Rabu, 20 Juli 2016

Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people. In Indonesia, TNC has been supporting improved natural resource planning and management for more than 20 years, including working with government, private sector, and local communities. We currently have internship (magang) opportunities as follows:

GIS Intern (Tenaga Magang untuk GIS)
Location: Jakarta

Job Description
The Geographic Information System (GIS) Intern assists in gathering, processing, and distributing routine GIS data and information. As directed, the Intern will generate, collate, organize, maintain and archive GIS data. S/he will help serve as a technical resource for several projects under Indonesia Terrestrial Program (ITP) and help provide ITP’s staff members with relevant GIS data needed to make informed decisions, build capacity, and help implement conservation planning throughout ITP. Work duties are performed under direct supervision of ITP - Conservation Planner (for position in Jakarta).

In particular, the Intern will:
  • Generate GIS digital data, thematic maps, map layouts and other spatial products.
  • Collate and encode spatial data to facilitate data archiving, retrieval and processing.
  • Load and update GIS in existing databases using appropriate software.  Secure data with appropriate backup procedures.
  • Develop maps and related data for inclusion in reports and publications. 
  • Assist in providing GIS technical input to planning, project development, report writing, and related activities.
  • Conduct natural resource and related data research (spatial as well as non-spatial) and queries as directed, including collecting data for logging/timber concessions, plantations (oil palm) and other spatial data needed from various data sources.
  • Perform various GIS tasks, such as overlays and conversion of coverage, data format and projection conversion, GPS data collection/post-processing/projection, data reconciliation, etc., and to perform remote-sensing manipulations, such as geo-referencing, image calibration, image processing and analysis, feature extraction, and produce land cover/land use maps.
  • Spatial data and metadata maintenance
  • Fresh graduate degree in geographic or other related science (final-years outstanding student will be considered)
  • Up to 2 years work experience in geospatial analysis and database development.
  • Ability to work in a team environment and work cooperatively with internal and external partners.
  • Excellent analytical and mathematical skills.
  • Proficient in learning new software application
  • Experience with ArcGIS, QGIS, ENVI and other GIS/RS software
  • Ability to clearly document and communicate technical workflows
  • Attention to detail
  • Familiarity with remotely sensed data sources and concepts
  • Able to work and coordinate in an international environment
If you are interested to apply, please send your CV to recruitment.indo@tnc.org , not later than July 24, 2016.  Please insert the position title you wish to apply in your email subject.

INVEST Co-op Indonesia

Increasing Wealth and Food Security through the Integrated Co-operative
Business Model (INVEST Co-op) Indonesia

Position        :     Field Coordinator ( KoordinatorLapangan) Invest Co-op Indonesia KUAT  (full-time)
Contract        :     Full time 38 months (Agustus 2016 – September 2019), 6 bulan masa percobaan, dengan kemungkinan perpanjangan
Location        :     Luwu Utara (Bone-Bone) – South Sulawesi
Reports to    :     Project Coordinator

Latar Belakang
LP3M (Lembaga Pengkajian Pedesaan Pantai dan Masyarakat) membuka kesempatan untuk bekerja sebagai FIELD COORDINATOR (KoordinatorLapangan) yang mempunyai pengalaman bekerja di masyarakat,  pengalaman dalam mengelola proyek secara partisipatif serta menguasai peralatan untuk melakukan analisa berkaitan dengan issu-issu pengembangan masyarakat dan gender. Kandidat yang terpilih akan menjadi bagian dari tim implementasi Invest Co-op Indonesia KUAT  yang berlokasi di 4 Kabupaten di Sulawesi Selatan.

Proyek ini merupakan bagian integral dari Implementasi Proyek Invest Co-op di 4 (empat) negara  yang dilakukan oleh CCA (Canadian Co-operative Association) dengan dukungfan dana dari Global Affairs Canada dengan partner kerja LP3M Makassar dan Fisheries and Marine Institute (MI) Memorial University of Newfoundland yang akan memberikan bantuan teknis.

Proyek ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan 69.787 petani kecil di Malawi, Peru, Mongolia dan Indonesia. Di Indonesia proyek ini akan menguatkan petani rumput laut, bandeng dan udang di 4 (empat) Kabupaten di Sulawesi Selatan, yaitu Takalar, Jeneponto, Bantaeng dan Luwu Utara melalui percontohan koperasi yang dikelola dari dan oleh petani itu sendiri. Diharapkan koperasi ini juga akan berfungsi sebagai alat untuk melibatkan perempuan di sektor ekonomi secara formal sekaligus sebagai agen perubahan yang juga dapat meningkatkan situasi sosial ekonomi keluarga dan masyarakat.

Deskripsi tugas :
1.       Mengembangkan profile data lokasi:
a)      Menidentifikasi daftar petani atau anggota koperasi/kelompok tani
b)      Pemetaan Partisipatif : kelompok tani dalam memetakan lokasi (lahan, gudang, pasar, koperasi, dll) menggunakan metode PRA.
c)       Siklus produksi dan produktivitas
d)      Mengidentifikasi tempat pelatihan yang potensial (alam terbuka, ruang publik, kantorkoperasi, dll.)
e)      Pemetaan stakeholder & strategi komunikasi
2.       Membantu konsultan proyek/trainer dalam melakukan analisis dan kegiatan di lokasi proyek dalam hal ini:
a)      Berkoordinasi dengan Training Coordinator & Logistics untuk kegiatan-kegiatan pelatihan di lokasi proyek.
a)      Penyiapan tempat pelatihan (lokasi, peralatan, sound system, tenda/jika outdoor, dll).
b)      Identifikasi dan seleksi peserta (dengan mempertimbangkan strategi gender) berdasarkan kriteria pemilihan yang disetujui)
c)       Penyiapan undangan kegaiatan.
d)      Ketersediaan materi pelatihan dari MI/CCA/LP3M dan distribusinya ke peserta
e)      Mendokumentasi daftar peserta menggunakan form yang tersedia.
f)       Memastikan kelengkapan dokumen pelaporan dan kegiatan di lokasi proyek, mengumpulkan dokumen pelaporan ( dalam bentuk fisik dan data elektronik ) dan mengirimkan ke koordinator proyek
3.       Kemampuan berkomunikasi dengan penerima manfaat baik laki-laki maupun perempuan,  membangun kepercayaan dengan masyarakat dan menjaga reputasi positif proyek dengan baik.
4.       Melakukan pertemuan rutin sebagai tindaklanjut Training of Trainers: melakukan pelatihan bersama petani dimana peserta ToT  yang telah dilatih menjadi pelatih untuk penerima manfaat yang lain (petani)
5.       Menyiapkan laporan mingguan dan diserahkan ke Koordinator Proyek (berisi kegiatan harian,  isu-isu dan pembelajaran)
Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan :
1.       Berpengalaman dalam mengorganisir pelatihan
2.       Berpengalaman dalam pengembangan masyarakat, (instrumen, praktek dan prinsip-prinsip)
3.       Pengetahuan teknis dalam satu atau lebih aspek: demo manajemen pertanian, perikanan budidaya, keamanan pangan, sertifikasi, penilaian lingkungan, pengembangan koperasi, manajemen keuangan, pemahaman terkait finansial, pembiayaan yang terkait dan pengembangan gender
4.       Bahasa:
a.       Kemampuan Bahasa Inggris adalah aset untuk memastikan komunikasi dengan ahli Kanada/Relawan di lapangan
b.      Kemahiran bahasa lokal di daerahlokasiproyek.

Proses rekrutmen :
Lamaran dapat ditulis dengan melampirkan :
1.       Cover letter yang menjelaskan ketertarikannya anda untuk menjalankan tugas sebagai Field Coordinator
2.       CV terakhir
Dan kirim melalui email ke: info.lp3mkuat@gmail.com, dengan baris subjek berikut: "Invest Co-op Indonesia KUAT: Field coordinator - [nama belakang Anda]".
Aplikasi harus diterima paling lambat 25 Juli 2016 pada tengah malam waktu setempat (Makassar - GMT +8).

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is a global service provider in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development with around 16,400 employees. GIZ has over 50 years of experience in a wide variety of areas, including economic development and employment, energy and the environment, and peace and security. As a public-benefit federal enterprise, GIZ supports the German Government – in particular the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) – and public and private sector clients in around 130 countries in achieving their objectives in international cooperation. With this aim, GIZ works together with its partners to develop effective solutions that offer people better prospects and sustainably improve their living conditions.
The GIZ is implementing the EU-funded Climate Change project: Support to Indonesia's Climate Change Response (Technical Assistance component) SICCR. The 3 year project aims to pilot tangible measurements (low carbon, resource efficiency, sustainable management of the use of Biodiversity and livelihoods and optimized development planning and build the capacity of Aceh to support and contribute in an effective and coherent way to Indonesia’s efforts to set itself upon a low-carbon development path through low-emission economic development and optimal land use planning within the LULUCF (Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry) Sector.  
GIZ Indonesia is seeking one qualified Indonesian candidate for the following position:
Administration Assistant
(Based in Aceh)
  • ensuring that the project office and secretariat runs smoothly
  • organising and coordinating project activity in Aceh
  • maintain and promote good communication flow, particularly with theAceh Provincial Coordinator, team members and partners
  • daily operational performance of all administrative tasks for the Acehoffice
  • performing all daily duties in the assigned area of responsibility
  • filing documents in reference files or in DMS in line with GIZ’s filing rules
The Job Holder performs the following tasks, but is not limited to:
1. Secretariat work and services
  • answers, reviews, forwards and/or takes calls
  • manages incoming and outgoing correspondence (post, fax, email) and prioritises and distributes it
  • replies to and looks after correspondence
  • photocopies and scans documents as needed
  • organizes external written translations when required
  • participates in internal and external (team) meetings and workshops and assists with documenting these, e.g. by taking minutes
2. Office coordination, office management and general project coordination
  • deals with annual and other leave requests for contracted experts
  • coordinates and monitors schedules and events relating to the GIZ office
  • coordinates and organises rooms for meetings, as well as hotel rooms or partner facilities, etc. as related to visitors, workshops, trainings, and the like
  • coordinates equipment, etc. required for meetings with the responsible person
  • prepares and organises information materials for meetings
  • ensures that the necessary office supplies are available
  • purchases office equipment and supplies within set value limits
  • reports damage to the team leader, organises and monitors the service and repair of office equipment
  • Organizes and supervises project drivers and vehicles and organizes transport.
3. Administration
  • assists in creating and maintaining a filing system for the office, treats information confidentially, specifically in the areas of personnel and finance
  • updates the filing system daily with incoming and outgoing correspondence
  • maintains the inventory list for the office/project/programme
4. Financial services
  • assists with creditor and debtor administration
  • prepares transfers and/or other bank documents and checks these before execution
  • makes regular (monthly) payments
  • is responsible for administrative aspects of financial management, e.g. bank withdrawals, direct debit orders, under the guidance of the head of administration,
  • runs errands, e.g. paying invoices, delivering and collecting documents
  • manages the petty cash and the cash book
5. General tasks
  • welcomes visitors in a friendly manner and serves them with beverages
  • interprets and translates if required
  • Arranges travel for visitors, booking tickets and organizes transport
  • Assists with event management such as meeting, training, workshop’s, etc.
6. Other duties/additional tasks
  • reports without delay to the person responsible for accounting on all problems in financial administration and compliance with rules
  • performs other duties and tasks at the request of management
Required qualifications, competences and experience
  • certificate/diploma or comparable qualification from a certified institution (administration, accounting, management, secretariat);
  • at least 3 years professional experience in a comparable position;
  • Having professional experience in Aceh will be an advantage;
  • Knowledge in WINPACCS will be an advantage;
  • Good working knowledge of ITC technologies (related software, phone, fax, email, the internet) and computer applications (e.g. MS Office);
  • Good knowledge English and communication skills;
  • Broad experience of office management and administration;
  • Confidential handling of data and information;
  • Willingness to acquire new knowledge as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures are agreed with management;
Duty Station: SICCR Office – Banda Aceh
Direct Supervisor: Provincial Coordinator and Head of Administration Aceh
Interested candidates should submit a motivation letter, CV, trainings attended and list of references (a must), addressed to recruitment-indo@giz.de. The closing date to submit the application letter is on 22 July 2016.
Please indicate your application by putting the following code in the subject line: SICCR – ADM ASST.
Please name your file as follow format:
[Your Complete Name]_[Motivation Letter/CV/Latest Education Certificate]
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit

The Eijkman-Oxford Clinical Research Unit (EOCRU) opened in 2008 with the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology and the University of Oxford, expressing the will to conduct collaborative research on infectious diseases impacting the health of Indonesians and residents of other Southeast Asian nations.
In conducting the work especially in Indonesia, EOCRU is assisted by Alliance for Emerging and Re-emerging Disease Threats in Asia Foundation (ALERTAsia), a local foundation assists in research grant management and capacity building for local researchers.
Through ALERTAsia, EOCRU is seeking a CLINICAL TRIAL COORDINATOR (CTC)on treatment of non-pulmonary tuberculosis in patients in two Jakarta hospitals.
Clinical Trial Coordinator (CTC) will be a specialized research professional, who supports, manages, facilitates, and coordinates the daily operations of a clinical trial. She or he plays a critical role in the conduct of the study under the supervision of a designated Senior Clinical Researcher and will also work closely with the Principal Investigator at Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
1.    From an office located within a clinical trials support facility operated by the University of Oxford within the Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia, serve as the sole coordinator of two hospital-based clinical trial sites (RS Cipto Mangunkusumo & RS Persahabatan) representing an international collaborative study sponsored by the Wellcome Trust and the University of Oxford.
2.    Organize and execute Good Clinical Practice training and certification, along with trial familiarization workshop for the clinical trial team.
3.    Monitor and maintain the integrity of the clinical trial with thorough understanding of the trial protocol and standard operating procedures.
4.    Oversee management of case record forms (CRF) by the clinical trial team and ensure completeness and accuracy of data collection and reporting.
5.    Monitor and maintain all reporting requirements to host institutions, ethical review boards, study sponsor, the Principal Investigator, and Indonesian food and drug regulators.
6.    Field requests from the trial investigators for assistance in resolving deviations from protocol, serious adverse event reporting, supply stock outs, equipment failures, personnel changes, etc.
7.    In coordination with a finance officer, manage the budget allocated to the clinical trial.
8.    Act as the liaison between study sites, the clinical trial support facility, and the Principal Investigator ensuring open and efficient communications of essential information.
1.    Bachelor’s degree in health-related or basic science. A master degree would be advantages;
2.    Experience with clinical trials is essential;
3.    Nearly fluent in speaking and writing in English;
4.    Computer literacy and proficiency;
5.    Excellent interpersonal skills;
6.    Ability to manage and/or supervise complex research endeavors;
7.    Ability to work effectively as a team with healthcare personnel at all levels;
8.    Evidence of self-motivation, initiative, creativity and attention to detail;
9.    Demonstrate high level of organization skills and attention to details;
10.  Ability to observe, comprehend, analyze and solve problems independently;
11.  Recognize scope of decision making, with ability to receive directions as appropriate;
Application requirement (Cover Letter, CV, three name and address of professional referees, and your salary history) should be sent to via e-mail to: hro@alertasia.org.  Please quote the reference “ACT-HIV Clinical Trial Coordinator”. Shortlisting candidates will start on Thursday, August 18, 2016.
Location: Jakarta
Duration: 1 year with possible annual extensions to 4 years.
Note: we will only short list candidates who meet our application requirement.