakas
Minimum 1 years experience as CNC Operator
Between 20 to 25 years old
Willing to work in East Jakarta
· Immediately available

Sabtu, 12 Juni 2010

Asisten Peneliti

Dibutuhkan seorang Asisten Peneliti dengan kriteria sebagai berikut:

1. Mahasiswa MSi UGM Prodi ILMU Ekonomi
2. Minimal Sudah Semester 2 > IPK 3.35
3. Memiliki pengalaman meneliti (diutamakan)
4. Menyukai Ekonometri, dan fasih menggunakan Ms.Office
5. Memiliki akses internet yang bagus (ini syarat penting - karena akan bekerja secara long distance).

Jika anda memenuhi kriteria diatas, silahkan kirimkan:
1. CV Lengkap
2. Bukti bahwa anda adalah mahasiswa Ilmu Ekonomi di MSi UGM

ke email berikut: holansada@yahoo.com.au

Kamis, 10 Juni 2010


Organization Development - Assistant Manager*

Untuk ADIRA FINANCE, lokasi penempatan : Jakarta

- Usia maksimal 30 tahun
- Pendidikan S1 Psikologi/Manajemen
- Pengalaman minimal 2 tahun di bidang OD
- Memiliki kemampuan berfikir analitis dan konseptual yang baik
- Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal yang baik terutama untuk lintas jabatan

Kirim CV ke : yoga.dewa@adira.co.id selambat-lambatnya : 15 Juli 2010

Rabu, 09 Juni 2010


Kami adalah salah satu grup perusahaan pertambangan umum terbesar di Indonesia yang sedang berkembang pesat, berkantor pusat di Jakarta serta memiliki lokasi pertambangan di wilayah Kalimantan, Sulawesi dan Maluku untuk mendukung perkembangan bisnis, kami membutuhkan segera tenaga-tenaga professional yang berkualitas tinggi dengan kualifikasi sbb:

Kepala Tehnik Tambang ( Site Manager)

Persyaratan :

Pendidikan S1 Mining Engineering / Geologi pertambangan

Diutamakan memiliki sertifikat KTT (Kepala Tehnik Tambang) atau Pengawas Operasional Utama

Laki-laki usia max. 45 thn

Pengalaman min. 7 thn sebagai Kepala Tehnik Tambang/ site manager

Menguasai Health and Safety Environment

Untuk Site Manager sertifikat sampai dengan Pengawas Operasional Madya

Menguasai bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan

2. Mine Geology- Produksi (Supervisor)

Persyaratan :

Laki-laki, usia max. 40 thn

S1 Teknik Geologi pertambangan

Pengalaman di bidang yang sama untuk posisi Supervisor (SPV) min. 3-9 thn

Menguasai computer dan software: GIS, Arc view, Surfac, Autocad,Microsoft Office.

Memahami metode JORC.

Pengalaman di resource estimation, Ore Modelling dan design tambang nikel min. 2thn

Pengalaman membuat laporan Ekplorasi

Bersedia ditempatkan di pulau Obi kep. Halmahera Maluku Utara

Menguasai bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan

3. Mekanik (Superitendent)

Persyaratan :

Laki-laki, usia max. 40 thn

S1 Teknik Mesin, Elektro, Sipil

Pengalaman di bidang yang sama untuk posisi Superitendent (SPT) min. 5-9 thn

Bersedia ditempatkan di pulau Obi kep. Halmahera Maluku Utara

Menguasai bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan

4. HRD (Superitendent & Supervisor)

Persyaratan :

Laki-laki, usia untuk posisi Superitendent (SPT) max. 40thn & Supervisor (SPV) max. 35 thn

* Pendidikan S1 Hukum, Manajemen, Psikologi dll
* Pengalaman di bidang HRD untuk posisi : Superitendent (SPT) & Supervisor (SPV) min. 3-9 thn
* Mengetahui masalah Payroll, Jamsostek, PPH 21, Manpower, Recruitment dll.
* Menguasai bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
* Mengetahui tentang undang-undang tenaga kerja

5. Accounting & Finance (Superitendent)

Persyaratan :

Laki-laki, usia max. 40thn

Pendidikan Min S1 Akuntansi

Pengalaman kerja yang sama (diutamakan di pertambangan) Min 5 thn.

Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta dan Luar daerah

Menguasai bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan

6. Purchasing (Supervisor)

Persyaratan :

Laki-laki usia max. 35 thn

S1 relevan

Pengalaman di bidang yang sama untuk posisi Supervisor (SPV) min. 3-9 thn

Menguasai bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan

Penempatan di kantor pusat

7. HSE (Superitendent)

Persyaratan :

Laki-laki usia untuk posisi max. 45 thn

Pendidikan min D-3 Keperawatan/Kesehatan/Lingkungan atau relevan

Memiliki sertifikasi K3

Pengalaman menangani safety pertambangan min. 5-9 thn

Menguasai bahasa inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan

8. Sekretaris Direksi

Persyaratan :

Wanita usia max 28 tahun

Belum menikah

Pendidikan min D3 sekretaris atau relevan

Mampu berbahasa Mandarin (Lisan dan Tulisan)

Pengalaman 1 – 2 tahun di bidang yang sama

Penampilan menarik

Tinggi badan min 165 cm dengan berat badan proporsional

Lokasi penempatan di kantor pusat Jakarta

9. Government Relations

Persyaratan :

Wanita usia max 28 tahun

Belum menikah

Lulusan S1 Hukum, Komunikasi, Ilmu Pemerintahan, dan Hubungan Internasional

Mampu berbahasa Inggris (Lisan dan Tulisan)

Pengalaman 1 – 2 tahun di bidang yang sama

Penampilan menarik

Tinggi badan min 165 cm dengan berat badan proporsional

Lokasi penempatan di kantor pusat Jakarta

Kirimkan segera lamaran dan CV lengkap ke :

HRD Manager


24th Fl Ratu Plaza Office Tower

Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 9, Jakarta 10270

Atau email ke :



PT. Indosat, Tbk

Our client, PT. Indosat, Tbk - a telecommunication services company with leading brands in Indonesia, is in immediate need for highly motivated and qualified professionals staff to be positioned in:

Marketing / Sales
Human Resource

--> Graduate student of bachelor degree(S1), majoring in:
Telecommunication engineering, information technology; information system;
industrial engineering; accounting; management (finance); law; Communication;

--> GPA min 3.00
--> Max 27 years old by october 1st 2010
--> Self motivated, inovative, optimistic and show strong initiative
--> Able to work underpressure
--> Fluent in english, both oral and written
--> Willing and able to be located in all operation area of PT. Indosat Tbk
--> Able to join company immediately
--> Test will be conducted in Jakarta, Yogyakarta and Surabya

for company details, please visit: www.indosat.com

to apply please visit


closing date: June 24th, 2010
announcement: July, 6th 2010 on 21:00
check at http:jobs.experd.com/announcement

only shortlisted candidates will be selected

PT Aetra Air Tangerang

PT Aetra Air Tangerang adalah perusahaan penyedia air minum daerah tangerang.
mendukung perkembangan bisnis, kami membutuhkan segera tenaga-tenaga
profesional yang berkualitas.

1. Finance & Tax Supervisor
Pendidikan min. S1 Akuntansi, max umur 35 tahun, memiliki pengalaman di bidang Pajak minimal 4 tahun.
2. Marketing Supervisor
Pendidikan min. D3 segala jurusan, max umur 35 tahun, memiliki
pengalaman dibidang marketing minimal 3 tahun.
3. Marketing Support
Pendidikan min. D3 segala jurusan, max umur 35 tahun,
pengalaman dibidang marketing minimal 3 tahun.
4. Analyst Marketing
Pendidikan min. D1 segala jurusan, max umur 30 tahun, memilik
pengalaman dibidang analisa data marketing, pelaporan dan pengolahan
5. Sales Marketing
Pendidikan Min. D1 segala jurusan.
Max umur 30 tahun. Single, mempunyai pengalaman dibidang sales

Selasa, 08 Juni 2010

Laboratorium Fakultas Geografi Universitas Gadjah Mada

Laboratorium Fakultas Geografi Universitas Gadjah Mada membutuhkan tenaga Laboran Laboratorium Kartografi Digital dan Reproduksi PETA, adapun syarat-syaratnya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Laki-laki
2. Lulusan D III PJ dan SIG dengan IPK 3.00
3. Menguasai dan Operasionalisasi alat survei dan pemetaan ( Theodolite, Waterpass, Compass Survei dan alat ukur lainnya).
4. Menguasai komputer dan perangkat lunak lainnya " Desktop Mapping " ( Map Info, ArcGis dan ArcView).
5. Usia Maksimal 25 Tahun
6. berkelakuan baik dan sanggup melaksanakan tugas dengan penuh tanggug jawa.
7. Menguasai perangkat keras ( Hardware) Komputer lebih diutamakan.

Bagi yang berminat segera kirimkan lamaran anda disertai foto 4×6 1 lembar ditujukan pada DEKAN FAKULTAS GEOGRAFI UGM. Lamaran diterima paling lambat hari Senin tanggal 14 juni 2010.

Minggu, 06 Juni 2010

PT Indonesia Comnet

PT Indonesia Comnet
Plus (ICON+) adalah anak perusahaan PT PLN
(Persero) yang
berfokus pada penyediaan jaringan, jasa, dan content telekomunikasi,
untuk mendukung teknologi dan system informasi PT PLN (Persero) dan
Saat ini PT Indonesia Comnet Plus (ICON+) membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga
professional untuk diangkat sebagai pegawai tetap:

1.Engineer Telecommunication : (Code : ET)

2.Officer Accounting
: (Code: ACC)

3.Engineer IT
: (Code IT)


•Strata 1 (S1) Teknik Elektro – Telekomunikasi. (Code :

•Strata 1 (S1) Akuntansi. (Code: ACC)

•Strata 1 (S1) di bidang Teknologi Informasi. (Code IT)

•Berbadan Sehat dan Tidak Buta warna

•Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia

•Batas Usia Maksimal 28 Tahun per 1 Juni 2010 (kelahiran 1 juni 1982 dan

•IPK minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh puluh lima) untuk Code ET dan Code IT

•Bersedia bekerja dalam Shift untuk Code ET dan Code IT

•IPK minimal 3,00 (tiga koma nol) untuk Jurusan Akuntansi.

•Menguasai Bahasa Inggris aktif.

Tahapan Seleksi : Tes Akademik & Bhs.Inggris, Psikotest, Wawancara
dan Tes

Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan, segera kirim Surat Lamaran yang
kepada PT Indonesia Comnet Plus (ICON+) c.q. Direktur SDM,dilampirkan:
Curiculum Vitae berisi : Nama, Alamat, Tempat/Tanggal Lahir,
Fakultas, Jurusan, IPK, No telp rumah dan HP dikirim
via email ke
Aster.Rekrutmen@ yahoo.co. id dengan SUBJECT =

•File Lamaran diterima paling lambat tanggal 10 Juni 2010 melalui email.
Peserta yang lolos Tes Psikologi saat mengikuti wawancara diwajibkan
membawa berkas lamaran dalam bentuk hard copy berupa:

1.Surat Lamaran yang ditujukan kepada PT Indonesia Comnet Plus (ICON+)
Direktur SDM

2.Riwayat Hidup (CV)

3.Copy Ijasah/keterangan lulus yang dilegalisir

4.Copy transkrip nilai terakhir yang dilegalisir

5.Copy KTP

6.Surat keterangan sehat dan tidak buta warna dari Rumah Sakit

7.Pasfoto terbaru ukuran
4 x 6 sebanyak 1 lembar

8.Pernyataan diri di atas materai Rp. 6.000,- yang menyatakan bahwa
pelamar :

•Tidak tersangkut
dalam penyalahgunaan narkoba dan zat adiktif lainnya.

ditempatkan di lingkungan kerja PT Indonesia Comnet Plus (ICON+)
wilayah Indonesia

•Bersedia bekerja
dengan Sistem Shift (Untuk Jurusan ET dan IT)

peserta yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi administrasi hari
Selasa, tanggal 15 Juni 2010 melalui website : www.pln-pusdiklat. co.id
dan ke alamat email masing-masing.

Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Prominent Consult

I. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, Retail Company located in Jakarta ,
for the positions:

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in psychology / law / human resources
Ø English
and Mandarin is a must
Ø Experience
in setting up company human resource’s policy and procedure
Ø Background
from retail industry is preferable

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in sales, marketing and business development
Ø Background
from retail industry is preferable

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in sales and marketing
Ø Background
from retail industry is preferable

II. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, Building Material Manufacturing & Distributor Company
located in Jawa, Bali , Sumatera, Kalimantan
& Sulawesi, for the positions:

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in construction / property
Ø English
is preferable
Ø Experience
in sales and marketing
Ø Background
from building material industry

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in construction / property
Ø English
is preferable
Ø Experience
in sales and marketing
Ø Background
from building material industry

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in management / finance / accounting
Ø English
is preferable
Ø Experience
in credit control and debt collection strategy
Ø Background
from building material industry is preferable

III. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, FMCG Company located in Jakarta ,
for the positions:

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in psychology / law / human Resources
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in human resources generalist
Ø Background
from consumer goods industry is preferable

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in law
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling corporate law matters and legal aspects
Ø Background
from corporate and law firm

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling minimum 2 brands
Ø Background
from consumer goods industry

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling a brand
Ø Background
from consumer goods industry

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in psychology / law / human resources
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling recruitment
Ø Background
from corporate

IV. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, MLM Company located in Jakarta ,
for the position:

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in psychology / law / human resources
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling industrial relation
Ø Background
from direct selling industry is preferable

V. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, Medical Equipment Company located in Jakarta , for the position:

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in sales, marketing and business development
Ø Background
from pharmaceutical industry

VI. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, Pump Manufacturing & Distributor Company located in Jakarta , for the

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in mechanical / industrial
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in pump production process
Ø Background
from manufacturing industry

VII. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, FMCG Manufacturing & Distributor Company located in Jakarta , for the

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in sales and marketing (B to B)
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in sales and marketing (retail)
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in marketing and business development
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

Ø 25 – 35
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in food technology
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in maintaining and developing account (B to B)
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

Ø 25 – 35
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in food technology
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in maintaining and developing account (B to B)
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

Ø 30 - 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in food technology
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling production scheduling, TQM, GMP and 5S
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

Ø 30 - 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in psychology / law / human resources
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling labour regulation, man power planning, job grading, recruitment,
people development and general affairs
Ø Background
from manufacturing industry is preferable

Ø 30 - 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in industrial
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in FIFO system, 5S and racking system
Ø Background
from manufacturing industry

Ø 30 - 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in accounting
Ø English
is and mandarin a must
Ø Experience
in handling tax, accounting principles, financial reports, cash flows and budgeting
Ø Background
from construction / property industry

Ø 30 - 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in food technology
Ø English
is and mandarin a must
Ø Experience
in handling business process mapping
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

send your update Resume to: recruitment@prominentconsult.com and put
the position as your email subject.
visit our website at: www.prominentconsult.com for detail information.
I. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, Retail Company located in Jakarta ,
for the positions:

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in psychology / law / human resources
Ø English
and Mandarin is a must
Ø Experience
in setting up company human resource’s policy and procedure
Ø Background
from retail industry is preferable

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in sales, marketing and business development
Ø Background
from retail industry is preferable

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in sales and marketing
Ø Background
from retail industry is preferable

II. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, Building Material Manufacturing & Distributor Company
located in Jawa, Bali , Sumatera, Kalimantan
& Sulawesi, for the positions:

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in construction / property
Ø English
is preferable
Ø Experience
in sales and marketing
Ø Background
from building material industry

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in construction / property
Ø English
is preferable
Ø Experience
in sales and marketing
Ø Background
from building material industry

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in management / finance / accounting
Ø English
is preferable
Ø Experience
in credit control and debt collection strategy
Ø Background
from building material industry is preferable

III. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, FMCG Company located in Jakarta ,
for the positions:

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in psychology / law / human Resources
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in human resources generalist
Ø Background
from consumer goods industry is preferable

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in law
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling corporate law matters and legal aspects
Ø Background
from corporate and law firm

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling minimum 2 brands
Ø Background
from consumer goods industry

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling a brand
Ø Background
from consumer goods industry

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in psychology / law / human resources
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling recruitment
Ø Background
from corporate

IV. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, MLM Company located in Jakarta ,
for the position:

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in psychology / law / human resources
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling industrial relation
Ø Background
from direct selling industry is preferable

V. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, Medical Equipment Company located in Jakarta , for the position:

Ø 35 – 45
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in sales, marketing and business development
Ø Background
from pharmaceutical industry

VI. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, Pump Manufacturing & Distributor Company located in Jakarta , for the

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in mechanical / industrial
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in pump production process
Ø Background
from manufacturing industry

VII. Prominent
Consult, is a Human Resources Consulting Company, we are looking for candidates
for our Client, FMCG Manufacturing & Distributor Company located in Jakarta , for the

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in sales and marketing (B to B)
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in sales and marketing (retail)
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

Ø 30 – 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in marketing and business development
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

Ø 25 – 35
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in food technology
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in maintaining and developing account (B to B)
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

Ø 25 – 35
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in food technology
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in maintaining and developing account (B to B)
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

Ø 30 - 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in food technology
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling production scheduling, TQM, GMP and 5S
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

Ø 30 - 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in psychology / law / human resources
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in handling labour regulation, man power planning, job grading, recruitment,
people development and general affairs
Ø Background
from manufacturing industry is preferable

Ø 30 - 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in industrial
Ø English
is a must
Ø Experience
in FIFO system, 5S and racking system
Ø Background
from manufacturing industry

Ø 30 - 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in accounting
Ø English
is and mandarin a must
Ø Experience
in handling tax, accounting principles, financial reports, cash flows and budgeting
Ø Background
from construction / property industry

Ø 30 - 40
years old
Ø Minimum
bachelor degree in food technology
Ø English
is and mandarin a must
Ø Experience
in handling business process mapping
Ø Background
from food industry / pharmaceutical industry

send your update Resume to: recruitment@prominentconsult.com and put
the position as your email subject.
visit our website at: www.prominentconsult.com for detail information.

Rabu, 02 Juni 2010

PT. Aetra Air Tangerang

PT Aetra Air Tangerang adalah perusahaan penyedia air minum daerah tangerang.
mendukung perkembangan bisnis, kami membutuhkan segera tenaga-tenaga
profesional yang berkualitas.

Posisi yang kami butuhkan :
1. Marketing Supervisor

Pendidikan min. D3 segala jurusan, max umur 35 tahun, memiliki
pengalaman dibidang marketing minimal 3 tahun.
2. Marketing Support
Pendidikan min. D3 segala jurusan, max umur 35 tahun,
pengalaman dibidang marketing minimal 3 tahun.
3. Analyst Marketing
Pendidikan min. D1 segala jurusan, max umur 30 tahun, memilik
pengalaman dibidang analisa data marketing, pelaporan dan pengolahan
4. Sales Marketing
Pendidikan Min. D1 segala jurusan.
Max umur 30 tahun. Single, mempunyai pengalaman dibidang sales
5. Finance & Tax Supervisor
Pendidikan Min. S1 jurusan Akuntansi Max. umur 35 tahun, memiliki pengalaman minimal 4 tahun.

Bagi kualifikasi yang sesuai akan dipanggil psikologi
tes dan wawancara.

Kirim ke HR & GA Department, recruitments_aat@yahoo.com
PT. Aetra Air Tangerang
Mall CBD Serpong
Lt. Dasar Blok KB No. 1
Jl. M.H. Thamrin Km 2,7
Tangerang 15143