Senin, 16 Juli 2012


REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST THE GOVERNMENT OF INDONESIA - MINISTRY OF PUBLIC WORK DIRECTORATE GENERAL OF HUMAN SETTLEMENTS URBAN SECTOR DEVELOPMENT REFORM PROJECT (USDRP) The Government of Indonesia has received a grant from PHRD for Urban Sector Developmnet Reform Project and intends to apply the proceed of this grant to payment for good, works, and related serviced to be procured. The project will include the following component: 1. Individual Consultant for Legal Drafter of Koordinasi Strategis Pembangunan Nasional (KSPN) base in Jakarta for 1 position (code: LEG-DRF) 2. Individual Consultant for Institutional Urban Development Senior Expert of Koordinasi Strategis Pembangunan Nasional (KSPN) base in Jakarta for 1 position (code: SEN-IUD) 3. Individual Consultant for Institutional Urban Development Junior Expert of Koordinasi Strategis Pembangunan Nasional (KSPN) base in Jakarta for 1 position (code: JUN-IUD) 4. Individual Consultant for Institutional Development to Urban Investment of USDRP base in Jakarta for 1 position (code: URB-INV) 5. Individual Consultant for Social Safeguards Specialist base in Jakarta for 1 position (code: SOC-SAF) 6. Individual Consultants for Urban Institutional Development Project Core Reform Facilitation and Monitoringin 10 USDRP Districts/Cities; i. Banda Aceh for 1 position (code: CRF-BNA) vi. Morowali for 1 position (code: CRF-MOR) ii. Sawahlunto for 1 position (code: CRF-SWL) vii. Palopo for 1 position (code: CRF-PPO) iii. Cimahi for 1 position (code: CRF-CIM) viii. Sidrap for 1 position (code: CRF-SID) iv. Palangkaraya for 1 position (code: CRF-PAL) ix. Parepare for 1 position (code: CRF-PRE) v. Parigi Moutong for 1 position (code: CRF-PMO) x. Barru for 1 position (code: CRF-BAR) All of these procurements is to support Urban Institutional Development Program (UIDP) component. Executing agency now invites eligible individual consultants to expression their interest in providing relevant services, either individually of through firm. Interest consultant must submit their CV (as furnished with references from referee including referee’s address, email, phone number, etc), indicating their qualified to perform the assignment. Procurement of contract financed by the loan/credit will be conducted through the procedure specified in the World Bank Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credit, May 2004 (revised April 2007). Expression of interest (cover letter) should indicate the code of position apply with current CV’s attached should be via email to procurement.usdrp@usdrp-indonesia.orgbefore 30 July 2012. Please indicate on the subject heading:i.e.CRF-BNAApplication. Only shortlist candidates will be called for further process. Further Information of USDRP is available in website;

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