Selasa, 26 Agustus 2008

Nasmoco Group

Nasmoco Group as Authorized Toyota Main Dealer for Central Java and DI Yogyakarta, that have professional services in sales and after sales Toyota vehicle, giving opportunity to develop the best candidate career as :

1. Management Trainee Human Resources Dev. (MT-HRD)

To be located : Head Office Nasmoco Group at Semarang

The candidate should :

Not more than 28 years old, from faculty of psychology, law, technical, or management with GPA min 3.00. Interested in HR Management System and people development

2. Management Trainee Services (MT-Service)

To be located : Nasmoco Group Dealers at central java and DI Yogyakarta

The candidate should :

Not more than 28 years old, from Faculty of technical Engineering or Electrical with GPA min 3.00 and interested in services and part workshop management

3. Management Trainee Marketing & Sales (MT-Mkt & Sales)

To be located : Nasmoco Group dealer at Central Java and DI Yogyakarta

The candidate should :

Not more than 28 years old, GPA min 3.00 and interested in Marketing & Sales Management.

All candidate must have good analytical and conceptual thinking, good potential in leadership, strong in communicationskill, fluent in English, Familiar with Microsoft office, and having great willingness to learn.

If you interested Please bring your application letter on this test (psikotest),

that will be held at :

Wednesday, 27 August 2008
12.30 WIB
STIE YKPN Yogyakarta ruang GPS 406 Lt.4
Gedung Pasca Sarjana
Jl. Seturan Yogyakarta 55281

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