Minggu, 04 Agustus 2013

Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice (AIPJ)

Australian AID – managed by Cardno on behalf of Australian AID Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice (AIPJ) Activities Coordinator

Terms of Reference 
Positions: One (1) Activity Coordinator 
Duration: To May 2014, with possibility of extension
LocationJakarta with some national travel 
Performance Management and Reporting Framework
Consistent with Australian AID and Cardno policies Background:
The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Justice (‘AIPJ’) is a five year program funded by Australian AID.  
The strategy of AIPJ is to focus on realising the rights of Indonesians, in particular poor women and people with disabilities.  The program approaches realising rights by working in partnership with key government institutions (the supply side) as well as civil society and local communities (the demand side), and the intersection between the two.  
Building on the successes of previous Australian law and justice programs, AIPJ focuses on the following rights: 
· Legal identity (birth, marriage and divorce certificates) as one precondition to realising basic economic and social rights, such as education and health care.
· The right to fair proceedings which are:
· independent and impartial
· fast, consistent, affordable, and accessible.
· The right to (legal) information.
In working to realise these rights, AIPJ focuses on both national and sub-national levels, where central decision-making is taken, and where lessons from the field can inform this decision making.  Support is targeted at areas that Indonesia has identified as being of critical importance to the sector, and for which assistance is likely to bring about sustainable and meaningful impacts, namely:
· Judicial dispute resolution mechanisms
· Prosecutions Office
· Anti-corruption
· Legal aid.
AIPJ will also work with oversight commissions, recognising their role in strengthening accountability of the custodians of justice systems, and through that accountability, driving strengthened performance. One of AIPJ partner is the Judicial Reform Team Office (JRTO). This is the Office consist of Independent Consultant assigned by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Indonesia to support the work of Judicial Reform Team which aims to expedite the implementation of Judicial Blueprint for Reform Programs and to coordinate any resources available to implement those programs. 
See link for a full description of the AIPJ strategy.
AIPJ is looking to employ one (1) Indonesian national for the positions of Activities Coordinator.  This are short time positions of up to 120 days (to May 2013) which based in Jakarta with some national travel. The working days will be upon request by AIPJ through Court Reform Unit and JRTO.
The Activities Coordinator  will be responsible for the logistics and administrative aspects of the work programs of Court Reform Unit, especially on activities to Support the Development of Court Related ADR and MA’s Restructuring Organization
In performing their duties and responsibilities, the Activities Coordinator will:
·  report to the AIPJ Senior Manager Court Reform ; 
·  work under the direction of the AIPJ Court Reform Unit and JRTO; and
·  coordinate their work with the other AIPJ team members including those located at the AIPJ Provincial Offices.
Specifically, and in consultation with the AIPJ (the Court Reform Unit) and JRTO, the Activities Coordinator will conduct tasks specifically on activities to Support the Development of Court Related ADR and MA’s Restructuring Organization, such as but not limited to:
·  Undertake logistics and administrative work relating to the preparation, implementation and reporting of activities and events, including establishing and maintaining an activities / events calendar, arranging travel and accommodation, arranging venues for activities / events, arranging invitations, compiling materials, arranging translation and interpreting, arranging equipment for activities / events such microphones, sound system etc, recording participation at activities / events, note taking of activities / events, organising meals and refreshments, organising for payment (and recording of) of per diems and other expenses, etc. 
·  Arrange for meetings with partners, stakeholders and others, especially on above-mentioned activities.
·  Organise non-activities travel and accommodation.
·  Support the preparation of letters, reports (narrative and financial) etc. Establish and maintain a general calendar.
·  Organise the translation of documents (may translate simple documents themselves or engage a professional translator for more complex documents).
·  Perform other relevant duties and responsibilities as may be reasonably requested by the Court Reform Unit.
Selection Criteria
The Activities Coordinator qualifications:
·  Experience in managing events (meeting, workshop, seminar etc).
·  Pro-active & quick learner.
·  Able to do negotiation, coordination and communication skills .
·  Demonstrated capacity to work and take direction as part of a team.
·  Experience in reporting on activities and use of funds.
·  Good written and verbal communication skills in Bahasa Indonesian and English.  
·  Have knowledge on court reform is preferable.
·  Hold Bachelor Degree on relevant field.
Funding Australian AID
  How to Apply for This Position
1. Response against each of the duties and desirable selection criteria.
2. Curriculum vitae/resume.
3. Name and contact details (phone and email) of three referees.
Applications that do not address all the requirements stated above will not be considered.
Submitting Applications
a) By email: email your application with the reference “AIPJ – Activities Coordinator” in the subject line toendang.suyatin@aipj.or.id.
Closing Date 5.00 pm, 6 August 2013

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