Rabu, 19 September 2012

Poverty Reduction Support Facility (PRSF)

An AusAID funded initiative, the Poverty Reduction Support Facility (PRSF), is seeking highly qualified candidates to
fill in the following positions:

GIS DEVELOPER (1 position)
Bantuan Siswa Miskin (BSM) PILOT PROJECT OFFICER (1 position)
MIS OFFICERS (2 positions)
TECHNICAL ASSISTANT for Social Assistance Cluster (1 position)

PRSF is a joint facility between AusAID and the Government of Indonesia to improve the quality of policy advice for poverty
programs in Indonesia. Full TOR for the positions is available at www.grminternational.com under “WORKING WITH US” while detailed information about our project is available at www.tnp2k.go.id .  Please indicate the position applied in the email subject, and submit CV and GRM 

Job Application form (accessible in the TOR)
to:  recruitment@prsf.or.id
by the latest 30 September 2012.

Female candidates are encouraged to apply

PRSF is managed by GRM International on behalf of AusAID

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