our company is a world wide Engineering Consultantcompany currently opening several middle and senior positions as follows:
Senior Electrical Design Engineer:http://careers. conwag.com/ jobDetails. asp?sJobIDs= 465405&lCategory ID=&lWorkTypeID= &lLocationID= &sJobNo=mechanic al+engineer& sKeywords= mechanical+ engineer& stp=AW&sLanguage =en
Senior Mechanical Design Engineer:http://careers. conwag.com/ jobDetails. asp?sJobIDs= 465396&lCategory ID=&lWorkTypeID= &lLocationID= &sJobNo=mechanic al+engineer& sKeywords= mechanical+ engineer& stp=AW&sLanguage =en
Electrical Drafter:http://careers. conwag.com/ jobDetails. asp?sJobIDs= 465389&lCategory ID=&lWorkTypeID= &lLocationID= &sJobNo=mechanic al+engineer& sKeywords= mechanical+ engineer& stp=AW&sLanguage =en
Please find attached Positions Description for Senior MechanicalEngineer, Senior Electrical Engineer and Electrical drafter.
For Fresh Graduates: Connell Wagner provides Gradudates developmentprogram and Professional Development Program.Bagi Anda para Engineer yang baru lulus dari Universitas dan inginbergabung pada proses recruitment & pengembangan new graduates diConnell Wagner, kami persilahkan click di link berikut:http://www.conwag. com/gradspace/
For Executive Search / Head Hunter:
Submitting an applicant
1. Open Connell Wagner's agency services area viahttps://secure. pageuppeople. com/apply/ 474/gw/applicati onForm/agencyPri vacyStatement. asp
2. Read the terms and conditions as displayed on the screen. Ifyou understand and agree to the conditions outlined, click the 'IAgree' button.
3. Enter the login details provided by Connell Wagner. Click 'Login'.
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