Kamis, 21 Juni 2012


Yayasan Datafahea Nias, is seeking for qualified external evaluator. Kindly read the ToR below and send your CV along with evaluation proposal to e-mail address as mentioned in the ToR. EXTERNAL EVALUATION OF YAYASAN DATAFAHEA PGI NIAS CONSTRUCTION OF WATER DAMS FOR IMPROVED LIVELIHOODS FOR FARMERS IN BIOUTI VILLAGEON NIAS ISLAND, INDONESIA PROJECT I. Background Bio’uti Village is one of village in Idanogawo Sub District Nias District with population 485 HH (1.305 male and 1.472 female). Majority, villagers as farmer with main commodity plant such as : rubber, cacao, corn and paddy farmers. The majority of agricultural production in NiasIsland relies on rainfall for production. Rain has become increasingly unpredictable, perhaps due to the effects of tsunami and climate change. The island has a vast network of rivers running throughout the island which can be sources of water for agriculture but are currently not being utilized.108 HH from 485 HH is paddy farmers. Paddy production still lower because of : · Low knowledge and skill in paddy cultivation, farmer still use traditional methode. · Limited access of water source for paddy need. The original project was approved from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011. The project end date has been modified to allow YDPGIN additional time to complete the project. The new end date for project #AS-INO-3-001-10 is July 31, 2012.. The project goal is: To increased yield in rice products due to adequate and consistent access to water, and improved farming techniques. In this project, YDPGIN working with community, local government especially with Nias Irrigating Departmentand local leader with target beneficiaries as follow 108 HH paddy farmers. To identify process during project implementation from the beginning until finishing, YDPGIN planned to have evaluation. II. Objectives of Evaluation The overall objective of the evaluation is to provide an objective assessment of the achievements, constraints, performance, results, impact, relevance and sustainability of the project and provide YDPGIN with relevant lesson learned and recommendations. The evaluation will take into account the project’s relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impacts, and gender equity. Specifically the evaluation will examine the following aspects : a. Changes in context and review of assumptions (relevance) : b. Results in terms of outputs achieved (effectiveness) : c. Assessment of outcome (impact):d. Achievement of projected performance indicators and targets (efficiency) :e. Sustainability : The report should assess the level of the project’s sustainability. f. Gender Equity : III. Evaluation Methodology It is suggested that the evaluation concentrates on qualitative methods, semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders, focus group discussions. It is therefore suggested by LWR that the evaluation as described in these ToR, will follow the methodological framework mentioned below. Document Review · Review of all relevant program documents YDPGIN proposals, logical frameworks, budget and narrative, finance progress reports. Work at the YDPGIN level · Interviews and discussions with YDPGIN staff Fieldwork · Interviews with beneficiaries and village representatives; · Interviews, discussions and collective reflection with the community organizations; · Gathering and review of data from third parties:Local authorities, officials and leaders, Community Based Organisations, groups of beneficiaries and other aid organisations; · Visit to project sites; · Case Study or Story of Change with project’s participants and/or beneficiaries. The evaluation process will be started at July 10 with 4 (four) days maximum and the evaluation draft report should be submitted by July 27, 2012. The report should be submitted based on LWR-YDT evaluation report format in Bahasa and English. IV. How to Apply Interested applicants should submit their proposal according to the attached terms of references by the First week of June 30, 2012. The proposal should include: · Time schedule · Methodology overview · Budget · CVs of the staff/consultants you are planning to us The evaluator should have the qualification as follow: • Demonstrated experienced working as program evaluator with NGO minimum five years. • Familiar with participatory approach in program evaluation • Experience working with humanitarian NGO at least for three years. • Experience in livelihood sector is a plus • Experience working in Nias is a plus • Skilful in report writing • Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia both verbal and written is essential The evaluator responsible to: • Develop evaluation proposal for YDT based on ToR • Conduct the evaluation process • Ensure the data quality • Analyze data, get feedback and cross check if necessary • Provide the evaluation report based on LWR - YDT format Considering the beneficiaries in Biouti village who more comfortable speak in Nias rather than in Bahasa, the evaluator is encouraged to have evaluator assistance who can speak local dialect. YDT will not provide or assist the process with the translator, to avoid bias during data collection. On selected evaluator’s request, YDT can refer evaluator candidates to be selected. Renumeration Evaluator will receive transportation (flight in economy class) to and from Nias, accomodation during in field, perdiem and consultation fee. Interestedcandidate should send the CV and evaluation proposal to tobudi_nias@yahoo.co.id with cc to lwrindonesia1@gmail.com by June 30, 2012.

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