Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

MAMPU Indonesia

Employment Opportunity – MAMPU Indonesia, SENIOR LEGAL AND CONTRACTS OFFICER

The Empowering Indonesian Women for Poverty Reduction Program or Maju Perempuan Indonesia untuk Penanggulangan Kemiskinan (MAMPU) Program is funded by the Government of Australia through the Australian Aid Program in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). The MAMPU Program supports networks and inclusive coalitions of women’s and gender-interested organizations, and parliamentarians (the MAMPU partners) to influence government policies, regulations and services, and in selected private sector arenas. Ultimately, this work aims to improve the access of poor women in Indonesia to critical services and programs.

The MAMPU program focuses on five thematic areas:
  • Improving women’s access to government social protection programs;
  • Increasing women’s access to jobs and removing workplace discrimination;
  • Improving conditions for women’s overseas labor migration;
  • Strengthening women’s leadership for better maternal and reproductive health;
  • Strengthening women’s leadership to reduce violence against women.

The MAMPU Program is managed by Cowater International. A team of technical and operational staff from Cowater International is based in the MAMPU office in Jakarta and works closely with MAMPU partners, DFAT, and the program’s key counterpart in the Government of Indonesia – BAPPENAS (State Ministry for National Development Planning).
The MAMPU Program is currently seeking the following position:
Position:     Senior Legal and Contracts Officer
Location:    Jakarta
Report to:   Finance and Operations Director
Duration:   1 year with possibility of extension

Click on the following link below to see more details
( Link to see the Terms of Reference)
Interested candidates and particularly women are invited to send their application with:
a) Cover Letter
b) Detailed Curriculum Vitae
c) A maximum three-page document that answers the following questions:
1) Please explain and provide example why you consider you have / demonstrate experience in working with civil society organizations or creative networks in Indonesia
2) Please explain and provide example on your knowledge and experience on social innovation
3) Please explain and provide example why you consider you have / demonstrate experience in social development or gender-related work
d) Three referees (preferably former direct supervisors)

Applications including a cover letter and current CV should be sent in confidence to recruitment@mampu.or.id by 29 October 2014 noting "Senior Contracts and Procurement Officer" in the subject line. While all applications will be read, only short-listed applicants will be contacted.

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