Kamis, 20 Agustus 2015

Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction Program

MAMPU Program’s Vacancy: Papua Working Group Facilitator

The Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction Program or Maju Perempuan Indonesia untuk Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (MAMPU) Program is funded by the Government ofAustralia through the Australian Aid Program in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).The MAMPU Program supports networks and inclusive coalitions of women’s and gender-­interestedorganisations (the MAMPU partners), and parliamentarians to influence government policies,regulations and services, and in selected private sector arenas. Ultimately, this work aims to improvethe access of poor women in Indonesia to critical services and programs.
The program works through a number of national civil society partners who receive grants to implement projects around the following five thematic areas identified as entry points to achieving the program’s larger goal:
• Improving women’s access to government social protection programs;
• Increasing women’s access to jobs and removing workplace discrimination;
• Improving conditions for women’s overseas labor migration;
• Strengthening women’s leadership for better maternal and reproductive health;
• Strengthening women’s leadership to reduce violence against women.
MAMPU has covered over 2,000 villages across 28 provinces in Indonesia by the third year of the program; however, MAMPU has yet to have any presence in Tanah Papua (Papua and West Papua provinces), despite the fact that it is where the largest percentage of people are living in poverty in the country. This is largely due to MAMPU’s acknowledgement of the complexity of working in the island, given the diversity of geographical location and ethnic groups as well as the history of military oppression in the region. With such complexity, MAMPU’s current strategy of working through women and gender interested organizations on the five thematic areas may not be appropriate as entry points to work in Papua. Therefore, MAMPU intends to undertake a series of exercise to gain a better understanding of the issues faced by poor women in Papua and identify appropriate entry points under a Papua Working Group.
The objectives of the Papua Working Group is to help MAMPU understand the most pressing issues faced by poor women in selected areas in Papua and West Papua as well as to identify the most appropriate entry points (issue, geographical area, potential partners, methodology) to address those issues. MAMPU intends to reflect on these questions together with a group of ‘experts’, or people with significant experience of working with poor communities in Tanah Papua, as well as through a series of field visits to Papua. A facilitator is required to work with the MAMPU team in implementing the Papua Working Group.


 The Papua Working Group Facilitator is expected to fulfill the following objectives:

  • Facilitate reflection process of the Papua Working Group
  • Assist MAMPU in the implementation of the Papua Working Group
  • Identify the most appropriate entry points for MAMPU to address the most pressing needs of poor women in Tanah Papua

Click on the following link below to see more details  

Qualifications Required: 
The facilitator is expected to fulfill the following qualifications:

  • At least 10 years of experience in facilitation
  • At least 10 years of experience working to address poverty in Papua, preferably through direct engagement with poor communities
  • Fluency in English and Bahasa Indonesia

All interested applicants is expected to submit:
  • A short proposal outlining:
o   The applicant’s understanding of what MAMPU wants to achieve through the Papua Working Group
o   The framework and facilitation approach to implement the Experts Forum
o   Potential members for the Experts Forum
o   Potential site visits
  • CV
  • A budget that includes daily rates, possible travel, and incidentals

Applications including a cover letter and current CV should be sent in confidence torecruitment@mampu.or.id by 28 August 2015 noting " Papua Working Group Facilitator " in the subject line. While all applications will be read, only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

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