Rabu, 19 September 2012


Provincial Coordinator RED
Program West Kalimantan

Swisscontact is the Swiss Foundation for Technical Cooperation with Representative Office in Indonesia. The Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is the German Agency for International Cooperation with worldwide operations. 

Swisscontact is implementing on behalf of GIZ part of the Regional Economic Development (RED) Programme. For this project, Swisscontact has an opening for a senior consultant position as Provincial Coordinator for West Kalimantan, based in Pontianak. 

RED is a cooperation project between the Indonesian National Planning and Development Agency (BAPPENAS) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The program is
implemented by the GIZ and strives to increase regional competitiveness through a more sustainable path to economic growth. RED is supporting the province of West Kalimantan and specifically the geographic region of Singbebas (Singkawang, Bengkayang and Sambas districts) in developing regional economic development plans. Based on these regional development plans, RED is supporting the local stakeholders in implementing specific instruments for economic development. Such instruments include value chain development (tourism, pepper,
processed food products, handicraft), promotion of entrepreneurship as well as instruments for inter-district collaboration and creating an enabling business environment.  
The position as a Provincial Coordinator is crucial for the successful implementation of the regional economic development  strategy. The position is located within BAPPEDA on Province level. The Provincial Coordinator reports to the National Project Coordinator and he supervises the administration team in Pontianak and the Regional Coordinator based in Singkawang.   
Scope of work
The overall scope of work is the coordination of all activities under the RED regional development in West Kalimantan. This includes the coordination with the Government (BAPPEDA, DINAS, etc.) private sector
organizations as well as other stakeholders like universities, NGOs, donors, etc. at the provincial and district level, the coordination with the Regional Coordinator based in Singkawang and the coordination with RED management. The Provincial Coordinator represents the RED Program in West Kalimantan towards the stakeholders. 

Specific tasks 
Specific tasks of the Provincial Coordinator are
1.      Coordination, Planning and Implementation
·       Establish yearly, quarterly and monthly planning in close cooperation with the Regional Coordinator and the
Project Coordinator on national level;
·       Regular information and coordination of the RED activities with the provincial Government, especially
BAPPEDA in order to assure alignment of the activities with the Government planning and goals and indicators of the RED Program;
·       Regular exchange and support of the Regional Coordinator in Singkawang for the planning and
implementation for the activities focusing on Singbebas area;
·       Coordinate the technical input of the RED team with the respective partners (Government and private
·       Coordinate and support international and local expert missions for activities focusing on provincial
level, including establishment of Terms of References, monitoring and provision of follow-up support in the fields of entrepreneurship training, business climate survey, and regulatory review; Maintain overview and
coordinate the project with key allies, political fora, industry, NGOs, public and media in order to support achievement and objectives

2.     Office Management
·       Supervise and organize the administration services according to project regulations in the project offices
in Pontianak and in – in close collaboration with the Regional Coordinator – in Singkawang office;

3.      Knowledge management and reporting
·       Result measurement and monitoring based on specific instructions;
* Drawing up reports and updates on project documentation;
* Establish presentations on the project approach and instruments applied;
* In collaboration with the Project Coordinator, support the design and development of RED publications;
* Maintain the database of project stakeholders;

4.      General Requirements
* is familiar with planning, implementation and reporting procedures of development organizations  and Government of Indonesia
* is familiar with programme components and measures, concepts and status of implementation of RED as well as the corresponding experts and staff
* carries out important tasks for the project/programme, even if these are not explicitly cited in the job description
Other duties/additional tasks
* assists other experts, if necessary as translator
* performs other duties and tasks at the request of management 
Required qualifications, competences and experience

Qualifications and professional experience
* having at least bachelor degree in economics, business, management or other academic qualification closely associated with the field of assignment
*  at least 10 years working experiences in the relevant fields in the national or international agencies
* articulate and passionate and in communication with relevant stakeholders (private sectors and public sectors, universities, practitioners) in English as well as in Bahasa Indonesia
* having good knowledge in program/projects/activities formulating, implementation and partnership building issues
* experience in result-based management and monitoring
* high sensitivity of communication skills with the public sector
* high sensitivity of intercultural communication between local stakeholders and international experts

Other knowledge, additional competences
* good working knowledge of ITC technologies (related software, phone, fax, email, the internet) and computer applications  (MS Office);
* native speaker of Bahasa Indonesia and good knowledge of the English language in spoken and written form
* experience of project management and research experience in an area related to the project’s/programme’s requirements is desirable
* willingness to upgrade skills as required by the tasks to be performed – corresponding measures are agreed with management 
* Willingness to frequent travel within the Province and to work part-time in Singbebas region, where the majority of the activities are implemented. 

Interested candidates should submit the application letter, CV with latest photograph and list of references to Catharina Guntz atCatharina@swisscontact.or.id
The closing date to submit the application letter is September 24, 2012. 
Women applicants from West Kalimantan are especially encouraged to apply. 
 Only short-listed candidates will be notified for interviews 


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