Rabu, 31 Juli 2013


The Finance Officer contributes to the overall performance of the sub office by ensuring that all disbursements and receipts are processed correctly and reported on time.
Transactions Processing and Documentation
·        Process advances (travel advance and project advance) and Enter into SCALA.
·        Review and process travel expense reports (TER), project expense reports and enter into SCALA.
·        Process medical payments and enter in SCALA.
·        Prepare bank transfer letters and cheques.
·        Process utilities and any other payments related to the operation of the BCR CC offices. 
·        Prepare all procurement payments (PO and Non PO).
·        Process cash receipts from staff and ensure that they are deposited in a timely manner.
·        Place 'paid' stamp on all documents that have been paid.
Financial Management and Analysis
·        Audit petty cash payments (disbursement) and enter that in Scala after review.
·        Manage the petty cash float by ensuring re-imbursements are made on time and disbursements are accounted for properly.
·        Prepare bank reconciliation on time.
·        Ensure that where there are errors, adjusting entries are raised to effect corrections.
·        In consultation with PC prepare monthly requests for funds required for the office operation.
·        Prepare and submit monthly financial reports to the Accountant CIIHQ
Custody and Filing
·        Maintain a list of blank and signed cheques.
·        Ensure that all documents are filed properly and on time.
Others /Lain-lain
·        Any other duties that maybe reasonably assigned by the Accountant and PM. 
* University degree in Accounting.
* At least three years working experience in Finance.
* Ability to work with computers and in particular Microsoft Office (excel and word).
* Good communication in Indonesian and English, both spoken and written.
* At least three years experience working with international and local Non Government Organizations.
* Initiative, working under pressure and good motivation.
CARE is an equal opportunity employer offering a competitive salary and benefits package, and a collegial working environment, and women candidates are encouraged to apply. Applicants are invited to send a cover letter illustrating their suitability for the above positions, and detailed curriculum vitae, with names and addresses of three referees (including telephone, fax numbers and email address). Please DO NOT attached academic transcripts and Diplomas and state clearly the applied position code in the email subject. 
Please submit your applications before August 12, 2013 to CARE International Indonesia, Human Resources Unit: 
"Only qualified applicants will be shortlisted" 

Indonesia Research Centre (IRC)

Indonesia Research Centre (IRC), sebuah lembaga yang bergerak di bidang riset sosial, ekonomi, politik dan opini publik, beralamat di Jakarta Pusat, membutuhkan tenaga Manager HRD.

Merencanakan dan mengembangkan sistem dan kebijakan pengelolaan SDM, mengkoordinasikan dan mengontrol pelaksanaan fungsi manajemen SDM agar dapat meningkatkan kinerja SDM dalam mencapai target.


· Pria/wanita.
· Pendidikan minimum S-1 bidang manajemen, hukum atau psikologi.
· Pengalaman 5- 8 tahun dalam mengelola unit kerja SDM.
· Memahami peraturan-peraturan ketenagakerjaan di Indonesia.
· Mempunyai kemampuan bernegosiasi dan berkomunikasi yang baik.
· Memiliki kemampuan kepemimpinan yang bagus, dinamis, mampu beradaptasi dengan cepat terhadap perubahan.
· Menguasai bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggis, lisan dan tertulis.
· Menguasai MS Office.

Aplikasi dan CV dikirimkan ke: aunulhuda@yahoo.co.id

Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED)


The Agency for Technical Cooperation and Development (ACTED) is a French non-profit organization working in over 30 countries worldwide to provide emergency response, early recovery, and development assistance to communities in need. ACTED’s interventions seek to cover multiple aspects of humanitarian and development crises through a multidisciplinary approach that is both global and local, and adapted to each context. ACTED aims to guarantee the sustainability of relief interventions carried out during crises by remaining in the field after the emergency to engage in long-term support to communities in food security, health, education, economic assistance, microfinance, advocacy, and cultural promotion. ACTED’s actions are needs based and identified in a participatory manner with communities in the areas where we are present. ACTED has been active in Indonesia since April 2005, assisting those affected by the tsunami and Nias earthquake and is now working to support livelihoods, community-based disaster risk reduction, and child protection in North Sumatra, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT), and elsewhere.

Currently ACTED has an immediate need for qualified and experienced staff to be part of our Jakarta team. ACTED is recruiting for the following position to be based in the Jakarta office. In order to apply, please submit (1) cover letter stating how your experience and qualifications meet the desired criteria below and your expected salary, and (2) your Curriculum Vitae (CV) in English labeled with your name (maximum file size 200KB). Applications must be submitted by e-mail to indonesia.jobs@acted.org by 5 August 2013. Only shortlisted candidates will be notified.


The Capital Logistics Officer will be responsible for procurement of goods and services, inventory and asset management, telecommunication and IT management, management transportation and travel for staff, and ensuring safety and security for ACTED personnel and assets in the Jakarta office. Additionally, the Capital Logistics Officer will consolidate data, information, and reports on logistics, assets, and security from ACTED field offices to create monthly national reports.


-    Routine purchasing for Jakarta office needs (office supplies, etc),

-    Consolidation of monthly Logistics data and reports, and sending to HQ,

-    Research of suppliers and contracting terms for framework contracts (office supplies, travel, IT service, etc),

-    Documentation (filling quotations, developing procurement memos, support to contracts/ framework agreements),

-    Liaising with travel agent for staff travel bookings,

-    Providing basic support to field staff as needed.

Professional Qualifications and Skills:

-    Minimum bachelor degree in Management or other relevant educational background required;

-    At least three (3) years previous work experience with NGO or private sector in logistics;

-    Good understanding of procurement procedures and documentation required;

-    Fluency in English required;

-    Meticulous attention to detail and documentation required;

-    Problem-solving skills, result-oriented and sensitivity to gender issues required;

-    Good computer knowledge (Windows, spreadsheet, word-processing, e-mail and internet);

Personal Qualities:

-    Perfect ethics in regards to purchasing and handling cash required;

-    Flexible and adaptable, willing to learn new skills and conform to new systems and situations;

-    Able to multi-task and handle a diverse and changing workload;

-    Honest, responsible, self-motivated and able to take initiative under minimum supervision;

-    Ability to travel to ACTED’s bases across Indonesia;

-    Ability to work as part of a team in a cross cultural environment;

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI),

Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang bergerak di bidang kesehatan yang berfokus di sector HIV/AIDS, membuka lowongan di Sorong – Papua Barat & Jayapura – Papua, untuk posisi :
GIPA Officer

Jabaran tugas adalah sebagai berikut : 
• Bekerja sama dengan ODHA dan organisasi ODHA / KDS untuk memastikan terlaksananya layanan yang berorientasi pada pasien.
• Bersama dengan tim CHAI membangun jejaring untuk mendukung sistem kesehatan terkait HIV (termasuk sistem pelacakan kasus dan penjangkauan pasien).
• Meningkatkan komunikasi antara layanan kesehatan dengan organisasi ODHA / KDS untuk mendukung dan meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan terkait HIV
• Memberikan masukkan inovatif bagi tim teknis (CHAI & CoE) untuk peningkatan akses, retensi pasien, peningkatan kepatuhan minum obat dan pengurangan stigma.
• Bersama dengan KPA Kabupaten & Provinsi membangun sistem koordinasi dan komunikasi antar kelompok / organisasi ODHA di timgkat Kabupaten / Propinsi.
• Bersama dengan program manager memberikan input terkait dengan program GIPA kepada partner baik pada tingkat dinas kesehatan, puskesmas maupun rumah sakit
• Bersama dengan Communication Officer memnyediakan informasi kesehatan sesuai kebutuhan pasien (ODHA)
• Bersama dengan program manager, government relation officer dan Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten / Provinsi mengadvokasi Pemerintah Daerah dan KPA Kabupaten / Provinsi untuk memastikan adanya dukungan berkelanjutan bagi layanan kesehatan terkait HIV (termasuk dukungan untuk kegiatan penjangkauan pasien).
• Bersama dengan program manager dan program officer membuat laporan kegiatan baik untuk kepentingan internal CHAI maupun untuk partner
• Bersama dengan program manajer dan administrasi staff menjalankan fungsi manajerial dan keuangan.
• Melaksanakan tugas lain yang diberikan oleh atasan
• Melakukan kegiatan pendekatan yang disetukui untuk menjangkau dan melibatkan penduduk asli Papua dalam kegiatan GIPA
• Merancang strategi untuk GIPA dalam perwakilan politik – meloby dan menjadi calon politis potensial untuk kantor

Kualifikasi yang diminta :

• WNI dan bersedia ditempatkan di Papua / Papua Barat
• Pengalaman bekerja dengan ODHA dan organisasi ODHA lebih disukai
• Mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang kesehatan masyarakat merupakan nilai tambah 
• Mengenal dan mengerti system layanan kesehatan di Indonesia 
• Mempunyai pengalaman dalam menjalankan program HIV/TB/IMS/KIA lebih disukai.
• Mampu bekerja dengan pengawasan minimum
• Mempunyai keahlian untuk diplomasi dan komunikasi
• Mempunyai keahlian untuk analisa masalah dan solusi pemecahan masalah
• Mampu mengoperasikan Microsoft office software
• Mengenal dan sensitif terhadap isu local baik politik maupun budaya

Jika Anda memenuhi kualifikasi tersebut diatas, harap mengirimkan surat lamaran, CV dan surat-surat 
HR Administrator
Jl. Pekalongan no. 7, Menteng, Jakarta pusat 10310
ATAU email ke rc_hrd@yahoo.com, sampai dengan tanggal 7 Agustus, 2013

Hanya kandidat terpilih yang akan dipanggil
Orang yang HIV+ disarankan untuk melamar

Country Coordinating Mechanism(CCM)

Sekretariat Country Coordinating Mechanism(CCM) Indonesia Global Fund untuk penanggulangan AIDS, TB dan Malaria.

Kami adalah Country Coordinating Mechanism(CCM) Indonesia yang merupakan sebuah forum independen yang berfungsi untuk mengawasi program dukungan dana Global Fund bagi Indonesia untuk menanggulangi AIDS, TB dan Malaria (GFATM). Kami sedang mencari staf untuk mengisi posisi sebagai berikut:

Staf Umum (Office Assistant) Kantor Sekretariat CCM Indonesia

Dibawah supervisi umum Sekretasris Eksekutif.
Staf Umum kantor akan disupervisi oleh Asisten Administrasi dalam melaksanakan berbagai tugas sehari-hari dalam menunjang kegiatan kantor Sekretariat CCM.

Bertanggung jawab untuk :
1. Membantu Asisten Administrasi dan Officer (Keuangan dan 
Asisten Program)
2. Mengirim dan mengarsipkan surat dan dokumen masuk dan keluar
3. Mengirim undangan rapat dengan fax, pos, atau diantar langsung
4. Mempersiapkan dokumen rapat, fotokopi, dan lainnya bersama 
Asisten Administrasi
5. Mempersoapkan ruang rapat dan perlengkapannya
6. Bekerjasama dengan staf sekretariat lainnya

Kualifikasi :
1. MInimal tamat SMA atau yang sederajat
2. Memiliki pengalaman kerja minimal 2 tahun
3. Memiliki kemampuan Bahasa Indonesia dan percakapan Bahasa Inggris
4. Memiliki keterampilan berkomunikasi dengan baik 
5. Memiliki kepribadian yang baik dan sopan
6. Memiliki pengetahuan dasar komputer 
7. Memiliki kendaraan pribadi/motor
8. Pria, umur 22-28 tahun

Lamaran dan CV dikirim ke :
Paling lambat MInggu, 4 Agustus 2013

Conservation International

Conservation International, an international non-governmental organization, is seeking to fill the position of SLP FIELD PROJECT COORDINATOR (Stakeholder Engagement) to be base Mandailing Natal/Tapanuli Selatan.

The Sustainable Landscapes Partnership (SLP) program will establish a replicable model of public-private partnerships that foster low carbon development opportunities, thereby helping to address global climate change and contribute to economic growth.  The SLP will combine public (USAID) and private philanthropic (Walton Family Foundation) funding into an initial $20 million Facility focused on catalyzing low carbon private sector investment in specific landscapes of high conservation value in
Indonesia over a five-year period.  This Facility will invest in low carbon and Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) development activities and business models that seek to reduce or eliminate deforestation and associated CO2 emissions.

Based in Penyabungan-Mandailing Natal Regency, the successful candidate will assist in implementing the engagement with USAID SLP project partners, including identify, engage and promote networking with the project stakeholders (public and private sectors). This position reports to Sumatra Landscape Manager with dotted line to SLP Stakeholder Engagement Manager and Sr.Ecosystem Service Manager. The positionprovides technical assistance in researching and identifying potential partners both public/private. The Officer assists in supplying required information for due diligence studies to ensure partners align with project goals and project requirements. Upon consultation with the SLP Stakeholder Manager, she/he will maintain network with stakeholders in Tapsel and Madina (and other project sites), and assist the SLP Stakeholder Manager in the event of onsite visits by contributing active role in resource mobilization, identifies and liaises
with other conservation focused organizations (local NGOs/ CBOs) for the development of best practices and leveraging networks. 

The Officer will coordinate with the others CI staff in Medan, Jakarta Team.

1.     Project Implementation:
·  Engagement process and day-to-day liaison with stakeholders and partners on the ground in Mandailing Natal Regency;
·  Provides on-the-ground support and coordination to ensure the smooth  implementation of the SLP multi-stakeholder forum which will support the SEA process and general support with stakeholders across SLP program areas (watersheds, natural capital, protected areas, policy/licensing, value chain work); 
·  Provides technical assistance in conducting research, identifying potential private sector partners, and assists in the development and ongoing management of SLP partnerships to ensure stakeholder participation and ownership in SLP activities;
·  Ensures that SLP interventions are facilitative in nature, are being driven by local stakeholders with a key objective being sustainable long-term adoption of SLP
alternative strategies, interventions and policies to support an alternative green business economy.

2.     Engagement 
·  Assist to establish and maintain network with stakeholders in Tapsel and Madina (and other project sites);
·  Provides Sumatra Landscape Manager, SLP Stakeholder Managers and team members with timely and accurate information in relation to community issues, concerns or conflicts. 

3.     Reporting 
·   Assist in supplying required information for due diligence studies with affiliate partners in aligning project with goals and objectives.

·  Bachelor degree and or S1 degree preferredin economy, social, antrophologyor natural resources management related science with at least 2 years of experience on conservation and community livelihoods in Sumatra (other regional experience will be considered);
·  Ability to work and communicate effectively with stakeholders ;
·  Excellent network and understanding of local stakeholders in the North Sumatran landscape specifically South Tapanuli and Mandailing Natal;
·  Flair for diplomacy; negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution, negotiating, develop networking and facilitation skills at all levels;
·  Demonstrated competency in field team management and multi stakeholder facilitation; 
·  Willingness to travel and work long hours, including work in arduous field conditions, often to remote areas and work weekends and after hours as needed;
·  Good communication skills in local language, Bahasa Indonesia and English;
·  Computer literate with experience on electronic communications (i.e. E-mail, Internet, etc.) as a user including a proficiency in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint

Interested candidates should send a current resume and cover letter addressing the required skills and capabilities (no more than 4 pages) to:  
Closing date for the application is 9 August 2013

(Only short-listed candidates will be notified).
For more information about CI, please visit
our web: 

AWO International

ob vacancy at AWO International - Yogyakarta Based
AWO International is an International NGO, implementing and supporting projects involving collaborative development work and humanitarian aid, invites applications for the following position:
Project Officer NGO
The tasks will be in coordination and supervision of the organisations projects mainly in our project region
of the Philippines as follows:
-       Management and Monitoring of the organisations projects
-       Supervision of the projects activities in compliance with budget and directives
-       Guidance & Consultancy of the implementing partner organisations
-       Supervision and examination of the projects progress and respective reporting deadlines
-       In coordination with the Finance Officer the budget planning and revisions for the projects and controlling of funds flow
-       Identification of new partners and working areas in close cooperation with the Regional Director and the Headquarter
The applicants shall be holder of a college or university degree in Development Studies, Economics, Sociology or similar subjects. He or she shall have working experience in the INGO sector for at least 3 years. Good communication skills and fluent written and oral English are compulsory.  Preference will be given to applicants, who have special regional knowledge about the Philippines; if possible of the Mindanao area and experience
managing child protection or gender equality project Lady applicants are most welcome.
If you are sure, that the required qualification fits to your profile, then you are most welcome to send an Email to us with attachments relevant for the application. The attached word or pdf documents should include a motivation letter and your detailed bio data. Don’t include further scanned documents, certificates etc but please state clearly what kind of supporting documents relevant for your application you would be able to submit.
Also name at least two persons with their functions and contact data, who could verify your qualification. 
We expect your Email with the attachments latest until August 15th, to the
following address:
If your application will be accepted for further screening, we will inform you latest until Thursday, August 22nd 
The job interviews will take place end of August 


International Organization for Migration (IOM) Indonesia is looking for a Physical Instructor according to the terms of reference below:
I. Position Information 
Reference No.
Position title
Position grade
Base Salary
Duty station
Type of Contract SVN/ID10/2013/055
Physical instructor 
General Service Staff, Grade : UG
IDR 100.000 per Hour.                                                                  
On call Special Hourly Contract, three months with possibility of extension.. 
Seniority band: 
Job family: 
Organizational unit: 
Position number
Position rated ¨
Subject to rotation Band IV
Reporting directly to -   Psychologist, in close coordination with Psychosocial Support / Social Worker in Makassar 
Overall supervision by Head of Regional Office in Makassar. 
Managerial responsibility No 
Directly reporting staff 0 
II. Organizational Context and Scope 
Under the direct supervision of the Psychologist, in close coordination with Psychosocial Support Assistant/Social Worker in Makassar and under overall supervision of Head of Sub-Office/Programme Coordinator (East of Indonesia Region) in Makassar, the incumbent will facilitate Physical Exercise activity and expected to manage the overall process of the psychosocial assistance activities for the irregular migrants in Regional Office in Makassar. 
III. Responsibilities and Accountabilities 
1.      Instructor coach groups or individuals in exercise activities 
2.      Demonstrate techniques and methods of participation. 
3.      Observe participants and inform them of corrective measures necessary to improve their skills. 
4.      Educate participants on the various exercise routines to accommodate different fitness, health and age levels.
5.      Monitor the migrants’ progress and adjust exercise routines 
6.      Treat minor exercise injuries
IV. Competencies 
The incumbent is expected to demonstrate the following technical and behavioural competencies
* Accepts and gives constructive criticism
* Follows all relevant procedures, processes, and policies
* Meets deadline, cost, and quality requirements for outputs
* Monitors own work to correct errors
* Takes responsibility for meeting commitments and for any shortcomings
Client Orientation
* Identifies the immediate and peripheral clients of own work
* Establishes and maintains effective working relationships with clients
* Identifies and monitors changes in the needs of clients, including donors, governments, and project beneficiaries
Continuous Learning
* Contributes to colleagues' learning
* Demonstrates interest in improving relevant skills
* Demonstrates interest in acquiring skills relevant to other functional areas
* Keeps abreast of developments in own professional area
* Actively shares relevant information
* Clearly communicates, and listens to feedback on, changing priorities and procedures
* Writes clearly and effectively, adapting wording and style to the intended audience
* Listens effectively and communicates clearly, adapting delivery to the audience
Creativity and Initiative
* Proactively develops new ways to resolve problems
Leadership and Negotiation
* Convinces others to share resources
* Presents goals as shared interests
Performance Management
* Provides constructive feedback to colleagues
* Provides fair, accurate, timely, and constructive staff evaluations
* Uses staff evaluations appropriately in recruitment and other relevant HR procedures
Planning and Organizing
* Sets clear and achievable goals consistent with agreed priorities for self and others
* Identifies priority activities and assignments for self and others
* Organizes and documents work to allow for planned and unplanned handovers
* Identifies risks and makes contingency plans
* Masters subject matter related to responsibilities
* Identifies issues, opportunities, and risks central to responsibilities
* Incorporates gender-related needs, perspectives, and concerns, and promotes equal gender 
* Persistent, calm, and polite in the face of challenges and stress
* Treats all colleagues with respect and dignity
* Works effectively with people from different cultures by adapting to relevant cultural contexts
* Knowledgeable about and promotes IOM core mandate and migration Solutions
* Actively contributes to an effective, collegial, and agreeable team environment
* Contributes to, and follows team objectives
* Gives credit where credit is due
* Seeks input and feedback from others
* Actively supports and implements final group decisions
Technological Awareness
* Learns about developments in available technology
* Proactively identifies and advocates for cost-efficient technology solutions
* Understands applicability and limitation of technology and seeks to apply it to appropriate work
a)      Knowledge in assisting emergency operations activities; 
b)     Effectively applies knowledge of psychosocial issues in execution of responsibilities at appropriate level
c)      Maintains confidentiality and discretion in appropriate areas of work
d)     Proven ability and experience in liaising with UN, Government Departments/Authorities and other international organizations; 
e)      Proficient in computer applications: Ms-Office.   
V. Education and Experience 
a)      University Degree inrelevant subject matter or obtained specific diplomas in teaching physical instructor;
b)      Having affiliations with existing education institutions is a clear advantage.
c)      Proven capacity and at least four years of experience as physical 
d)     Must have excellent physical build and health
e)      Must have adequate interpersonal and communication skills
f)       Must have working knowledge in the physical exercises 
g)      Willing to conduct class in detention area and other areas as assigned by the organization
VI. Languages 
Proficient in the English language, proficiency in languages spoken by migrants (Farsi, Arabic, Tamil, Myanmarese) is an advantage.
Interested candidates are invited to send the application in ENGLISH, with :
a)      Cover letter, clearly specify suitability and availability date,
b)     Complete the Personal History Form  which can be downloaded at the following link : 
c)      Detailed curriculum vitae, including historical salary and minimum three referees (preferably former direct supervisors).
Please submit your application through through http://www.iom.or.id/about.jsp?lang=eng or send by email to recruitment-indonesia@iom.int, indicating the reference code above (SVN/ID10/2013/055)  as subject. The deadline for applications is 11 August 2013.
Only applicant who meet the above qualification will be short-listed