Selasa, 30 Agustus 2016

Lutheran World Relief


Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia


 About Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia
Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia (GNI), an affiliate of Good Neighbors International, an international humanitarian development NGO in General Consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council). Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia provides child education, community development, health, sanitation, and disaster relief programs in 17 CDPs (Community Development Project) and serving 12,086 children. Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia has missions around the world to ensure the well-being of people in need.

Duty Station
Head Office – Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

Position Summary
Responsible to execute the audit process by analyzing and evaluating the performance of the organization’s financial, operational, and managerial processes systems to identify risks, areas of improvement, and to ensure that the organization compliance with all relevant regulations, laws, and standards.

Key Responsibilities
  • Manage data collection related to Internal Audit in order to identify risks and area of improvement.
  • Perform internal audit procedures such as document review, financial review, interviews, etc in order to develop audit report from all departments.
  • Prepare report regarding audit findings in order to provide insight to strategic board.
  • Prepare data necessary for projects involving external auditors to ensure seamless process and delivery.
  • S1 / Bachelor degree; preferably in Finance and Accounting.
  • Minimum 1+ years’ experience in NGO
  • Preferably 1+ years of relevant working experiences
  • Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
  • A good understanding of accounting practices
  • High attention to detail and accurate data entry
  • Ability to work independently and with the team
  • Good skill in computer use ( Ms Office )
  • Fluent in English and Bahasa

How To Apply
  • Please submit your Application Letter and CV in English.
  • Submit To Email :
  • Please fill the subject with this format: Position_Duty Station_Name (Ex : IA_Head Office_Katriin)
  • Deadline for submission of applications : 9 September 2016
  • Only the qualified candidate will be proceed
  • For more information please kindly visit our website :

Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia


About Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia

Gugah Nurani Indonesia (GNI), an affiliate of Good Neighbors International, an international humanitarian development NGO in General Consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council). Gugah Nurani Indonesia provides child education, community development, health, sanitation, and disaster relief programs in 17 CDPs (Community Development Project) and serving 12,086 children. Gugah Nurani Indonesia has missions around the world to ensure the well-being of people in need.

Duty Station
Head Office – Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

Position Summary
Responsible to conduct activities related to research, evaluation, and development of GNI, which may include: executing performance measurement tools for GNI, prepare and develop proposals, formulate research, evaluate CDP programs, and designing and conducting training.

Key Responsibilities
  • Execute performance measurements tools in order to quantify and measure the annual performance of OD programs against GNI target.
  • Conduct research on internal and external best practice and lessons learnt through research of benchmark
  • Execute OD program visitation in each CDP (scheduled & unscheduled) in order to directly and objectively discover the annual performance of OD programs.
  • Execute impact evaluation programs (quarterly, per semester, and yearly) in CDPs.
  • Develop activities based on RED Assistant Manager recommendations and solutions (which may include writing and revising OD guidelines, create new tools and method for research, designing and conducting training, etc)
  • Lead and monitor implementation of activities developed in order to ensure the effectiveness of the activities.
  • Develop report of each CDP performance to RED Assistant Manager in order to allow assessment of individual CDP performance.
  • S1 / Bachelor’s degree, preferably in Statistics, Mathematic, and Business Administration.
  • 1+ years relevant working experiences
  • Minimum 1+ years’ experience in NGO
  • Ability to work independently and with the team
  • Fresh graduate are welcome to apply
  • Fluent in English and Bahasa
How To Apply

  • Please submit your Application Letter and CV in English.
  • Submit To Email :
  • Please fill the subject with this format: Position_Duty Station_Name (Ex: RED_Head Office_Katriin)
  • Deadline for submission of applications : 9 September 2016
  • Only the qualified candidate will be proceed
  • For more information please kindly visit our website :

Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia


About Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia
Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia (GNI), an affiliate of Good Neighbors International, an international humanitarian development NGO in General Consultative Status with the UN ECOSOC (United Nations Economic and Social Council). Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia provides child education, community development, health, sanitation, and disaster relief programs in 17 CDPs (Community Development Project) and serving 12,086 children. Yayasan Gugah Nurani Indonesia has missions around the world to ensure the well-being of people in need.

Duty Station
Head Office – Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

Position Summary
Execute established fundraising strategies that are in line with the company’s global strategies and policies in the area of online campaign, primarily managing online media from company’s website to social media accounts in order to increase awareness and increase funding opportunities.

Key Responsibilities
  • Develop and prepare content for online media such as company website and social media accounts focusing in current CDP issues in order to increase awareness and reach out to potential donors
  • Identify current CDP issues in order to prepare materials for online channels.
  • Manage social media accounts from Facebook, Instagram, Tweeter and other applications in order to increase awareness and find potential donors.
  • Collect data regarding possible fundraiser partners and donors from online sources in order to increase company’s database
  • Make connections with possible fundraiser partners and donors from online sources and collected database in order to get funding for the company
  • Make connections with possible media partnerships (for example Google Profits) in order to increase online media campaign effectivity.
  • Develop report regarding incoming funds from online media channels and usage planning in order to provide informative and clear flow of funds to stakeholders. 

  • S1 / Bachelor Degree; preferably in Marketing, Management .
  • 1+ years of relevant working experiences
  • Minimum 1+ years’ experience in NGO.
  • Ability to work independently and with the team.
  • Have a good communication skill to interact with strangers.
  • Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Ilustrator, or other designing tools.
  • Active and passionate towards fundraising activities
  • Good skill in computer use ( Ms Office).
  • Fluent in English and Bahasa.

How To Apply
  • Please submit your Application Letter and CV in English.
  • Submit To Email :
  • Please fill the subject with this format: Position_Duty Station_Name (Ex: Online (FD)_Head Office_Katriin)
  • Deadline for submission of applications : 9 September 2016
  • Only the qualified candidate will be proceed
  • For more information please kindly visit our website :

Filantropi Indonesia

Filantropi Indonesia adalah lembaga nirlaba dan mandiri yang bertujuan untuk memajukan filantropi di Indonesia agar bisa berkontribusi dalam pencapaian keadilan sosial dan pembangunan berkelanjutan. Filantropi Indonesia berawal dari prakarsa sejumlah individu dan lembaga/organisasi nirlaba yang sejak 2003 merintis jaringan 'Prakarsa Penguatan Filantropi' di Indonesia, dan telah sepakat untuk melanjutkan dan melembagakan kegiatan bersama mereka dalam suatu wadah perkumpulan yang bersifat nirlaba dan mandiri.
Filantropi Indonesia berkontribusi dalam memajukan kepentingan para pelaku filantropi, baik yang berasal dari sektor pemberi, pengelola/penyalur/perantara (intermediary), maupun penerima bantuan, atas dasar prinsip kemitraan, kesetaraan, keberagaman, keadilan, universalitas filantropi dan kebangsaan Indonesia.
Lebih jauh tentang Filantropi Indonesia:
Kesempatan bergabung bersama Filantropi Indonesia sebagai Staff Program dan Pendokumentasian
Deskripsi Posisi
Staff Program dan Pendokumentasian bertanggung jawab penuh terhadap kesuksesan program yang dijalankan oleh Organisasi serta bekerjasama dengan tim dalam menyusun, merencanakan, serta menjalankan langkah efektif pada tiap-tiap program yang berlangsung. Staff Program dan Pendokumentasian bertanggungjawab langsung kepada Manager Program.
Deskripsi Tanggung Jawab
- Mengelola serta mendokumentasikan program yang telah, sedang, dan akan berlangsung.
- Memastikan aktifitas program dapat berjalan selaras dengan kebijakan dan prosedur organisasi.
- Bekerjasama dengan Manager Program dalam proses pengembangan sistem pendokumentasian sehingga mampu menghimpun seluruh proses dan capaian program.
- Membuat pelaporan berkala terkait aktifitas dan capaian program yang telah dan sedang berlangsung
- Melaksanakan tugas lain yang diberikan oleh Direktur dan Program Manager Filantropi Indonesia
- S1 semua jurusan.
- Mampu menggunakan aplikasi Office, Design Grafis, dan Video Editing.
- Memiliki pengetahuan yang baik terkait Informasi, Komunikasi, dan Dokumentasi.
- Kreatif dan inovatif, serta memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam kerjasama dengan tim.
Lokasi kerja di Jakarta Pusat, diutamakan bagi yang bertempat tinggal di DKI Jakarta dan sekitarnya. 
Sila kirimkan CV terbaru, portofolio (link Design Grafis dan Video), dan surat lamaran (ukuran file tidak lebih dari 100kb) ke cc
Lamaran ditunggu paling lambat Jumat, 2 September 2016 pukul 17:00 WIB

J-PAL Southeast Asia