Minggu, 09 November 2014


The Australia-Indonesia Partnership for Promoting Rural Income through Support for Markets in Agriculture (AIP-PRISMA) is a multi-year program that is part of the Indonesian Government’s long term strategy to encourage economic growth.
As the program starts to kick-in, PRISMA will need to produce communication materials to help promote the program to its key stakeholders. Through different platforms and channels, these communication materials will help build positive perception about AIP-PRISMA through stories that highlight the program’s activities, outcomes, and successes.
Assist in the graphic design and content-lay outing of various publication, exhibition and merchandise materials to ensure that are consistent and in-line with the AIP-PRISMA Brand Identity  and Graphics Standard Manual.
Task/Work Description
AIP-PRISMA seeks the services of a local graphic design firm that can help develop the program’s various publications and promotional materials.
     Minimal three years of experience in branding, corporate identity services to different clients within a variety of sectors and industries.
     Demonstrate the ability to deliver products and services under deadline defined in the contract.
     Provide a ‘one-stop shop’ service and expertise in areas like branding, graphic design and publishing.
     Provide complete information on their team – list of names, areas of expertise, and years of professional experience, previous projects and accomplishments.
     Proficient in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Illustrator.
Interested vendor should submit proposal/ Company Profile/ CV to procurement.aipprisma@aip-prisma.or.id and CC to yessi.argiena@aip-prisma.or.id
 We will send you complete TOR - Deadline for quotation submission is 05:00 PM, 24 November 2014

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