Kamis, 17 September 2015

Management Systems International, Inc

Management Systems International, Inc
Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program 1 (SIAP 1)
Terms of Reference (ToR)
Position                                            : Local Observer to Conduct Election Monitoring in Bengkulu (2 persons), North Kalimantan (2 persons), North Sulawesi (2 persons), South Tangerang (2 persons), Samarinda (2 persons), Magelang (2 persons), Jember (2 persons), Sukabumi (2 persons), and Gresik (2 persons)
Languages Required                 : Indonesia
Working Period                           : September - December 2015
In late 2015, there will be local elections in 269 cities in 11 provinces. The new local election Law Number 1/2015 -which SIAP 1 also contributed to through policy advocacy on campaign financing stipulations - introduces key reforms  including campaign expenditure cap (a complement to the existing donation cap), and state financing of some types of campaign activities. These are designed as a cost control measure, to create a more level playing field. KPU, KPU Province, and KPU Kabupaten/Kota are assigned by the law to determine the campaign expenditure cap by considering numbers of residents,  geographic scope of the districts, and local cost standards. The state financing of certain campaign activities is organized by KPU through facilitation of public debate, distribution of campaign materials, and media advertisements under state budget.
The upcoming local election has caused public concerns due to limited preparation time, caused by delays in the law making process. In addition, concerns remain on the classic problem of vote buying, campaign finance regulation compliance, voter awareness about campaign financing, as well as the general performance of election management bodies.Thus, SIAP-1 plans to conduct monitoring in 3 provinces, 3 cities and 3 districts to promote transparency and accountability of campaign financing and its reporting.
In this regards, MSI SIAP-1 seeks the expertise of local observers in the above-mentioned regions to conduct monitoring on campaign funds, money politics, and campaign finance report. All monitoring results will be delivered to MSI SIAP-1 in accordance to the agreed timeline for further analysis.
A.     Objective: 
1.       To collect data on election-related campaign, campaign fund, campaign finance report
2.       To monitor whether candidates complied with campaign finance regulation
B.     Key Responsibilities and Activities:
1.       Carry out daily monitoring (7 days a week) on election-related campaign, campaign fund, campaign finance report  from 28 September to 9 December 2015
2.       Submit the daily monitoring to the observer coordinator  and MSI SIAP-1 from 28 September to 9 December 2015, at the latest by 19:00 each day
3.       Publish the monitoring results through press conferences (3 times)
C.      Focus of Monitoring
Local observers will collect data and analyze the candidate's campaign activities, campaign fund and campaign finance report. Specific focus will be describe as follow: 
Field monitoring - campaign
The local observers will examine following issues to determine whether the candidates/campaign complied with the regulation of campaign implementation:
·         What kind of campaign did the candidates/campaign team run?
·         Did the candidates conduct a small group meetings (i.e. "religious" or "cultural" activities which are intended as campaign) and produced campaign goods?
·         Were there any use of state facilities for campaign conducted by candidates/campaign team?
·         Did the candidates/campaign team conduct the same campaign which were facilitated by local KPU (campaign material, campaign properties, advertisement)?
·         What was the total estimated campaign cost per candidates?
Campaign finance report & Audit results
To determine the punctuality, completeness, and accuracy of information & data on the submitted campaign finance reports, the local observers will review those reports and examine following issues:
·         Did all donators listed on the report submitted their information as required by the regulation?
·         Were there any illegal donation?
·         Were the reported donation exceed the contribution limit?
·         Were the reported campaign expenses exceed the expenditure cap?
·         Were there any fraud found from the audit results?
·         All information collected must be completed with verified evidences
·         Local observers must do sampling check on the list of donors
Analysis and Comparison
The local observers will compare the field monitoring results with the submitted campaign finance report to examine following issues:
·         Were there any unreported campaign activities and expenditure?
·         Were there any unreported donations?
During the monitoring process, local observers shall work in close cooperation with the coordinator observer and MSI SIAP-1. More detailed monitoring activity will be described in the training which will be provided by MSI.
D.     Deliverables & Payment Schedule
Time allocated (in days)
Attend training and briefing
3 days
Field monitoring
Daily public tracking reports & its evidences
50 days
Press conference to present findings
Activity report
3 days
Finalization of report
Compiled final report
4 days
Total number of working days
60 days
The local observers will be required to provide:
·         Compiled daily monitoring results & report
·         Activity report
·         Final report
The local observers will be paid the consultancy fee upon completion of the following milestones:
·         30% after submitting 30 daily public tracking reports
·         30% after submitting the rest of daily public tracking reports
·         20% after submitting activity report
·         20% after submitting final report
The local observers will be paid as Lump sum amount (excluding communication and travel cost - if needed).  MSI will provide training on election monitoring and covered all its expenses.
1.       Individual/personal consultant
2.       Experienced in election monitoring
3.       Good understanding on Election law and regulation
4.       Excellent organizational and coordination skills
5.       PC literate; familiarity with Microsoft Office
6.       Have a good communication skill and good personality
7.       Have an experience working with government agencies is preferred
**This is a local position; only Indonesian nationals will be considered.
Application should include a cover letter, CV (including three references) and contact number by September 28, 2015.
Please send applications indicating ‘Election Monitoring' as the subject of your email addressed to recruitment@msi-siap.com. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. 

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