Kamis, 25 Oktober 2012

Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program

MSI Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program 1 (SIAP 1)

PRIME CONTRACT # AID-497-A-11-00001

Announces a


1. Background

The Strengthening Integrity and Accountability Program 1 (SIAP 1) is a five years program, funded by the United States Agency for International Development, and implemented by Management Systems International, Inc. It represents one part of USAID's two-pronged approach to supporting accountability and integrity.

SIAP 1 aims to contribute to good governance in Indonesia by strengthening integrity and accountability in government - principally at the national level. It will do this by supporting governmental and non-governmental efforts to strengthen the effectiveness of accountability bodies; external monitoring; and mobilizing public support.

MSI-SIAP I has been tasked by USAID to provide support on the promotion of anti-corruption education for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) through the development of an animated movie.

2. Objective
Efforts to eradicate corruption through education, by instilling anti-corruption values that include honesty, openness and fairness, should be perceived as highly necessary due to education being the essential strategic vehicle for transparency and accountability strengthening as part of the principal societal values. The anti-corruption education project is to be implemented through animated movie production, develop streaming website and create other innovative product related to the movie. The movies are to reflect nine (9) anti-corruption value illustrations encouraging the young generation to develop strong anti-corruption attitudes

3. Illustrative Tasks and Expected Results
The animated movie production shall include the KPK-created cartoon character Si Kumbi (Kumbang), who will introduce and illustrate the nine (9) anti-corruption values (honesty, discipline, responsibility, financially disciplined living, independence, hard-work, fairness, confidence and empathy) to children. Proposed movies are expected to integrate with the ongoing KPK outreach efforts.

Movie Specification:

1. Format : Full animation movie

2. Quality : HD

3. Language : Indonesian with English subtitles

4. Duration : Approximately 25 minutes

5. Target Audience : Ages 4-9 years

Production requirements:

* Movie concept, scenario and story boards each to be presented for approval to KPK and MSI-SIAP I prior to commencement of production

* 'Audience Test Screening' (ATS) to be conducted for the offline movie version followed by an online movie version produced according to the ATS results as well as KPK and MSI-SIAP I suggestions

* The movie should be featured on a streaming website. Other innovative distribution measures are encouraged

Submission Requirements
(a) Grant applications must be completed in English and submitted via e-mail to procurement@msi-siap.comprocurement@msi-siap.com> with a cc: to contracts@msi-inc.comcontracts@msi-inc.com> in Word, Excel, and/or PDF attachments. E-mail submissions must not exceed 5MB per e-mail, but multiple emails may be sent if necessary in order to not exceed the 5MB limit.
(b) Applications including cost calculations should be valid for a minimum of 120 days from the submission date.
(c) All applications should be submitted to MSI-SIAP I no later than November 12, 2012, 3:00 p.m. local Jakarta time. Applications received after this time may not be considered. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that e-mail submissions are received by the due date and time.
(d) Any questions about this RFA must be submitted in writing to procurement@msi-siap.comprocurement@msi-siap.com> with cc to contracts@msi-inc.comcontracts@msi-inc.com> by November 01, 2012, 3:00 p.m. local Jakarta time. Questions should reference the RFA number and title in the subject line. Answers will be provided o/a November 05, 2012. The questions and responses will be shared with all applicants, via e-mail, to ensure that all have the same information. Phone calls will not be entertained. Applicant Conference: October 25, 2012, 10:00am, at the MSI-SIAP I office. Meeting organized to discuss existing questions or concerns regarding the application process

In order to receive answers to all questions/clarifications asked, all interested parties must send an e-mail toprocurement@msi-siap.comprocurement@msi-siap.com> with cc: to contracts@msi-inc.comcontracts@msi-inc.com> expressing intent to apply to this RFA.

Interested Entity may obtain the detailed RFA documentation at procurement@msi-siap.comprocurement@msi-siap.com>.

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