Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy is a conservation organization working around the world to protect ecologically important lands and waters for nature and people.

Currently we are searching for qualified candidates to fill the following positions:


The Lead Scientist advises the Indonesia Leadership Team members (ILT) on broad and complex aspects of science based initiatives.  S/he develops and monitors the implementation of a strategic science vision for applied Conservation Science that is aligned with the Global Challenges Global Solutions Framework.  The Lead Scientist helps to establish The Nature Conservancy Indonesia Program as a leading conservation partner in Indonesia; helps to develop and shape conservation priorities, projects, and long-term conservation strategies; builds scientific and technical capacity in the field especially in economic valuation of natural resources and marine protected areas, valuing nature; develops partnerships with key institutions (e.g. with academic institutions abroad or in country) to strengthen TNC’s science-based approach, emphasizing on conservation economics, valuing nature, monetizing in economic terms the value of protected area.  S/he recommends growth, focusing on Green Growth and Blue Growth.  She also strengthens capacity to deliver and identifies and resolves technical issues.

The Lead Scientist works closely with project staffs to ensure work plans and projects are successful while developing and disseminating viability criteria and threat abatement tools and guidelines for critical systems and communities.  S/he conducts scientific surveys and research, records data, writes reports and develops proposals in order to administer and coordinate conservation programs within the Indonesia Program.  S/he ensures the quality of science work/research/innovation solution and publishes findings to add to the body of Conservation Science knowledge and support of TNC organizational goals.  S/he is responsible to refine and implement the Science Capacity Building Strategy document and helps formulate the key performance indicators (25%) on science delivery for all science staffs, upon consultation with the Program Directors.

The Lead Scientist liaises with other scientists within the Asia Pacific region and the Global Strategies with a strong emphasize on marine, fisheries and land, as well as the State Chapters.  S/he reports to the Indonesia Program Country Director and is based in Jakarta, Indonesia.

·         Strong knowledge of common software applications.
·         Ability to formulate and evaluate broad policies.
·         Ability to make independent decisions based on incomplete or ambiguous information and accepts associated risks.
·         Strong strategic thinker and advanced analytical ability.
·         Ability to develop work plans and project budgets.
·         Ability to network extensively in scientific communities and maintain strong relationships. 

Please send your CV & application letter to recruitment.indo@tnc.org, not later than July 7, 2015Please insert Lead Scientist - Indonesia Program in your email subject.

Kamis, 25 Juni 2015

Annika Linden Centre

Teknisi Fasilitas / Building Maintenance

Tentang Annika Linden Centre

Annika Linden Centre adalah  pusat unggulan bagi jaringan kerja non profit dan donatur.  Kami pemilik dan pengelola gedung Annika Linden Centre berlokasi di Tohpati, Denpasar, Bali, sebagai pusat kerja dan kegiatan sosial  yayasan nasional dan internasional di Bali.

Kami mengundang anda sebagai bagian tim professional untuk bekerja  dengan hati sosial dan mengembangkan diri anda. Peran anda akan sangat penting  bagi kami dalam memberikan pelayanan sepenuhnya. Kami memberikan lingkungan kerja yang dinamis serta ruang pengembangan personal dan professional.

Kami mengundang anda sebagai bagian tim untuk bekerja dan mengembangkan diri sebagai Engineer.

Tanggungjawab :

1.      Bertanggungjawab atas perbaikan dan perawatan fasilitas gedung (elektrikal, mekanikal, pemipaan dan sipil).
2.      Membuat perencanaan, implementasi dan mengevaluasi program perawatan fasilitas, termasuk  membuat jadwal dan manual perawatan preventif maupun korektif yang diperlukan.
3.      Memonitor dan menginspeksi fungsi, penggunaan, serta perawatan ruang parkir,taman dan keseluruhan fasilitas dan aset gedung termasuk peralatan kantor dan furniture agar berfungsi dengan baik sesuai dengan standar prosedur dan perencanaan.
4.      Bertanggungjawab atas manajemen fasilitas gedung termasuk program pengendalian energi dan biaya serta sistem keselamatan dan keamanan.
5.      Bertanggjawab atas operasional sistem mekanikal dan electrikal berikut instalasinya, termasuk tapi tidak terbatas pada mesin Genset, AC, CCTV, Router,peralatan penunjang pemipaan dan air seperti water pump, mesin oven dan gym serta peralatan penunjang lainnya.
6.      Monitoring  pekerjaan tim keamanan dan tukang kebun serta pihak ketiga yang terkait dengan fasilitas dan aset gedung termasuk didalamnya cleaning service, pest control dan kontraktor lainnya.
7.      Pada saat tertentu, memberikan bantuan kepada departemen lain maupun yayasan yang berkerjasama dengan perusahaan. 

  1. Warga Negara Indonesia, Pria maksimal 35thn.
  2. Pendidikan minimal D3 Teknik Listrik / Mesin atau STM Listrik / Mesin
  3. Memahami sistem kerja, Mekanikal, Elektrikal, Pemipaan (MEP) dan sipil serta mampu menganalisa serta menyelesaikan permasalahan yang timbul.
  4. Mampu membuat laporan dan perencanaan MEP dan Sipil
  5. Pengalaman minimal (3) tahun dalam perawatan fasilitas (gedung, AC, mesin-mesin dan listrik) baik di hotel, villa, gedung perkantoran, gedung pertokoan, dll.
  6. Terbiasa bekerja dengan tim kecil dan mempunyai kepemimpinan yang baik.
  7. Mampu bekerja secara mandiri dan juga sebagai sebuah tim.
  8. Bahasa Inggris minimal pasif, menguasai komputer.
  9. Diutamakan yang berdomisili di Bali.
Mohon mengirimkan CV dan surat lamaran anda ke : jobs@annikalindencentre.org





Kopernik is an exciting, fast-growing, cutting-edge organisation tackling technology distribution challenges. We emphasise a hybrid philanthropy-business model in achieving our mission - different from the traditional charity approach of giving away goods and services for free.
Our team works tirelessly to put the last mile first. Our culture shapes the way we work. We value action, we get things done, we are open and transparent in everything we do, and we always look for ways to innovate. We come to work with a smile, which is easy when a strict no jerks policy applies.


We are currently looking for a dynamic, hard-working and motivated Program Manager to lead two teams, working to engage new partners, manage internal and external relationships and mentor staff in project management and social enterprise management.
This is a 6 month maternity leave position.


  • At least 5 years work experience, with at least two years in a similar role supervising others;
  • Experience developing and implementing project management policies and procedures and social enterprise sales and marketing strategies;
  • Strong problem-solving and decision-making skills with the ability to work independently with professional maturity, think creatively and learn quickly;
  • Superior oral and written communication skills in English;
  • Clear understanding of community development and social entrepreneurship, experience working in the field throughout the Asia-Pacific an advantage;
  • Ability to work quickly and deliver projects to tight deadlines; 
  • Fully computer literate with experience in website content management an advantage;
  • Excellent attention to detail;
  • Budget management experience;
  • Positive attitude, hard-working, reliable, motivated, and passionate about social impact;
  • Ability to work in a multicultural environment;
  • High level interpersonal skills and the capacity to develop and maintain strong relationships at all levels and to engage a wide range of stakeholders;
  • Ability to perform to a high level under limited supervision;
  • Degree in relevant discipline;
  • Indonesian national.


  • Implement Kopernik’s Project Management procedures for crowdfunded projects and mentor team in project management principles;
  • Learn how to manage Kopernik’s website in terms of publishing project details and managing donations for crowdfunded projects;
  • Work to promote crowdfunded projects and gain donations, funding projects as quickly as possible;
  • Identify and manage new partnerships;
  • Respond to external partnership requests from potential local partner, tech producers and donors;
  • Build strong relationships with internal and external stakeholders to promote Kopernik’s mission and develop new crowdfunded projects;
  • Maintain current relationships, particularly with local partners, tech producers and donors;
  • Mentor team to increase sales in the Tech Kiosk Ubud store by maintaining current campaigns and introducing new marketing and sales strategies;
  • Assist team to respond and attend to outreach events to promote the Tech Kiosk Ubud;
  • Assist team to research and engage new tech producers, introducing new, innovative products to Kopernik for the technology catalogue and Tech Kiosk Ubud product offering.


Please submit your CV, cover letter and a one minute video explaining why you are perfect for this role via our online application form. http://www.kopernik.ngo/page/careers
Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.





Yayasan Kopernik adalah sebuah organisasi yang menyenangkan, bertumbuh dengan cepat, inovatif yang bekerja untuk mengatasi tantangan pendistribusian di Indonesia.   Kami berfokus pada  model  bisnis-filantropis untuk mencapai misi kami - berbeda dengan model donasi tradisional yang memberikan produk dan jasa secara cuma-cuma.
Tim kami bekerja tanpa kenal lelah untuk melayani masyarakat di daerah terpencil. Budaya kami terbentuk melalui cara kami bekerja. Kami menghargai aksi, melakukan hal sampai selesai, selalu terbuka dan transparan dalam setiap hal yang kami lakukan, kami selalu mencari cara untuk berinovasi. Kami juga mengharuskan untuk datang ke tempat kerja dengan senyum yang ramah.


Posisi ini akan bertugas di dalam program Ibu Inspirasi Indonesia Barat yang bertujuan untuk menyediakan teknologi tepat guna ramah lingkungan kepada masyarakat terpencil melalui jejaring Ibu Inspirasi. Ibu Inspirasi adalah wirausahawati lokal yang menjual teknologi tepat guna, seperti penyaring air, kompor biomassa, dan lampu tenaga surya, kepada masyarakat di sekitarnya, dan mendapatkan keuntungan dari penjualan tersebut.
Program Assistant akan bertugas mendampingi para Ibu Inspirasi dalam berbagai tahap pemberdayaannya, sehingga mereka mampu mengelola bisnis secara lebih efektif dan memperluas cakupan penjualan teknologi tepat guna yang mereka lakukan.


  • Dari berbagai jurusan.
  • Mampu berkomunikasi interpersonal dengan baik.
  • Setidaknya memiliki pengalaman 1 tahun kerja di bidang administrasi.
  • Memiliki motivasi tinggi untuk belajar dan berkembang.
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer.
  • Mampu bekerja sendiri maupun dalam tim.
  • Memiliki kemampuan dan motivasi tinggi untuk membantu perempuan untuk berwirausaha.
  • Mampu menyelesaikan pekerjaan dengan tuntutan/tekanan yang cukup kuat.
  • Mampu berorganisasi dengan baik.
  • Komitmen terhadap norma-norma Kopernik dan memberi pelayanan kepada masyarakat marginal.
  • Tidak keberatan untuk melakukan perjalanan/traveling.
  • Mampu mengendarai sepeda motor dan memiliki SIM.


  • Membantu staf Manajemen Kopernik (Program Manager, Senior Program Officer, Program Officer, dan Program Associate) dalam menjalankan dan memonitor program di Bojonegoro sesuai dengan kerangka kerja logis yang telah disusun.
  • Membantu Program Officer dan Program Associate membangun dan mengembangkan jejaring Ibu Inspirasi di Bojonegoro.
  • Membantu pelaksanaan Tech Fair untuk memperkenalkan berbagai teknologi tepat guna Kopernik kepada masyarakat Bojonegoro.
  • Membantu Program Officer dan Program Associate memfasilitasi kegiatan pelatihan kepada para Ibu Inspirasi.
  • Bertanggung jawab atas hal-hal administratif kantor seperti keuangan, petty cash, surat-menyurat, perizinan, logistik kantor, dan lain-lain.
  • Membantu Program Officer dan Program Associate mengumpulkan dan mencatat pembayaran hasil penjualan Ibu Inspirasi.
  • Menjaga hubungan baik dengan ExxonMobil, pemerintah setempat, mitra lokal, pemimpin masyarakat, anggota masyarakat, media, dan pemangku kepentingan lokal lainnya di Bojonegoro.
  • Membantu Program Officer dan Program Associate dalam pengembangan dan pengisian database, serta menyusun laporan kegiatan yang dijalankan untuk ditujukan kepada Kopernik maupun mitra lokal lainnya.
  • Mempersiapkan laporan mingguan dan mengirimkannya kepada Program Officer setiap minggu.
  • Tugas dan kewajiban lainnya sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang ada di lapangan.


Kirimkan CV terbaru Anda beserta surat lamaran kerja lewat formulir online. http://id.kopernik.ngo/page/karir

Whole School Development

Whole School Development
Papua Barat
World Education/Indonesia (WE/I) is an International Non-Profit Organization and one of implementing partner USAID project, Prioritizing Reform, Innovation and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (USAID PRIORITAS), seeking applicants from Indonesian nationals for one position Provincial Whole School Development Specialist for Papua Barat and will be based in Ransiki with frequent trips to Manokwari
The USAID project, Prioritizing Reform, Innovation and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (USAID PRIORITAS), will focus on capacity building and quality improvements for teacher training institutions (TTI) and for non-academic, pre-service teacher training providers. USAID PRIORITAS will build the capacity of MONE, MORA national, provincial and district offices together with pre- and in-service teacher training organizations to coordinate, plan and train.
USAID PRIORITAS will support teaching improvement at the primary, and junior secondary level, especially in the following subject areas: early grade reading (EGR), math and science. Student-centered and innovative instructional methodology and approaches will be promoted within the teacher training system and opportunities to see and practice good teaching methodology will be provided for both pre- and in-service teachers through a network of reference schools. In-service teacher training opportunities will also become more systematized through improved human resource planning and budgetary allocations at the local level.
To support these objectives, USAID PRIORITAS will also improve the management and governance of basic education at the school and district level. Building on this work, USAID PRIORITAS will strengthen coordination between the different levels of the education system, focusing on an improved role for the province.
The Provincial Whole School Development Specialist will work within the provincial team and with counterparts from the government at province level to develop the capacity of service providers, including teacher training institutes (TTI), LPMP, LP2KS (Principal In-Service Training Centre) and groups of school supervisors (pengawas) to implement an integrated school-based management approach linking school management, governance, finance, and community participation to teacher training and improvements in teaching, learning, and student performance.

Scope of Work
The Specialist will:
· Develop the capacity of service providers, including teacher training institutions and groups of school supervisors, to train of schools and communities in the use of the school-based management tools.
· Work with districts and other project staff to plan and support the implementation of the whole school development program (school management and teacher training) in partner schools and  to disseminate the program to non-partner schools.
· Ensure that school-based management is closely linked to teaching and learning and that school plans are focused on improving student learning outcomes.
· Work with district and provincial counterparts to help develop policy and practice to implement school-based management to improve student learning outcomes.
· Working with National Whole School Development Specialist on school level modules review and adaptation.
Level of Effort
Contract is made on an annual basis beginning in July 2015. The duration of the assignment is until approximately February 2017.
Organizational Arrangements
The Specialist will be a member of the provincial USAID PRIORITAS team and will work in a flexible way to support the achievement of objectives across the project, particularly those relating to school-based management. The Specialist will work within the governance and management team, under coordination of the Provincial Coordinator (PC) but will at the same time work closely with Teaching and Learning specialists to ensure an integrated approach to whole school development.
Reporting Requirements
The Specialist will report in the first instance to the PC. For technical matters, the Specialist may also report to the national Whole School Development Specialist. The Specialist will also meet routine reporting requirements as determined from time to time by the DCOP. This may include:
·  Activity or Training Completion Reports following project standards and guidelines.
·  Contributions to brief weekly or bi-weekly activity reports.
· Assisting in preparing quarterly internal reports and occasional project activity reports to stakeholders including provincial and district technical teams and steering committees.
 Qualification Requirements 
· At least five years of professional experience and demonstrated knowledge of theory and practice relating to management and governance.
· At least five years of experience in education development.
· A thorough knowledge of the education sector and familiarity with Indonesian education planning, policies, and protocols.
· Familiar with Papua education project implementation.
· Computer literacy (MicroSoft Office). Ability to use data analysis applications (including Access and SPSS) an advantage.
· Minimum S1 degree.
· Excellent communication and inter-personal skills. Ability to work well within a team and to work effectively with government and non-government education stakeholders in the field.
· Excellent writing skills in Bahasa Indonesia. Ability to read and write reports in English an advantage.
Application Instructions:
Interested applicants, please submit CV and Cover letter to World Education Indonesia HR/Office Manager, at recruitmentweindo@gmail.com, by July 5th 2015, at the latest.
Documents should be sent in either .doc or .pdf formats and titled with the applicant’s Surname, First Name, and either CV or Cover Letter separated by an underscore (Ex1:  Handayani_Rieni_CV; Ex2: Handayani_Rieni_CoverLetter). 

Indonesia untuk Kemanusiaan (IKa)

Indonesia untuk Kemanusiaan (IKa), adalah organisasi sumberdaya dan filantropi bagi keadilan sosial yang mendukung gerakan masyarakat sipil di Indonesia. Untuk mendukung kerja-kerja pemberdayaan masyarakat, maka saat ini kami sedang mencari kandidat untuk menempati posisi Pembukuan (accounting).
Uraian Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab
  1. Mengkompilasi dan mencatat  seluruh transaksi keuangan; lembaga, hibah dan dana  penggalangan publik ke dalam sistem  / software akunting lembaga.
  2. Memeriksa rekonsiliasi data keuangan untuk memastikan data terinput dengan benar (bank dan kas, uang muka, utang dan piutang)
  3. Melakukan rekonsiliasi bank dan menyusun jurnal koreksi baik dana hibah program maupun hasil penggalangan dana publik
  4. Menyusun dan mengeluarkan laporan keuangan sesuai PSAK 45 (bulanan, 3-6 bulanan dan tahunan) yang diperlukan lembaga untuk kepentingan manajemen, donor, publik serta audit (internal dan eksternal) berupa laporan posisi keuangan, laporan aktifitas dan laporan arus kas.
  5. Menyimpan dan mengarsipkan seluruh data transaksi sesuai dengan nomor voucher dan kode budget masing-masing program.
  6. Melaksanakan tugas lain yang sesuai dengan fungsi dan tanggungjawab keja yang diberikan atasan langsung.
  7. Mewakili Manajer Keuangan sesuai kapasitas dan  kebutuhan
  1. Lulus  MINIMAL D3 (jurusan akutansi) dengan pengalaman kerja minimal 1 tahun
  2. Memiliki kemampuan excel dan program Microsoft office lainnnya.
  3. Menguasai aplikasi computer akuntansi atau pernah menggunakan software akuntansi Sango, menjadi nilai tambah.
  4. Memiliki ketekunan dan kedisplinan untuk menyelesaikan tugas tepat waktu.
  5. Memiliki keinginan untuk belajar dan mengembangkan pengetahuannya sesuai kebutuhan organisasi.
  6. Memiliki kepedulian terhadap masalah-masalah sosial
  7. Memiliki kecakapan bahasa Inggris minimal pasif
  8. Dapat bekerja dalam tim (bersedia berpartisipasi dalam kegiatan-kegiatan lembaga/diluar tugas utama. 
Posisi  akan efektif berlaku per 3 Agustus  2015. Lamaran, CV termasuk referensi (minimal 2 orang) dan gaji yang diharapkan dapat dikirim sebelum  15 Juli  2015 kesarjo2978@gmail.com.  Hanya pelamar yang menenuhi kualifikasi yang akan dihubungi.


Job Announcement         : WaterCredit Officer

Deadline for Applications: July 10, 2015

About Water.org

Water.org is an international non-governmental organization working to increaseaccess to water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH). Water.org has been in operationsince 1990, implementing water and sanitation programs in conjunction withlocal partners such as financial institutions and water/sanitation serviceproviders. Water.org programs have reached over 3 million people in 12 countries.
Water.org has scaled its WaterCredit initiative over the last several years, whichworks by building the capacity of carefully selected local financial institutions tooffer affordable financing for water and sanitation facilities. WaterCreditprograms support financial institutions through combination of financialassistance and technical support. Since 2003, Water.org has implemented WaterCredit programs with 66 partner financial institutions, facilitating over 550,000 water and sanitation loans totaling over $120 million.
Water.org launched operations in Indonesia in early 2014 and seeks to buildrelationships with a broad range of financial institutions (microfinanceinstitutions, commercial banks, BPRs, cooperatives) and water/sanitation service providers. Water.org has identified Sharia MFIs or Lembaga KeuanganMikro Syariahs (LKMSs) as key providers of financing for low income households. While the average LKMS is small in size with just 3,000 to 5,000 clients, LKMSs are widespread across Indonesia. Over 3,200 LKMSs provide credit, savings and education to more than two million customers.
Water.org has partnered with Microfin Indonesia (Microfin), a Sharia Microfinance Development Center serving a network of 2,000 LKMS across 33 of the 34 provinces of Indonesia. Water.org identified Microfin as an ideal channel to reach the small LKMSs due to the following key strengths:
·      Existing network and familiarity with strongest potential partner LKMSs;
·      Broad geographic coverage of branches and staff;
·      Experience building capacity of LKMSs in various competencies including operations, market research, IT, and financial product development; and
·      Existing programs for channeling loan capital to LKMSs.
Working together, Water.org and Microfin will build the capacity of LKMSs to deliver water and sanitation financing to thousands of underserved Indonesian households, enabling investment in WASH facilities such as piped water connections, wells, water tanks, toilets, and septic tanks.

Position Description

Water.org seeks highly skilled and highly motivated WaterCredit Officer tosupport its growing portfolio of WASH microfinance programs in Indonesia, particularly the Microfin LKMS project. This full-time position will be based inJakarta with regular travel throughout Indonesia.
The WaterCredit Officer is responsible for monitoring and supporting Water.org partner financial institutions in the launch of water and sanitation financial products. This position acts as a subject matter resource to partners in topics such as program design and implementation, WaterCredit, microfinance, and/or WASH. This position is also responsible for assisting with identifying new partners, onboarding new partners, assisting partners with the design and startup of new programs, supporting the ongoing implementation of partner programs, trouble-shooting, and program monitoring. Additionally, this position may be responsible for assisting with the development and establishment of new programmatic and operational procedures, systems and guidelines. This position reports to the Country Director and works closely with Program Managers at the Water.org head office in the US.

Core Responsibilities

Program Design and Development – Support the design of Microfin WaterCredit program. Key tasks include, but are not limited to:
a.       Work with Microfin to determine appropriate program targets and deliverables.
b.      Assist Microfin in the design of their program work plan and budget ensuring they are allocating adequate resources and personnel for successful completion of deliverables.
c.       Assist Microfin to develop standard requirements for LKMSs to enter the WaterCredit program.
d.      Assist Microfin to develop standard training materials for building LKMS capacity.
e.      Assist Microfin in designing appropriate internal monitoring and evaluation protocols.
Program Management and Partner Capacity Building – Manage Microfin WaterCredit program in partnership with Indonesia and U.S.-based staff. Key tasks include, but are not limited to:
a.       Support Microfin to assess and approve LKMSs to participate in the program.
b.      Support Microfin to build the capacity of LKMSs to:
                              i.      deliver water and sanitation financing to households
                            ii.      deliver trainings about health and hygiene
                           iii.      collaborate with WASH suppliers such as toilet masons, CBOs and PDAMs.
c.       Develop training modules and deliver WaterCredit training of trainers to Microfin team members.
d.      Work closely with Microfin to ensure timely program implementation according to the budget and work plan.
e.      Provide support to Microfin and LKMSs by sharing best practices and assisting with problem-solving.
f.        Assist Microfin to identifying sources of loan capital for LKMSs loan WASH portfolios.
g.       Coordinate with local governments, NGOs, donors, community groups, and other stakeholders.
Program Monitoring and Data Management – Collect, verify and manage data to track program performance. Key tasks include, but are not limited to:
a.       Maintain regular communications with Microfin; track and report information related program implementation including partner activities, expenditures and loan portfolio.
b.      Ensure Microfin submission of high quality program reporting, and effective transfer of information to Water.org databases, U.S.-based colleagues, and donors.
c.       Verify data submitted by partners is accurate during program monitoring visits.
d.      Maintain regular contact with Water.org USA program managers to submit partner reports, inform about partner progress and report any issues impacting achievement of program deliverables.
Water.org Organizational Support – Participate in assisting with the development of new tools and processes, membership on cross-functional committees as requested, and/or participation at internal or external conferences or workshops. Key tasks include, but are not limited to:
a.       Participate in cross-functional committees and working groups to support the achievement of group goals.
b.      Assist in the development of new tools, processes and/or procedures.
c.       Serve as a knowledge base for Water.org and represent Water.org at events and in written publications to advance the organizational mission and vision.
New Business Development – Conduct outreach among financial institutions, non-governmental organizations, product manufacturers, utilities and other related organizations regarding the potential for adoption of WaterCredit. Participate in certification of new partner organizations for the implementation of WaterCredit programs. Key tasks include, but are not limited to:
a.       Landscape and assist with identification of additional stakeholders for potential collaboration.
b.      Participate in the certification of new partners.

Professional Qualifications

·         Bachelor’s Degree in related field
·         At least five years of relevant experience with microfinance institution, water and sanitation organization, engineering firm, international development organization, or related
·         Candidates must possess one or both of the following competencies:
o   Demonstrated understanding of and familiarity with development finance models and approaches, including (but not limited to) SME lending and/or microfinance, financial services, cooperative development, lending methodologies and sector trends
o   Demonstrated understanding of and familiarity with urban and rural water supply, sanitation and hygiene approaches and sector trends 
·         Demonstrated proficiency in partnership and capacity building 
·         Project management experience
·         Advanced computer skills including MS Office products and database software
·         Excellent verbal and written communications in Bahasa Indonesia and English
·         Proven track record proactively identifying challenges and developing innovative solutions
·         Demonstrated ability to deliver results working in a small team
·         Critical thinking, creativity, good judgment, initiative, attention to detail, and professionalism
·         Strong desire to contribute to increased access to water and sanitation
·         Willingness to travel up to 30% of time

Salary / Beneefits

This is a two year contract position with strong potential for extension and competitive compensation commensurate with experience.

Application Information 

Interested candidates may send copy of their CV and cover letter indicating theirinterest to:


Applications will be reviewed as they are received. Please do not attempt to contactWater.org about the status of your application.
Water.org is an equal opportunity employer. We do not discriminate on the basis ofage, ethnicity, gender, nationality, religious belief or sexual orientation.